1. competence vs. performance, p. 140

2. comprehension activities vs. exercises vs. application activities, pp. 150-55

3. deep structure vs. surface structure, p. 140

4. exercise vs. drill, p. 151

5. generative vs. transformational rules, p. 140

6. inner speech, p. 141-42

7. language universal, p. 141

8. productive vs. receptive language skills, p. 146

9. "real" language, p. 147

10. rote vs. meaningful learning,p.134


1. From your perspective, were the criticisms of the audio-lingual approach valid or invalid? If you were a student in an audio-lingual class, what did you like about the class? What did you dislike?

2. Summarize the basic concepts of cognitive psychology and T-G linguistics.

3. Summarize the relationship and similarity of concepts held by cognitive psychologists and generative linguists.

4. Outline the guiding principles you will follow and the kinds of activities you will employ in a class if you teach cognitively.

5. Discuss the implications of the concept of meaningful learning. In what ways would the classes you have had be affected? In what ways would there be no changes?

6. Explain the differences between cognitive exercises and audio-lingual drills.

7. Delineate the teacher's responsibility and the text's function in presenting meaningful learning tasks. What is the student's role?

8. For what types of students and what types of teachers do you feel a cognitive approach is best suited?


1. Prepare a presentation of a grammar point that would be meaningful to the average student at the level you expect to teach.

2. Choose examples of additional cognitive exercises and bring them to class. You can make up some of your own.

3. Check for additional research studies on cognitive teaching/and or learning.

4. Generate some application activities in which the student gains practice converting thought to language or language to thought.


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