
Dear Reader,

You are about to embark on a life-altering journey. Just by picking up this book, you’ve already taken the first step toward inviting more positive energy into your life.

When I first took on the adventure of writing this book, I naively thought that packing up some old belongings and moving some furniture around was all I had to do in order to apply the ancient Chinese principles of this practice called feng shui. I was wrong. Feng shui is about shifting the old mindsets that have previously blocked you. It’s about making positive changes in your life in order to be in more perfect flow, harmony, and balance. It’s about recognizing and respecting your place in the Universe.

Practicing feng shui decluttering will help you unearth your authentic self by removing the layers of “stuff” we tend to bury ourselves in. You can—and will—break free from the clutter that holds you back from reaching your true potential in life.