1. contract system of grading, p. 509

2. discrete vs. global items, p. 496

3. domain-referenced test, p. 488

4. item difficulty, p. 498

5. item discrimination, p. 498

6. mastery system, p. 488


1. Discuss the relationship between subjective and objective evaluation.

2. Outline the relationship among objectives, classroom activities, and test items.

3. Discuss the various types of tests and the purposes and uses of each type.

4. What type of test format would best incorporate the general guidelines for testing?

5. Recall and examine with the other members of the class the types of test items that have been included in past second-language tests you have taken.

6. Discuss the problem of recording and giving grades, especially the emotional aspects of grading, both from the students' and teacher's points of view.

7. Is the test really a learning device as used in the typical classroom? Explain why or why not.

8. What is your opinion of grade inflation? Should some changes be made? If so, what?


1. Examine copies of different types of tests and classroom tests prepared by different second-language teachers. Discuss the good and bad points of each type.

7. recall vs. recognition items, p. 496

8. reliability, p. 497

9. standard error, p. 497

10. validity, p. 497

11. variable credit, p. 510

2. Prepare an objective, an activity, and a test item for (a) competence, (b) a performance skill, and (c) an aspect of culture.

3. Prepare a test over the week's lesson plan you did in chapter 14


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