1. audio-motor unit, p. 396

2. culture, p. 388

3. culture aside, p. 394

4. culture assimilator, p. 395

5. culture capsule, p. 395

6. culture cluster, p. 396

7. culture shock, p. 387

8. ethnocentrism, pp. 386-87

9. kinesics, p. 392

10. large Cculture, p. 388

11. minidrama and miniskit, p. 396

12. slice-of-life technique, p. 395

13. small c culture, p. 388


1. Why should culture be, or not be, included in second-language courses?

2. What are the goals in teaching culture?

3. What role do attitudes play in the teaching of culture?

4. Discuss the good and bad aspects of ethnocentrism.

5. What are your opinions about incorporating small cor large Cculture into second-language classes? Would you choose either one or the other or a combination?

6. What do you think students should know about the second culture before going abroad?

7. Compare and contrast the various techniques for teaching culture.

8. Discuss how to incorporate culture into class and the amount of class time to be spent on culture.

9. Discuss the desirability of stressing culture with slow students.

10. Consider ways and means of solving problems and overcoming dangers associated with teaching culture.


1. Examine an elementary text and discuss how culture is presented in it.

2. Take one culture category per student, and list the subtopics you consider important. Discuss them with the class.

3. Alone or with a classmate prepare to teach a culture point using one of the techniques for teaching culture and practice it with the class.


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