Deciding to kick off a series from The She-Wolf of Kanta was a tough choice. I knew going in that it was going to take time and determination to make sure I did Mercy and the world justice. Once I found the story that needed to be told, I knew I needed to make this happen. It was a long journey to get here and I have a lot of people to thank.

Thank you to Lara, my fantastic editor, who was willing to take on the series on short notice when my previously lined up editor fell through. She made such a difference with this book and helped me to lean into the STEM themes that I shied away from initially. Sometimes it’s hard for me to merge my scientific background with my creative works because I’m so used to keeping those two facets separated in my daily life. Thank you for helping me overcome that hurdle and for bringing this book to life.

A big thank you to my sister, Kelley, who once again kept me motivated to keep fleshing out the world and the characters. She always reminds me that it’s okay to let my young adult work get a little spooky. She reminds me to lean into that if the story needs it.

Another big thanks to my parents who have always fully supported my author life. My Mom gave me some wonderful pointers on where she thought the thematic heart of this world lay and that helped me shape Mercy’s journey. My aunt Charmaine, my constant cheerleader, not only crows to her friends about how amazing She-Wolf is, but also encourages me to keep writing.

Thank you to Carla, who has stood beside me through thick and thin, for being a constant encouragement and cheerleader for all of my work. This series wouldn’t exist without her. I appreciate every time she is willing to be a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. She is such an incredible author and I’m lucky to have her as a friend.

To Candace for checking in on me, being a sanity check, and for helping me with countless pitfalls—many of which I wouldn’t know exist without her help. She is always there to help regardless of what question comes up in this indie author sea we are both sailing in. Her beautiful writing helped me work the courage up to flesh out Mercy and Andrei’s relationship in this book. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank her enough for her support.

One of the constant supporters on my journey has been my Ko-Fi supporter, Donna. She has somehow waited patiently for years for this book to come out and I hope it lives up to her expectations. When I think of my readers, I think of her first because she is so supportive of my work and is always there to give words of encouragement.

Like Mercy, I too fear disappointment, and I’m grateful to each of these people for building me up when the writing waters get rough and turbulent. Thank you for being there for me, for supporting me, and for believing in me!