p. 91

4. cognition, p. 74

5. cognitive style, p. 75

6. discovery learning, p. 78

1. advance organizers, p. 79

2. affective variables, p. 68

3. aptitude-treatment interaction,

7. feedback vs. reinforcement, p. 82

8. intelligence, p. 74

9. meaningful learning, p. 77

10. overt vs. covert responses, p. 80

11. self-concept, p. 69

12. subsumption, p. 79

13. transfer, p. 85


1. How did you feel when you first started learning a second language? How did your friends feel? Did any of you have problems with shattered self-concepts?

2. What are the basic student personality characteristics? Which are most important in second-language learning?

3. What motivates students? Which are internal and which are external motivators?

4. What are the various components of the affective-social and cognitive domains?

5. Discuss the individual differences in the affective-social and cognitive domains. Include any others discussed in other classes.

6. Summarize in three or four sentences the general trend of research relating to learning in each of the following: meaningful learning; practice; feedback and reinforcement; acquisition, retention, and recall; and transfer.

7. Is it better to start second-language learning with the written word or with the spoken language?

8. What is the objective of aptitude-treatment interaction? What are some of the findings to date?

9. What additions would you add to the list of suggested emphases in future research?


1. Survey some of the journal articles listed in the Selected References section of this chapter to determine what new research information has been uncovered since the publication of this text.

2. Identify and examine some prepared materials for determining and assessing individual cognitive, affective, and social differences. Discuss how each might be used as a basis for developing teaching-learning strategies.

3. List existing problems in second-language teaching and learning that need to be researched.


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