1. achievement motivation, p. 253 4. external vs. internal motivation,

2. classroom management, p. 242 p. 254

3. discipline, p. 260 5. interaction analysis, p. 268


1. In what ways might classroom management affect values, motivation, discipline, and learning?

2. Summarize the various aspects of classroom management.

3. What types of teacher behavior might damage student self-concept?

4. Discuss the threat of second-language study to student self-concept. How might students react to this threat? What can be done to overcome the threat?

5. What can the teacher do to improve student motivation? Name some ideas of your former teachers.

6. Which type of classroom environment do you prefer? As a teacher? As a student? Should students help formulate the rules?

7. How important is psychological climate?

8. Evaluate the disparity between student opinion and what teachers think they believe.

9. Discuss the difference in classroom techniques between internal and external approaches to motivation and discipline.


1. Simulate motivation and discipline problems and discuss measures to take in each case.

2. Prepare a list of rules you would institute in your class. Compare your list with that of the other members of the class.

3. Prepare a student evaluation form for your students to use in evaluating your second-language class.

4. Visit at least three junior high or high school classes. In each class notice (a) classroom management practices, (b) motivation techniques of the teacher, (c) discipline, and (d) classroom climate. (If you are interested in establishing an individualized class, you should pay special attention to the handling of materials.)


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Introduction to the Four Language Skills