Abundance, 9–10, 64, 70, 219
American excess habit, 2–4
Ancestors, 16, 54, 72, 240
Arguments, 61, 230
decluttering, 82–86, 93–94
hoarding hotspot, 80–81
organization tips, 83–85
symbolism of, 79, 80, 83
Backpacks, 168–69
Baggage, excess, 222–23
Bagua, 25–29
defined, 25–26, 240
illustrated, 17
sections, 26, 27–29
using, 26–27, 29
See also specific bagua areas
Basements, 8
decluttering, 82–83, 89–91, 93–94
hoarding hotspot, 80–81
laundry areas, 91–93
living area, 59
organization tips, 87, 89–90
storage solutions, 87–89, 90–91
symbolism of, 79, 80, 86–87
Bathroom(s), 113–27
cleanliness, 115–17, 118, 121–22, 125–26
décor colors, 116, 117–19
energy (chi) flow, 120–23, 127
mirrors, 121–23
purging useless items, 114–15
as spa oasis, 126–27
storage solutions, 118–19, 122
stress junkie signs in, 124–26
symbolism of, 114–17
walls, 121–22
Bedroom(s), 95–112
balancing yin-yang, 111–12
bed placement, 99–101, 110–11
colors, 97, 104–5
decluttering, 97, 101–3
décor, 97, 103, 107–8, 109–10
electrical current, 97, 100,
102, 103, 105–6, 109
lighting, 105–6
mirrors, 98–99
placement of, 96–98
romantic ambiance, 106–12
safety, privacy, 97–98
small spaces, 96
welcoming feeling, 108–9
See also Kids’ rooms
Black Hat Sect, 19, 34, 240
Books, 132–33, 190–91
Briefcases, 168–69, 187
Broken items, 3, 157
Buddhism, 19, 240
clearing space, 33, 230
cure examples, 74, 107, 111, 112
effects of, 22, 25, 35, 49, 160, 217, 226
Car clutter, 175–79
Career area, 27, 159, 191–92, 198, 225, 240.
See also
Home office; Workplace
arteries, 44–47
blockages. See Clutter
defined, 42, 240
entering house, 39–42
flow of, 31–33, 37–39
recycling, 47–48
unblocking, 48–50
See also specific room names
Children. See Kids’ rooms
Children/creativity area, 27, 160, 240
Cleansing items, 228–30
Clearing space, 33–36, 214–16, 227–31, 246
Closets, 43–44
American habit, 2–4
blocking progress, 5–6, 38, 123
broken items, 3, 157
evaluating, 29–30
fear, hoarding and, 6–7
habit, signs, xiv, 4–5
Clutter (cont’d)
“just in case” items, 2
psychological basis. See Mental clutter
recycling, 47–48
true meaning, 5–10
types of, 12–13
Clutter-a-holics, 7, 10–11, 50, 62
Clutter elimination
checklist, 261–63
defined, xiii-xiv
litmus test, 7
prime areas, 39
process, 10–11, 13
relapses, 345–46
unblocking Chi, 48–50
See also specific room names
Collectibles, 62
Color cures, 35. See also
specific room names
Compass School, 18–19, 240
Computers, 12, 103, 109, 156, 182, 201, 205–6
Creative cycle, 21
Crystals, 32, 44–45, 56, 224, 227
Cures, 35–36, 223–27, 240–41. See also specific cures
Decluttering. See specific room names’, Clutter elimination
Destructive cycle, 21, 242
Diaper bags, 170
Diet, 75–77
Dining rooms, 61–64
Display items, 54, 55, 58, 62–64
Dust, dirt, 11, 33, 49, 59, 69, 108, 122, 125–26
Earth element, 20, 21, 22–23, 70, 121, 122, 160, 242
Eating, 75–77
Electronic clutter, 12
Elements, 21–25, 70, 126, 243. See also specific elements
Emotional clutter, 61, 150, 151, 221. See also Mental clutter
Emotional hoarding, 6, 7, 9
audit, good vibrations, 32–33
flow of, 31–33, 37–39
See also specific room names; Chi
Energy map. See Bagua
Entrance, 39–42
Fame area, 28, 160, 191, 208, 242
Family area, 28, 242
Fear, 6–7, 211–14
Feng shui
defined, xiii, 15, 16–18, 242 243 goals, 16–17
Fire element
balancing, 70, 71, 117
qualities, 21, 22–23, 160, 244
using, examples, 156, 210
Five elements, 21–25, 70, 126, 243. See also specific
Five senses, 116, 243
Food, 73–74, 75–77
Form School, 18, 243
Fountains, 24, 25, 36, 41, 192, 225
Front door. See Entrance
Garage clutter, 8, 157–58
broken items, 157
recycling, 47–48
sweeping garage and, 156–57
Garage sales, xiv, 45, 81, 157–62
Gardens, 151–54. See also Outdoors
Glossary, 239–48
Greenhouses, 154–55
Hallways, 44–45
Health area (corner), 28, 70, 192, 243
Helpful people area
(corner), 26, 27, 63, 159,
192, 199, 232, 243
fear and, 6–7, 211–14
hotspots, 80–81
letting go of, 82–83
See also Clutter
Home evaluation, 29–33
Home office, 181–93
avoiding piles, 188–90, 192–93
bagua areas, 191–92
clutter audit, 183–86
clutter zones, 186–87
colors, 192
desk position, 191
energy (chi) flow, 182–83
Home office (cont’d)
file or pitch policy, 190
poison arrows, 190–91
reflecting feng shui, 190–91
reorganizing systems, 185–86
House blessing, 229, 244
I, J
I Ching, 26, 244
Insomnia, 96–97
Intention, 34–35, 244
Jigsaw puzzles, 135
Kids’ rooms, 129–46
book clutter, 132–33
cleanup, 140–43, 144–46
clothes, 133
kids decluttering, 130–31, 141–43
kid space outside of, 31, 137–38
mirrors, 134
as self-expression, 130–31
setting example for, 143–44
space use, 138–40
storage solutions, 133–37
Kitchens, 65–77
cleaning solutions, 70
clutter zones, 68–70
decluttering checklist, 72
eating, 75–77
“feng-tional”, 66–67, 71
health, balance in, 66
meal preparation, 73–74
optimizing chi, 72–74
storage solutions, 70–71
Knowledge area (corner), 27, 28, 140, 159, 191, 201, 244
Laundry areas, 91–93
Letting go, 82–83
Life cures, 35
Light cures, 35
Lin Yun, Thomas, 19
Living rooms, 52–61
clutter hotspots, 56–57
entertaining in, 59–61
first impressions, 52
manifesting in, 54–56
organization tips, 52–54
space constraints, 58–59
storage solutions, 57–58
Luo pan, 19, 244
Manifesting, 54–56
Mantras, 34–35
Marriage area, 160, 244. See
also Relationship area
Mechanical/electrical cures, 36
Meditation, 215
for clearing space, 34, 228, 231
element related to, 24
before food prep, 73–74
releasing stress/clutter, 149, 211, 215, 216, 226
sample area for, 232
Zen, 19, 214, 216
Mental clutter, 12, 209–20
changing habits and, 219–20
clearing inner space, 214–16
empathy causing, 216–18
excess baggage and, 222–23
fear as, 6–7, 211–14
hoarding and, 6–7, 80–83, 211–14
noise control and, 218–19
removal techniques, 214–16
thought overload as, 210–11
Metal element, 21, 22–23,
57, 70, 71, 100, 160, 245
benefits, 29
in clearing space, 219, 229
of décor, 104, 117–19
health, balance and, 66
in kitchen/eating, 71, 75
practicing, 36, 47, 58, 62, 148, 236
at work, 199, 200, 208
bathroom, 121–23
bedroom, 98–99, 134
cure examples, 160, 191, 192, 208
effects of, 44–45, 107, 224
“mouth” of chi, 42, 65, 245
Movement cures, 36
Mudra, 34, 35, 245
Office. See Home office;
Outdoors, 147–62
clutter causes, 148–49
feng shui gardens, 151–54
garage sales. See Garage sales
greenhouses, 154–55
Outdoors (cont’d)
healing land, 150–51
spring cleanup, 148
storage solutions, 154–56
Overeating, 7, 76–77
Pairs, 28, 55, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 226
attachment to, 6, 8, 60, 148–49, 167, 182
holding future back, 6, 60, 86, 93, 182, 200, 223
letting go of, 82–83, 86, 93, 114, 211–12
Photographs, 47, 54, 56, 57, 59
ancestors, 72
letting go of, 82
storing, 84
in wallet, 164
at work, 196, 200
cure examples, 41, 42, 46, 70, 192, 207
negative effects, 103, 108
positive effects, 23, 24, 35, 39, 49–50, 225–26
Poison arrows, 123, 156, 190–91, 245
Positive attitude, 23, 26, 219
Productive cycle, 47, 245–46.
See also Creative cycle
Progress, delaying, 5–6, 38, 123. See also Past
Prosperity, 9–10, 219. See also Wealth
Purses, 165–67
Relapses, 345–46
Relationship area, 28, 55, 108, 110, 111, 112, 226
Resources, 249–60
Sacred spaces, 231–35
Schools, 18–19
Sensory connection, 24–25
Smudge stick, 33, 229, 246
Sound cures, 35
Space clearing, 33–36, 214–16, 227–31, 246
Spiritual displays. See
Symbolic figures (statues)
Staircases, 45–47
Stillness cures, 36
Stomach clutter, 76–77
Storage solutions. See
specific room names
Straight lines, 36
Symbolic figures (statues), 36, 56, 63–64, 159, 192, 225, 232
Taoism, 19, 247
Time clutter, 12
Toys. See Kids’ rooms
car clutter, 175–79
organizing bags, 174–75
packing tips/checklist, 171–74
planning ahead, 173–74
saving space, 172–73
suitcase-living, 170–75
Visualization, 35, 54, 215, 216
Wallets, 164–65
Water element
balancing, 70, 71, 77
in bathroom, 117, 120, 121
qualities, 15, 21, 24, 159, 247
symbols, 159
See also Fountains
bathroom representing, 114, 121, 126
center, 66, 70, 72
emphasizing, 224
symbolic figures, 225
Wealth areas (corners), 28,
54, 153, 158, 191, 198, 247
Welcome feeling, 30–31
Wind chimes, 35, 36, 41, 42,
49, 191, 225, 226
Wood element, 21, 24, 57,
70, 71, 248
Workplace, 195–208
avoiding piles, 203–5
changing habits, 206–8
clutter hotspots, 199–201
computer clutter, 205–6
desk clutter, 196–97
energy (chi) flow, 199, 202, 203, 207–8
office survival plan, 198
success, 197–99, 202, 206–8
See also Home office
Yard, 41
balancing, 19–21, 22, 29
defined, 20, 248
of eating, 75
Zen, 19, 214, 216, 248