1. adolescence, p. 174
2. anomie, p. 171
3. counterculture, p. 169
4. "democratic" vs. "authoritarian" vs. "permissive," p. 170
5. generation gap, p. 173
6. "person" education, p. 192
7. phenomenology, p. 176
8. psychomotor, p. 182
9. self-actualization, p. 188
10. values clarification, p. 192
1. Describe examples of instances in which affective variables influencea academic achievement. In what ways? How have affective variables influenced your own learning?
2. Discuss the dichotomy of "teaching a subject " or "teaching students What effect would each have on classroom activities? On teacher-student relationships? How does a teacher-centered class relate to these two?
3. What is your reaction to the statement, There are no failing students, only failing teachers ? Upon what basis is this statement made?
4. Discuss the relationship between socialization and cognitive and personality variables. What effect does socialization have on each?
5. Is there a generation gap in your family? To what extent? How does it influence the relationship between you and your parents? Between you and the other members of your family?
6. What are some general characteristics of adolescence? What effect do these characteristics have on students and their relations with others?
7. Discuss why the affective domain is receiving so much stress in contemporary society, and give your opinion as to the appropriateness of such an emphasis.
8. How do self-concept, self-actualization, socialization, and values relate to each other and to the basic needs of every student in the classroom?
1. Invite a school psychologist or a school counselor to talk to your class about current student worries and problems as a teenager and as a student.
2. Read and discuss the latest polls regarding student and public attitudes toward the schools.
3. List and compare your ten major problems with those lists of the other students in class.
4. Visit a student-centered, a subject-centered, and a teacher-centered class. Which do you prefer? What are the distinguishing characteristics of each?
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