1. auditory memory, p. 289

2. discrimination exercise, p. 293

3. vocalic communication, p. 284


1. Discuss the underlying similarities, differences, and interrelationships among the four languge skills.

2. Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of audio-lingual and cognitive teaching with regard to listening comprehension.

5 Teachers can organize these diversified materials into independent study activities (Kalivoda, 1972a).

3. Discuss the importance of sequencing activities and content in developing the listening comprehension skills.

4. For how long would discrimination type activities be valuable exercises to use in the second-language class? What types might be used longer?

5. How did your teacher help your classes to develop their abilities to comprehend the spoken language? Share any good ideas with your classmates.

6. What kinds of things would you do in class to stress and to develop listening comprehension skills?

7. Discuss the internal and external aspects of listening comprehension.


1. Using a second-language textbook of your choice, create your own listening activities over material in the text (a sound discrimination exercise, a structure signal exercise, a vocabulary exercise, an auditory memory exercise, and a comprehension exercise.)

2. Fit these exercises into an outlined sequence to teach some structure.

3. If time permits, practice conducting one, some, or all of these exercises in your class.

4. Critique the exercises and teaching techniques of your classmates.

5. Select a listening passage that you feel would be interesting and comprehensible to a beginning second-language class.


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