Chapter Nine

Melina was surprised for she had expected that by the way she had been treating the Preston's they would be acting at the very least hostile towards her. However, in spite of all the insults, the stealing she did, and the trouble she caused she and Marietta were still being treated reasonably well. Amazingly, her parents had treated her as if her behavior was nothing usual. The fact that I am referring to them as my parents should indicate how much things are changing, Melina thought to herself with a sarcastic smirk.

She was sitting in the library (much to her own amazement) watching the snowfall outside. It was now January, and a blizzard was expected next week. The snow reminded Melina of Christmas and Melina thought back to the Christmas they had shared with the Prestons. In the other two homes, hell even in their own home, Melina and Marietta were grateful if they were even fed on Christmas day. Here not only had Ross and Liza let Melina and Marietta help pick out the tree and decorate it, but they had even had the two of them participate in their family traditions. They had made fudge, watched famous Christmas movies, and done Christmas shopping together or at least the girls had while Ross hung out at a coffee shop.

"You are part of our family now and that is what families do," was the explanation they gave Melina when she asked why they were doing all this.

If that was not enough, when Christmas day rolled around Melina and Marietta had gotten fabulous gifts from Ross, Liza, and even Aradia. Not only were they not used to such a thing, but also it boggled their minds that anyone would go all through that trouble for either of them. However, when they asked this of the Prestons the previous explanation had been used once again. Things had been so good that by now, Marietta was calling the Preston couple, "Mom" and "Dad."

Melina, however, was still unsure about how this would all play out. She had long since gotten used to the ideas that the world was not fair and people could be cruel. However, so far Ross and Liza had been no such thing even Aradia...

Melina's eyes narrowed as she thought about Aradia. She knew that ever since she came here she had not made life easy for her, but it was still surprising how much Aradia had been willing to take. In spite of the bullying, the stealing of her stuff like her homework and jewelry, and dating one of the guys that she was obviously into Aradia still put up with Melina.

Melina wanted to believe it was because she was following her parent's instructions: to treat her and her sister like members of the family. However, Melina got the feeling that it was much more than that. She thought back to all the times she had seen Aradia huddled together with Dax, and the others whispering as if they shared some sort of a dangerous secret. She also noticed how whenever she passed, people stared at Aradia as if she was some sort of celebrity. Melina thought it was strange how Aradia seemed to order everyone about like a commander of a private army and no one ever seemed to complain. No matter what it was, whenever Aradia told someone to do something the person obeyed her without a moment's hesitation. Stranger still, the expression on his or her faces would be that of someone who had been granted the highest honor. Originally, Melina had thought it was because Aradia ran a secret club and threw illegal raves every Friday and Saturday night. However, Melina was beginning to doubt that that was the reason.

It was common knowledge that Aradia did not own the place where the club was located. Her parents may have been very well off especially with Ross's new promotion. However, with three children in the house even they could not afford to buy a club. If Aradia did not allow drugs or alcohol to be sold at the club, and did not charge for the drinks or even the food then Melina was at a loss how Aradia could afford anything. Most curious of all, at every one of those parties by the end of the night the place was always filthy. However, whenever Aradia told Melina that she was ready to go home the place would be clean as a whistle. It was as if she was able to clean the place with super speed, Melina thought and then chuckled at the unlikeness of this.

However, after a few moments of chuckling Melina's face grew serious once more. Come think of it, she thought to herself, I have noticed that Aradia seems to be a bit faster than anyone else is. She seems a lot stronger too and I have noticed that Aradia seems to be capable of doing things that seem almost supernatural.

Melina now remembered a particular incident where she had almost walked in on Aradia in the kitchen. Instead of popping her drink in the microwave, Aradia just held out her hand over her mug. While Melina hid behind the corner, she had seen Aradia close her eyes, and hold her out hand. In a matter of seconds, a strange white light glow appeared from her palm. The white light only lasted a few minutes, but as it faded away the mug became steaming hot.

Melina knew it sounded impossible, but she still could not help but suspect that Aradia was not human. However, Melina argued with herself, if she was not human then what was she?


Roy was nervous because tonight was a full moon night and his family was already at the safe house. He had been intending to go as well, but had lost track of the time while practicing his guitar at school. By the time he reached had his house, it was already getting dark and he knew he had to restrain himself quickly. He had been lucky the last time when he had bit Aradia, and she had not been turned but the next time...he just was not willing to take that chance. However, as he was getting ready to slap on his manacles, the doorbell rang. At first, he ignored it but the bell continued to ring. Soon he caught a whiff of the scent of the person who was ringing the doorbell, and realized it was Melina. Sweating and swearing profusely, Roy sprang to his feet and ran to the door.

"Hi Melina," he said smiling.

Melina smiled in return but only before she asked, "Can we talk?"

Roy fidgeted nervously. "Um do you mind if we do this some other time?"

But Melina had already pushed past him. Roy's breathing became heavy as soon as he closed the door, and Melina turned around.

"Look Roy, I know this is going to sound crazy, but the thing is I have noticed something is going on and I get the feeling a lot of it has to do with Aradia."

Roy clutched his chest as his heartbeat began to speed up, but Melina chose to ignore it. "I know I have no right to ask, but since I live in the same house with her I figure I should know the truth. I also figure since you are her friend, you are bound to know what is going on."

"Melina, can we please talk about this some other time?" Roy said as he tried to prevent himself from doubling over.

"No," Melina snapped. "We cannot. I need to know the truth Roy."

She sighed, still ignoring the beads of sweat on Roy's head, and him clutching his chest in pain.

"I know you feel like you would be violating her trust, but for God's sake I need to know. I know you have hardly any reason to trust me, but the fact is I care about you Roy. You have every reason to confide in me. After all, we do have feelings for each other right?"

She turned to the table, still talking. "At least, I know I do. I have genuine feelings for you Roy and you..."

Melina trailed off when she noticed the manacles on the table.

"You have chains and things," She continued nervously. "Why do you have chains and things?"

Roy was about to give her a feeble, but quick excuse when all of a sudden he looked up through the skylight and froze in terror. Staring down at him and shining brightly was the full moon. As soon as one of its rays landed on Roy's hand, he began to go into horrible convulsions.

Trying one last time to warn her, Roy summoned all the self-control he had left to gasp, "Melina run! Now!"

He then fell onto the floor behind the couch, the will to hold back the animal inside of him finally broken.

Melina spun around the moment she heard Roy's warning, and his grunts and groans of pain. Against her better judgment, Melina slowly edged towards the couch.

"Roy, Roy, are you ok?" She kept asking.

Suddenly, she heard the grunts and groans stop. It was just as Melina began to relax when an enormous wolf sprang up from behind the couch standing on its hind legs, with murder and hunger reflecting in its eyes. At first, Melina stood stunned unable to move or think, but then she noticed the torn clothing around the wolf's body. It was the very same as Roy's!

"Roy," Melina shrieked, "Is that you?"

He roared in reply.

Melina then turned on her heel, and raced out the back door.