Ruth sat up with a jerk, eyes wide open, mouth gummy with the taste of last night’s easily forgettable meal. She experienced a momentary confusion, due to sleep deprivation and the events of the past few days, before tuning in to her surroundings and why she was here.
She was in bed in some nameless motel near Oklahoma City’s Will Rogers airport. The luminous readout on the bedside radio clock told her it was 3:04 a.m. She couldn’t recall much about getting here or falling into bed the moment she’d eaten, only that Andy Vaslik and Dave Proust had waved goodnight, Vaslik to hit the hay and Dave to see about refuelling his helicopter for the flight to Altus in the morning.
Exhausted or not, sleep had not come easily. Her brain had kicked in within minutes of lying down, churning with thoughts of how they were going to find Malak and Chadwick and the lethal drones in such a vast landscape. So far she’d been unable to settle on a specific plan of action.
In an attempt to draw her mind away onto other things and to allow thoughts of mundane matters to deflect the problems that lay ahead, she had switched on the room’s television. But it had offered only a partial success. The news programmes had been full of the president’s visit to Altus Air Force base the following day, which had sent her spirits plummeting at the prospect of what might happen if they failed to stop Malak’s planned attack. Logic told her to stop watching, but she had been unable to turn off the repeated bulletins and live-action shots of the base and surrounding area, with elegantly manicured reporters holding huge microphones and logo plaques announcing their stations of origin, hopeful that something in there would trigger an idea, no matter how limited.
The main focus of their excitement appeared to be in the base itself, and a planned demonstration parachute jump by trainees from a C-17 Globemaster III cargo aircraft. There were other items mentioned, but the flickering screen and its attendant electronic buzz had soon dulled Ruth’s attention and she had zoned out, turning on the laptop instead and trawling for possible leads to the location Malak was planning on using.
The word Freedom had danced across her consciousness in all its permutations—concepts, place names, films, songs, snippets of writing, and speeches of the great and the good. But none had led to anything useful. She had finally fallen into a restless half sleep, her mind full of the mixed images and sounds of their confrontation with the men in the van and of skies filled with deadly drones like swarms of flies.
Now that she was back to some semblance of full alertness, she jumped out of bed and splashed her face with water, then drank from a bottle in the room’s refrigerator. She knew she was going to regret rising so ridiculously early later in the day, when tiredness would catch up with her, but she was being pushed forward by some tiny fragment of information, a miniscule sound bite perhaps, that had finally penetrated her brain and wouldn’t let go.
But what the hell was it?
The television was still on, but with the sound down low, showing a slew of commercials for auto sales, dietary supplements, and the benefits of home gym equipment being demonstrated by stick insects in make-up. She clicked through a few channels until she found a local news reporter running through the agenda for the coming event at the Altus base.
Within seconds, she had the answer that had been eluding her.
“The White House has confirmed that following an inspection and meeting with officers, staff, and their families at USAF Altus, the president will attend a parachute demonstration by approximately thirty trainees exiting a giant Globemaster Three cargo aircraft. He will then go to an area of land outside the base perimeter, which has been donated by local land owner and farmer Philip J. Duncan. This land is to be converted into a remembrance garden in honour of the fallen who passed through Altus over the years, having given their lives in the service of their country in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other theatres of conflict in the name of freedom. Groundwork on the field, which is yet to be formally named but is now widely expected to include the word freedom, will begin in the next few weeks, and …”
Freedom. Field.
Ruth felt a jolt of energy go through her and picked up her phone. First she called Vaslik and got him to turn on his television, then called Brasher and prayed he was awake.
He was. “What’ve you got?” he asked. His voice sounded dulled by lack of sleep but he was alert enough to know she wasn’t calling just to say hi.
“I know where the target area is,” she said. “It’s a parcel of land outside the base to be used as a remembrance site. I don’t know where—and I doubt the base office will tell me now with the president going there to show his support. But I think that’s where Malak might make his strike.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make some calls and get back to you. How did you hear about this?”
“It was in a local news bulletin. The land’s been donated by a local farmer to be used as a remembrance garden. It hasn’t been formally named yet but the clincher is in the name. There’s talk of the title incorporating the word freedom.”
Brasher swore softly. “That’s close enough. You were right all along, Ruth. Christ, I should have listened harder.”
“No need to beat yourself up. Until now it would have been guesswork, anyway, because if Malak had sensed too much interest he’d have simply changed his plans and we’d have lost him for good. Right now we need to get to combing within a few miles of this Freedom place. I’m guessing Malak and Chadwick will be somewhere away from the base itself, but that’s still quite a lot of ground to cover and we don’t want to risk alerting him.”
“I agree. Incidentally, my guy got an answer from Donny about geo-fencing. Malak knew all about it and had him disable the devices. It means they can fly anywhere he chooses.”
Malak had indeed thought of everything, Ruth reflected. Not that it made much difference now; it was possible that the area to be known as Freedom Field lay outside the geo-fenced perimeter anyway.
“There’s something else,” Brasher continued. “Word has just come in about two men seen acting suspiciously outside Fort Sill army base yesterday evening. They were in army combat uniforms, but the person who reported it in was the wife of a serving officer and said they didn’t move or look anything like serving personnel.”
“Fort Sill? I remember seeing that name.” Ruth had a momentary surge of alarm at the idea that Malak had changed his plans after Donny’s arrest and was going to launch an attack somewhere else instead.
“Right. It’s a combat training and field artillery school about fifty miles east of Altus. The men were approached by military police and pulled automatic weapons. They killed one MP and wounded another before they were taken down and arrested by a backup patrol.”
“Not Malak or Bilal?”
“No. They turned out to be two unknown Middle Eastern males with false IDs and very little English. But one was carrying a sandwich wrapping from Chicago O’Hare International with a display date from two days ago. Our initial assessment is that they were probably flown in as a distraction attack. If so, it means that whatever network Malak’s connected to is well organised.”
And the rest …. Ruth didn’t think she had to add to Brasher’s worries by pointing out that the men had somehow managed to fly in; get equipped very quickly with false papers, a vehicle, and automatic weapons; then find their way to Fort Sill without being spotted. That pointed to resources and training.
“So what happens now? Are we still going in?”
“Just about. After your talk with Donny and the attack on Woods County jail, I reported up the chain of command about Karina’s death and what we’d learned so far. Washington received only a partial call from her just before she died, but it was enough to get an internal investigation going into the circumstances leading up to her death and why she’d been going over my head.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. What are they going to do?”
“There were some calls from the most senior levels for a full-scale alert. I managed to resist that on the grounds that Malak would simply disappear along with the drones and whatever poison he’s planning on using. They and the Secret Service agreed, but as of now it’s no longer in my hands.”
“Do tell.”
“There will be two Globemasters overflying the base, not one. The first will drop the genuine demonstration team at eleven hundred hours. But we got the landing target moved slightly away from the base center on the grounds of security to the president. The drop will be close enough to be seen and draw attention away from the second plane, which will carry a team of our own Enhanced SWAT personnel. I hope we can get those men dropped right on the nail.”
“Assuming we can tell you where that nail is.”
“That’s correct. Anybody suspicious is going to find a fully armed body of men dropping on their heads, hopefully before they can get those drones in the air.”
“What about Chadwick? He’s an innocent in the middle of this. Will they know what he looks like?”
There was a brief hesitation, then Brasher said, “They’ve been briefed and issued with photos, yes. But this could be a messy intervention. I wish I could guarantee his safety, but I can’t. He’ll have to take his chances. I’ll get back to you for more information on the location of the target.”
Ruth said goodbye and cut the connection. She felt conflicted. Part of her wanted to isolate Malak as quietly as possible and deal with him without using outside forces. She could understand the FBI response, which was to protect the president’s safety and the safety of the Altus personnel and their families. However, the hard truth was that no matter how carefully an operation was planned and executed, there was always a risk of it ending messily, leading to innocent casualties along the way. She just hoped that Chadwick wasn’t one of them.
She got dressed and walked along to Vaslik’s room. The door was open and he was gingerly slipping on his jacket.
“How is it?” she asked, helping him with the sleeve.
“It’s a scratch.”
“Of course it is. And you’re such a brave boy.” She grinned briefly, then told him what Brasher had arranged with the SWAT team.
He winced. “I don’t like the idea of being too close to that. Identifying the crowd will be easy enough, but if they see us on our own in the target area from a thousand feet in the air, we could have ourselves a problem.”
“What else can we do? We can’t stay away and leave them to it. By the time they get on the ground it could be too late.”
He nodded. “In that case we’d better get to Malak and neutralise him first so we can wave a white flag.” He slipped his gun into his jacket and grinned. “You ready, Gonzo?”
“I’m ready. And if you call me that again, Slik, there will be blood.”