
To my editor Rebekah Guzman and the wonderful team at Baker, I’m so fortunate to have landed with you. Thank you for partnering with me to bring these words to life.

To my wonderful agent, Bill Jensen, my deepest gratitude for you and your endless enthusiasm for new ideas. Thank you for partnering with me to bring this idea to life.

Liz Heaney, I still can’t believe my luck that I got to work with you. This book is inestimably better because of your great eye and sharp hatchet. It was a pleasure.

Catharine Eadens, I owe you big for reading the truly terrible early chapters.

Ed Cyzewski and Christie Purifoy, your first eyes were invaluable.

Seth Haines, I didn’t know an INFP could have such a keen eye for structure, which we both know is just what I needed. Thanks for helping me wrangle this book into shape.

Leigh Kramer, this book might be a chapter shorter were it not for your contagious enthusiasm for the Enneagram. I’m grateful for that, as well as for your fact-checking and your friendship, though maybe not in that order.

Erin Odom, you’re all the things a due date buddy should be. Thanks for being a sounding board, a cheerleader, and, sometimes, a commiserator.

Kim Vanslambrook, thanks for all the walking and talking, for teaching me there are many ways to read, and for being my MBTI guinea pig.

Myquillyn Smith, Tsh Oxenreider, Emily Freeman, and Emily Lex, thank you for your smarts and savvy and straight talk and kindness.

To the Grown-Ass Ladies: Lisa Patton, Laura Benedict, Joy Jordan-Lake, Marybeth Whalen, and Ariel Lawhon. I’m not sure how I would have pulled this off without you. How is it possible to get so much work done and have so much fun at the same time? You are the answer.

And Marybeth and Ariel, thanks for roping me in to your madcap adventures. I learn so much from you and have way too much fun doing it.

To Ginger, Katie, Melissa, and Brenna, thanks for keeping my plates spinning and doing it with style.

To Modern Mrs. Darcy readers everywhere, thank you for being the nicest readers on the internet, for your support and enthusiasm, for being the first readers of my fledgling ideas, the whole shebang. I’m so grateful for our community.

To What Should I Read Next listeners, it is so good to be among people who are reading. Thanks for listening, for inspiring me, and for ensuring I will die with a TBR list thousands of titles longer than I could ever finish.

To my parents, I’m so lucky to have you on my side, from when I was little right up till now. Thank you.

Finally, to Will, Jackson, Sarah, Lucy, and Silas. You are my favorites, forever and ever. On to the next.