This book is very different and very valuable. Don’t be fooled by the title. It is not “about” the iPad—since I use a Nexus 7. This book is about reimagining, reinventing, and remaking your presentations even if you are using napkins and a pen in a coffee shop or drawing your ideas in dirt around a campfire. This is a must-have book even for people who simply want to kick butt and change the world.

Ray and Bob’s presentation model is called P-XL2—Presentation Excellence Squared. It focuses on combining creativity, psychology, strategy, and technology in ways that not only cater to left-brain intellect, but also stir up and ignite right-brain emotions and feelings. In short, it’s a model for transforming any presentation or speech into an enchanting experience.

Read this book and it will help you create an inferno of possibilities and opportunities that propel you ahead at warp speed. By applying the uber-imaginative ideas and techniques in it, you will not only enchant others into action, but find that giving Killer Presentations is immensely more satisfying, pleasurable, and worthwhile for you. The results you get will amaze and astound you.


Advisor to Motorola
and former chief evangelist of Apple