4. preview, p. 417

5. problem-solving class, p. 427

6. review, p. 418

7. view, p. 418


1. abstract vs. concrete concepts, p. 425

2. learning task, p. 412

3. pace, p. 420


1. Relate the three phases of second-language acquisition to the concept of sequencing in learning.

2. Relate the three parts of the class hour to the three phases of second- language acquisition and sequencing.

3. Discuss the importance of task analysis prior to the selection of teachinglearning activities.

4. How can the teacher achieve variety of activity in the class? Name some different types of classroom activities.

5. Discuss ways and means of integrating the four language skills into the second-language learning sequence.

6. What can the teacher do to encourage students to prepare for class, participate in classroom activities, and persevere in second-language learning?

7. Compare and contrast homework and class work both as to purposes and types of activities.

8. How can visual aids be used in teaching? Would the types of visual aids and the ways they are used be different for the different phases of language learning? In which phase would they be most beneficial?

9. What was your reaction to the discussion of the amount of native language and teacher talk in the second-language class? To what extent did your past classes correspond to the suggested pattern?

10. Discuss the various components of individuality in relation to teaching the whole person. What are the variables involved?


1. Prepare a sample task analysis as a basis for a meaningful presentation of a grammar point in the text you are using.

2. Prepare sample activities for understanding, manipulation, and contextual practice of this grammar point.

3. Prepare one or more audio-visual aids to use with an activity for understanding, manipulation, and contextual practice.

4. Give an example of a life-situation activity.

5. Prepare sample questions at the various levels of difficulty, and ask your classmates to rate them as you give them in random order.


Christensen, C. B., and Shaw, J. R. (1968) A Definition of Achievement Level II in the Control of Spanish Syntax. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.

Neale-Silva, E. (1962) El arte de hacer preguntas. The Wisconsin Spanish Teach- er, 15: 7-12.

Novak, J. D. (1969) Relevant Research on Audio-Tutorial Methods. Paper read at the Audio-Tutorial System Conference, Purdue University. P. 7.