The Final Step: Independence

You have a choice: Take care of yourself, or put the effort off until it’s too late. And it is right now, at this moment, not later, no matter what else is happening in your life, that you must make this decision.

Most people in this world choose to lose. They drag themselves through a second-rate life, overweight and under-energetic. They let time take its toll. Their waistline increases and their height decreases as they get older, and their backs hurt and hunch. Eventually their mobility becomes limited. And often they meet their maker well before they should.

Then there are the others, the minority, us, who decide to really, truly do something about our health. We exercise, and we watch what we eat—not obsessively, only just enough. We have an understanding of nutritional basics and work out twenty to thirty minutes a day, three times a week—less than one percent of our time—because that is all we will ever need. We meet life’s obstacles with physical, mental, and spiritual strength. We care about how we look, and we look good.

We thrive on the energy exercise gives us every day, how it washes away so many of the bad things in life—depression, anxiety, nervousness, tension, boredom, impatience.… It lets us think easily and clearly. We know how much worse our lives would be if we did not exercise, so we simply don’t let that happen.

Having an athletic body is one of the greatest secrets to a happier life. And now, finally, you can achieve that with little sacrifice to your time. Your new athleticism blends into the life you already have and lets you enjoy it all the more.

But there is no room for tourists here. If you want to lose weight and look great, you have to do more than one four-week program. You have to make these exercises and nutritional guidance part of your life. You must go all the way with this book, or you’ll end up going none of the way.

Ninety-nine percent of the truly fit women I know accomplish their fitness on their own. Others take classes, hire trainers, or find workout partners, because they want to be motivated or held accountable. Sure, it can be nice having a teacher or trainer offer reassurance, pat you on the back, or even scold you when you need it. But ultimately no one can hold you accountable but you.

You need to build full independence into your regimen to be successful over the long term. Only you know what you need and when you need it. Only you feel your muscles, lungs, bones, and ligaments. In the end, only you can get you into shape. And now that’s all you need—you—to work out effectively when you’re by yourself, whenever you want, wherever you want, for the rest of your life.

Women today are in charge of so many things—from the largest global corporations to military commands to households (and, no, that’s not in descending order of importance). But too many do not exercise control over their selves.

Just before the turn of the twentieth century, Susan B. Anthony declared, “The bicycle has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.” She sang the praises of an athletic device that gave women newfound freedom and self-reliance. Now, after the turn of the twenty-first century, we’re finally taking the next step. Now a woman needs nothing but herself to become leaner and stronger than ever before. This is real freedom. Real self-reliance. Final independence.

Independence in your fitness is the true theme to this book. It is the number one secret to lifelong good looks and health.

You’re there for everyone else, but you must first be there for yourself. No one in this world can instill true motivation in you except you. Ultimate fitness is not achieved by depending on a community. There’s only one thing you can depend on … one thing you are never without: You.

You are your own driving force.

You are your own gym.