The irregular past tense verbs can be grouped around some topic such as the weekend or vacations. The following questions deal with vacations:
1. (Did you go away?)
2. (Did you want to go someplace?)
3. (Were you at home?)
4. (Who came to see you?)
5. (Who prepared dinner?)
6. (Did you eat a lot? Too much?)
7. (Did you have a good day?)
Classroom Activities 479
8. (Did you study?)
9. (Did you want to study?)
10. (Did you want to come back to classes?)
These questions could, of course, be expanded to include more regular past tense verbs in order to cover more completely the students' activities during vacation. The teacher should remember, during these personalized question sessions, that it is no crime to ask several students the same question or to ask all the questions of one student before going on to another. Variety can be added, attentiveness stimulated, and other verb forms practiced by occasionally asking another student about the answers that have just been given. For example, if Joe has just answered one or all of the questions, the teacher can then ask questions about Joe's vacation.