1. performance objectives, p. 445 2. instructional objectives, p. 445


1. Delineate the various types of instructional objectives that the teacher may have.

2. Discuss the relationship between type of text and classroom objectives. How can the text be adapted to the teacher's goals?

3. What would be your goals if you were teaching a beginning language class? How might these goals be altered depending upon student objectives?

4. Discuss the divisions of textual materials and dividing the text into teachable segments in the classroom.

5. Compare and contrast cognitive, cognitive-behavioral, affective-social, and combination instructional objectives. Give examples of each.

6. Discuss kinds of objectives appropriate for each stage of language acquisition.

7. Discuss types of activities appropriate for each stage of language acquisition.

8. Compare and contrast ways and means of previewing, viewing, and reviewing dialogs, readings, habit-formation drills, and cognitive exercises.


1. With the text you have been using, prepare instructional objectives and select related teaching-learning activities to preview, to view, and to review a reading or a dialog and one grammatical concept in the chapter.

2. Prepare lesson plans for a chapter in the textbook you have been using. Begin with an outline of the week's work. For each day, divide the plans into the three parts of the class hour with objectives and activities for each. Be sure to give the time to be spent on each. Use visuals wherever possible. Include all materials needed to teach the plans.


Chastain, K. (1969) A Proposal for Sharing. Hispania, 52: 57-59.

Huebener, T. (1965) How to Teach Foreign Languages Effectively, (rev. ed.) New York: New York University Press. Pp. 118-31.

Mager, R. F. (1961) Preparing Instructional Objectives. Belmont, Calif.: Fearon.

Oliva, P. F. (1969) The Teaching of Foreign

Languages. Englewood Cliffs, N.j.: Prentice-Hall. Pp. 60-98.

Rivers, W. M. (1968) Teaching Foreign- Language Skills. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. 371-77.

Seelye, H. N. (1970) Performance Objectives for Teaching Cultural Concepts. Foreign Language Annals, 3: 566-78.

Steiner, F. (1970) Performance Objectives in the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Foreign Language Annals, 3: 579-91.