1. accountability, p. 208
2. aptitude, p. 211
3. behavioral objectives, p. 202
4. continuous progress learning, p. 203
5. criterion-referenced tests, pp. 203, 220
6. formative vs. summative tests, pp. 226, 227
7. mastery learning, p. 203
8. norm-referenced test, p. 220
9. performance-based teaching, p. 213
10. student-centered vs. teacher centered, p. 208
11. unit feedback/correction procedures, p. 226
1. Compare and contrast individualized instruction with a totally individualized program.
2. Outline the reasons for the lack of totally individualized programs at the present time. Discuss the likelihood of achieving totally individualized programs.
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of individualized instruction?
4. Discuss the type of classroom organization that you and your classmates prefer.
5. What is a LAP, and why are LAPs so commonly used in individualized instruction?
6. What theoretical criticisms are being leveled at the basic assumptions of individualized instruction?
7. What is student-centered learning? To what extent can, or should, learning be student-centered?
8. Would you or would you not use stated behavioral objectives? Why? Summarize the pros and cons of their use.
9. Discuss the implications of the concept of systematization with regard to second-language learning.
10. What would you do if you were planning to individualize?
11. Compare and contrast the "three-stage" model and the "group-based"
model of instruction. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? How is each different from and similar to individualized instruction? Which would you prefer and why?
12. Outline what your past teachers have done to diversify instruction and to deal with individual differences in the classroom.
1. Complete Wood's chart for totally individualizing material based on your preferences for learning.
2. Examine some LAPs and point out their similarities and differences.
3. Prepare your own LAP over some segment of an elementary text.
4. Survey the latest journals for the most recent insights into individualizing instruction.
Altman, H. B. (1971) Some Practical Aspects of Individualized Foreign Language Instruction. Paper presented at the Seventh Southern Conference on Language Teaching, Atlanta, Georgia, October 21-23.
Altman, H. B. (1974) Individualized Destruction? Process Doesn't Have To Be That! Accent on ACTFL, 4:12-14.
Altman, H. B. (1975) Demythologizing Individualization: Some Common Assumptions About Implementing an Individualized Language Program. Canadian Modern Language Review, 31:234-39.
Altman, H. B., and Politzer, R. L. (Eds.) (1971) Individualizing Foreign Language Instruction: Proceedings of the Stanford Conference. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.
Aschermann, J. R. (1974) Learning Activity Packages Don't Work for Everyone. American Biology Teacher, 36:241.
Baker, P. J.; Bakshis, R.; and Tolone, W. (1974) Diversifying Learning Opportunities: A Response to the Problems of Mass Education. Research in Higher Education, 2:251-63.
Berwald, J.-P. (1974) Supervising Student Teachers in Individualized Foreign Language Classes. Modern Language Journal, 58:91-95.
Block, J. H. (1971) Mastery Learning: Theory and Practice. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Block, j. H. (1973) Teachers, Teaching, and Mastery Learning. Today's Education, 63:30-36.
Bloom, B. S. (1968) Learning for Mastery. Evaluation Comment, Los Angeles: University of California, Center for the Study of Evaluation.
Boutwell, R. C., and Barton, C. E. (1974) Toward an Adaptive Learner-Controlled Model of Instruction: A Place for New Cognitive Aptitudes. Educational Technology, 14:13.
Carroll, J. B. (1963) A Model of School Learning. Teacher's College Record, 64:723-33.
Chastain, K. (1971) The Development of Modern Language Skills: Theory to Practice. Philadelphia: The Center for Curriculum Development. Pp. 245-48.
Cohen, E. G. (1972) Sociology of the Classroom: Setting the Conditions for Teacher-Student Interaction. Review of Educational Research, 42:441-52.
Coppedge, F. L. (1974) Characteristics of Individualized Instruction. Clearing House, 48:272-77.
Day,). F. (1974) Behavioral Technology: A Negative Stand. Intellect, 102:305-6.
Disick, R. J. (1973) Guest Editorial: Indi-
vidualized Instruction: Promise Versus Reality. Modern Language Journal, 57:248-50.
Disick, R. j. (1975) Individualizing Language Instruction. New York: Harcourt Brace jovanovich.
Duane, j. E. (1974) Let's Not Forget the Human Aspects When Individualizing Instruction. Educational Technology, 14:32.
Duchastel, P. C., and Merrill, P. F. (1973) The Effects of Behavioral Objectives on Learning: A Review of Empirical Studies. Review of Educational Research, 43:54.
Esler, W. K., and Dziuban, C. D. (1974) Criterion Referenced Test: Some Advantages and Disadvantages for Science Education. Science Education, 58:171-73.
Feldhusen, J. F., et al. (1974) Designing Instruction to Achieve Higher Level Goals and Objectives. Educational Technology, 14:21-23.
Frymier, J. R., and Galloway, C. M. (1974) Individualized Learning in a School for Tomorrow. Theory into Practice, 13: 65-70.
Gagne, R. M. (1965) The Conditions of Learning. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Pp. 31-61.
Gorman, R. M. (1972) Discovering Piaget: A Guide for Teachers. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill. Pp. 109-10.
Gougher, R. (1975) Individualizing Basic German Texts. Detroit, Mich.: Advancement Press of America.
Gougher, R., and Smith, P. (1975) Individualizing Basic Spanish Texts. Detroit, Mich.: Advancement Press of America.
Gougher, R., and Wolfe, D. (1975) Individualizing Basic French Texts. Detroit, Mich.: Advancement Press of America.
Griffin, R. j. (1974) Individualized Instruction : Another Point of View. Modern Language Journal, 58:115-17.
Grittner, F. M. (1972) Behavioral Objectives, Skinnerian Rats, and Trojan Horses. Foreign Language Annals, 6:52-60.
Grittner, F. M., and La Leike, F. H. (1973) Individualized Foreign Language Instruction. Skokie, III.: National Textbook.
Groff, P. (1975) Some Criticism of Mastery Learning. Education Digest, 40:26-28.
Henson, K. T. (1974) Accountability and Performance-Based Programs in Education: Some Pros and Cons. Intellect, 102:250-52.
Humphreys, D. W. (1974) The Effects of Teacher- and Student-Selected Activities on the Self-Image and Achievement of High School Biology Students. Science Education, 58:298.
Hunter, M. (1971) The Learning Process. In D. W. Allen and E. Seifman (Eds.), The Teacher's Handbook. Glenview, III.: Scott Foresman. Pp. 158-66.
Hunter, M. (1971) The Teaching Process. In D. W. Allen and E. Seifman (Eds.), The Teacher's Handbook. Glenview, III.: Scott Foresman. Pp. 146-57.
james, C. (1974) Developments in the Education of Adolescents: A Critique. Urban Review, 7:54.
jarvis, G. A. (1971) Individualized Learning—Where Can We Risk Compromise? Modern Language Journal, 55:375-78.
Johnson, D. W., and Johnson, R. T. (1974) Instructional Goal Structure: Cooperative, Competitive, or Individualistic. Review of Educational Research, 44:214.
Kalivoda, T. B. (1972) An Individual Study Course for Facilitating Advanced Oral Skills. Modern Language Journal, 56:492-95.
Krulik, S. (1974) Learning Packages for Mathematics Instruction—Some Considerations. Mathematics Teacher, 67: 348-51.
Lafayette, R. C. (1972) Diversification: The Key to Student-Centered Programs. Modern Language Journal, 56:349-54.
Levine, M. G. (1972) The Relationship Between Knowledge, Practice, and Pupil Achievement in the Use of a Criterion- Referenced Instructional Model. Journal of Experimental Education, 41:49.
Logan, G. E. (1973) Individualized Foreign Language Learning: An Organic Process. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.
Miller, J. R., and Gonyar, P. A. (1974)
Learning Activity Packages. Social Studies, 65:120-25.
Newman, F. L., et al. (1974) Initial Attitude Differences Among Successful, Procrastinating, and "Withdrawn-From-Course" Students in a Personalized System of Statistics Instruction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 5:105-13.
Noblitt, j. S. (1975) Pacing and Systematization. Paper presented at the Symposium on Individualized Instruction at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, April 25.
Papalia, A. (1975) Using Different Models of Second-Language Teaching. Canadian Modern Language Review, 31:212-16.
Papalia, A., and Zampogna, J. (1972) An Experiment in Individualized Instruction through Small Croup Interaction. Foreign Language Annals, 5:302-6.
Rosenthal, B. (1973) Developing a Foreign Language Learning Activity Package. Modern Language Journal, 57:195-99.
Schramm, W. (1964) The Research on Programmed Instruction: An Annotated Bibliography. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office.
Stedman, C. H. (1972) Is Providing Students with Behavioral Objectives Incorporated into Programmed Materials Efficient? Journal of Experimental Education, 41:75.
Steiner, F. (1971) Individualized Instruction. Modern Language Journal, 55: 361-74.
Travers, R. M. W. (1975) Individualized Instruction: Panacea or Plague (carbon copy).
Valdman, A. (1975) On the Specification of Performance Objectives in Individualized FL Instruction. Paper presented at the Symposium on Individualized Instruction at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, Kentucky, April 25.
Valette, R. M., and Disick, R. S. (1972) Modern Language Performance Objectives and Individualization. New York: Harcourt Brace jovanovich.
Waks, L. j. (1973) Re-examining the Validity of Arguments Against Behavioral Coals. Educational T heory, 23:133-43.
Walker, W, E. (1973) The Slow-Progress Student in Graded and Nongraded Programs. Peabody Journal of Education, 50:191-210.
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Wells, C. T. (1974) How About a Compromise Toward Individualization? Accent on ACTFL, 4:24-25.
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