Aradia had barely any time to gasp before Holden transformed into his werewolf form, and Xan raced towards him. Standing on his hind legs and using his paws like fists, Holden dealt Xan a heavy blow. He staggered, but only for a little while. He even managed to turn it to his advantage. Spinning into somewhat of a handstand and using both of his legs, Xan kicked Holden right in the face! Straightening up in a mere second, Xan threw him another kick causing him to fall over the catwalk's railing!
Hearing Holden's cry, Aradia sighed with relief but through the black holes of the iron catwalk's floor, she saw Holden land on his hind legs as easily as a cat!
Amazingly, Xan chuckled as he turned to Aradia. "Sorry to disappoint you Rai but killing a hidden is never that easy!"
"But then again," he added as he stared down at Holden. "That's what makes it so much fun!"
Without another word, Xan leapt over the railing, and he too landed on his feet ready to face off with Holden. Slowly they circled each other like enemy predators, neither one of them saying a word.
Until finally Holden growled, "I am going to make you pay bloodsucker for stealing my wife!"
Xan laughed as he said, "Dude I didn't steal Brenna away from you! I earned her!"
Holden howled from the insult, and lunged towards Xan who easily dodged the blow with a smile on his face. However, he realized very late that it had been a ploy! Using almost the same tactic that Xan had first used Holden dropped almost to the floor, and used his right hind leg to kick Xan in his face, scratching him deeply! Xan cried out and staggered clutching his brand new facial wound. Almost immediately, Holden exploited the opportunity, and the wound he made. He straightened up, and socked Xan in the very same spot!
Xan almost collapsed completely from the pain, but realizing that Holden was going to exploit that as well Xan threw up his own arms to protect himself. For a while the two of them struggled, Xan lying on the floor with his hands trying to choke Holden who kneeled atop of him with his own hairy ones around Xan's throat. For a while, they were in a deadlock until Xan rocked onto his side and threw Holden over him. This, however, did not cause Holden to let go of him. His hands still clutched his throat as they both rolled to the left. Once they hit the wall, Xan used both his legs to kick Holden off him! Holden leapt back, but used his hind legs to help skid him to a stop. As Xan struggled to get to his feet Holden lunged once again, and grabbing hold of Xan's middle and managed to plunge them both right through the wall!
Now they were fighting in the boiler room ignoring the random jets of hot steam, and struggling against the railing of the stairs leading to the floor.
Xan tried hard to get Holden off him. He even went so far as to think of Brenna to motivate himself into getting more strength. As noble as that was, it did no good for Holden still hovered over him with his hands around his throat. He was now grinning like a real wolf standing over fresh kill!
"Man!" Holden gasped. "I always knew Brenna had a thing for weaker guys but I didn't expect you to be this weak!"
"Yeah well," Xan croaked out, "I didn't expect you to be that much of a dirty fighter! I guess we both got surprises today!"
Holden scowled, but only for a second.
When he grinned again is when he cried out, "If it makes you feel any better Xan, I am going to make sure that Brenna will never forget you. In fact, after I am done with her not only will she never forget you but she's going to wish she never met you!"
"Want to bet?" said a voice from behind him.
Holden raised his head to turn slightly towards the voice, only to jerk back clutching his shoulder and howling in pain. Xan quickly looked past Holden to see Brenna holding a shotgun.
"Xan, get down!" she shouted which he hastily obeyed.
Holden stood still looking shocked at Brenna who looked back at him. The expression on her face was similar to a victim of abuse who was finally fighting back! Holden tried to move forward, but another shot rang out followed by another and another!
It was as Holden staggered towards the railing of the stairs that he gasped aloud. "Silver? There are silver bullets in that gun! How in the hell could you possibly afford silver bullets?!"
Brenna chuckled. "What do you think I spent the money I got from the wedding ring on? Huh? My college education? Please!"
The world stood still as Holden leaned against the railing of the stairs, as if he was clutching on for dear life. Brenna cradled the gun on her shoulder looking right at Holden.
Despite the agonizing pain in his body, Holden forced a smile. "Why don't you put the gun down Brenna honey? You know you are not going to kill me! You do not have the guts! You're..."
He was cut off by another shot.
Brenna then muttered darkly. "You don't know anything about me!"
Holden was speechless.
Brenna, however, smiled as she said, "Consider this our final divorce proceedings 'honey'!"
Two more shots rang out before Holden fell over the railing and hit the floor with a loud thud!