There you go! By now you are really familiar with the vegetarian recipes that you can try for all meals and different occasions. Whether it is just an ordinary day or a special event, don’t forget to adhere to these healthy recipes that will surely help you lose weight and stay fit.
Substitute creams with Greek yogurt
Creams are really good especially for desserts. However, creams have higher caloric content than yogurt. The best way to eat vegetarian and lose weight is to trade the heavy creams to the same amount of yogurt.
Experiment with ingredients
The recipes that are presented in this book are for vegetarians in general. This diet comes in many forms, so you might want to personalize according to your diet. If you are on a nut-free diet, substitute nuts with something else like sesame or sunflower seeds. If on a gluten-free diet, avoid gluten containing products and use gluten free flour, oats, etc. Flaxseed combined with water is also a good substitute for eggs.
Use meat substitutes
Instead of using real meat, try tofu, which is really rich in protein. Soaked nuts can be exchanged for ground beef/pork in case you want to make taco salad.
Get too obsessed with calories
Well, it is a relief to know that what you are eating is low in calories. But you should not over count. Simply know which food or ingredients could mess up with your weight and avoid such in most occasions. You can still have these foods, but not on a daily basis.
Break the rules
If you will be adopting the vegetarian diet, adhere to it wholeheartedly and reap the best benefits later on. The benefits will not come out the first day, so be patient.
Eat meat
This is a big NO for those who want to adopt the vegetarian lifestyle. Though it seems sad to say farewell to your steak, roast pork, and fried chicken, there is a better life ahead if you are brave enough to become a vegetarian.