B: Index to Weeds by Question number


Acer platanoides, Norway maple, 6

Aegopodium podagraria, Snow-on-the-mountain, 3

Aethusa cynapium, Fool’s parsley, 8

Alliaria petiolata, Garlic mustard, 9A & 9C & 4

Allium vineale, Wild garlic, 9C & 1

Amaranthus albus, Tumble Pigweed, 2

Amaranthus retroflexus, Redroot pigweed, 2

Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Common ragweed, 7 & 5 & 9B

Arctium minus, Common burdock, 9D & 9B & 2

Artemisia vulgaris, Mugwort, 2

Atropa bella-donna, Deadly nightshade, 8

Avena fatua, Wild oats, 2

Bidens frondosa, Devils beggarticks, 9B & 9D & 2,

Bramble vines, 9A & 9D & 2 & 3

Cardamine hirsuta, Hairy bittercress, 9B & 2

Celastrus orbiculatus, Oriental bittersweet, 9A & 3

Centaurea maculosa, Spotted knapweed, 2

Chamaesyce maculata and prostrata,
respectively Spotted and Prostrate spurge, 8 & 6

Cichorium intybus, Chicory, 9B

Cicuta maculata, Spotted waterhemlock, 8

Cirsium arvense, Canada thistle, 4, 9D, as generic Thistle

Cirsium vulgare, Bull thistle, 9D, as generic Thistle

Clovers, 1 as a generic

Commelina communis, Asiatic dayflower, 3

Conium maculatum, Poison hemlock, 9C & 8

Conyza Canadensis, Horseweed, 9B & 9A

Cyperus esculentus, Yellow nutsedge, 6

Datura stramonium, Jimson weed, 8

Daucus carrota, Queen Anne’s lace, or Wild carrot, 2 & 8

Digitaria, Crabgrass, 9B & 1. While many subspecies exist, I used only its more generic genus name.

Eclipta prostrata, Eclipta, 6

Erechites hieracifolia, Fireweed, 2

Erodium cicutarium, Redstem filaree, 9B & 2

Eupatorium rugosum, White snakeroot, 8

Fallopia japonica, Japanese knotweed, 9B & 1

Glechoma hederaceae, Ground ivy, 1

Hedera helix, English ivy, 2

Heracleum mantegazzianum, Giant hogweed, 8

Hyoscyamus niger, Black henbane, 9C & 8

Lamium purpureum, Purple deadnettle, 1

Linaria vulgaris, Common toadflax, 4

Lonicera morrowii, Morrow’s honeysuckle, 9B & 3

Lotus corniculatus, Birdsfoot trefoil, 6

Lythrum salicaria, Purple loosestrife, 4

Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Virginia creeper, 3

Phragmites australis, Common reed, 4

Phytolacca americana, Common pokeweed, 5

Polygonum pensylvanicum, Pennsylvania smartweed, 3

Prunella vulgaris, Heal-all, 9A & 7 & 1

Pueraria lobata, Kudzu, 9B & 2

Portulaca oleracea, Common purslane, 2

Raphanus raphanistrum, Wild radish, 7

Rosa multiflora, Multiflora roses, 9A & 7 & 2

Rubus argutus, Blackberry bramble, 2
as generic Brambles, 9A & 9D & 2 & 3

Rumex acetosella, Red sorrel, 7 and 5

Saponaria officinalis, Bouncing bet, 9B

Sedum acre, Mossy stonecrop, 5

Senecio vulgaris, Common groundsel, 8 & 2

Smilax rotundifolia, Roundleaf greenbriars, 9D & 9B & 3

Solanum carolinense, Horsenettle, 8

Solanum dulcamara, Bittersweet nightshade, 9C & 8

Solanum ptycanthum or nigrum, Eastern black nightshade, 8 & 2

Sonchus arvensis, Perennial sowthistle, 2, as generic Thistle, 9D

Stellaria media, Common chickweed, 2 & 1

Sisymbrium altissimum, Hedge mustard, 2

Taraxacum officinale, Dandelions, 7 & 2 & 1

Thistles 9D & 2 & 4

Toxicodendron radicans, Poison ivy, 8 & 3

Tragopogon pratensis, Meadow salsify, 2

Verbascum Thapsus, Common mullein, 9 & 7