This story would not be in your hands, dear reader, if I hadn’t received invaluable help from a multitude of remarkable people.
First, my wonderful husband, Jerry, and our sons, Larson and Robert, who have endured my daydreaming and years of obsessive writing. Love you guys! Also, Robert and Sharon Barnett, my dear parents, who first encouraged my love for books. Donita K. Paul—dear friend and amazing author. May we always drag each other into marketing mischief. Tamela Hancock Murray, my ever-fun and patient agent, who agreed to present this series to publishers. And to Katharin Fiscaletti, who meticulously hand-copied the map in parchment and ink.
Bethany House editors-extraordinaire David Long, Sarah Long, and David Horton, who—intrepid adventurers all—welcomed BOOKS OF THE INFINITE into their realm. Thank you, everyone, for bringing Ela’s story to published life. I’m enjoying the whole process and still pinching myself.
Thanks and serious heartfelt applause to:
The Bethany House Marketing Team: Steve Oates, Noelle Buss, and Debra Larsen.
Bethany House Marketing Support Team: Chris Dykstra, Stacey Theesfield, and Brittany Higdon.
Bethany House staff, including Jolene Steffer, Carra Carr, Elisa Tally, Whitney Daberkow, and Donna Carpenter.
The Bethany House Design Team, and to Wes and Steve for their epic cover art!
Baker Publishing Group Sales Team: David Lewis, Scott Hurm, Bill Shady, Nathan Henrion, Max Eerdmans, Rod Jantzen, Rob Teigen, and the Noble Marketing Group.
Above all, dear reader, thank you for bringing this series to life in your imagination! Please feel free to visit me at my website: I’d love to hear from you!