Two different types of organizations exist at the national level and in many states. In both instances there is an organization of teachers of all second languages and an organization of teachers of each specific language.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). ACTFL is the national organization of teachers of all second languages including teachers of the classics and English as a second language. The national ACTFL meeting is held each year at Thanksgiving. ACTFL publishes Foreign Language Annals, automatically received by ACTFL members; it also sponsors The ACTFL Review of Foreign Language Education. ACTFL also provides various types of
insurance at reduced rates. The ACTFL offices are at 62 5th Avenue, New York, New York 10011.
Foreign Language Annals is "dedicated to advancing all phases of the profession of foreign language teaching." The goal is to serve the interests of teachers, administrators, and researchers at all levels of second-language instruction. The editorial policy is to give preference to articles that "describe innovative and successful teaching methods, that report educational research or experimentation, or that are relevant to the concerns and problems of the profession." Since 1968, an annual review of foreign language education has been published. The purpose of this annual review is the "collection, analysis, synthesis, and interpretation of the work of the profession." The latest volume is entitled Perspective: A New Freedom.
Many states have a state organization of all language teachers. These groups usually sponsor one or two state meetings per year, and some publish a state language newsletter.
The National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations. The National Federation publishes Modern Language Journal. As stated on the front cover, this is a journal "devoted primarily to methods, pedagogical research, and to topics of professional interest to all language teachers." The emphasis is on teaching methodology. The business manager is Wallace G. Klein, 13149 Cannes Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63141.
The Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association. This association publishes Canadian Modern Language Review, which contains articles dealing with teaching of modern languages and book reviews. Their business address is 34 Butternut Street, Toronto, Ontario M4K 1T7.
The following organizations were formed to help promote the study of the particular language or languages involved and to assist teachers in their language area. The major activities of each are the annual national meeting and the publications sponsored by each. Flowever, they also sponsor other services such as group flights to the foreign country at reduced rates, names for pen pals, culture units, placement services, etc. Of course, the national organization also serves as a collective voice representing the professional interests of the members.
American Association of Teachers of French (AATF). The current executive secretary is F. W. Nachtmann, AATF, 57 E. Armory Avenue, Champaign, Illinois 61820. The AATF publishes French Review, a journal containing articles on literature, civilization, and teaching. Regular departments are editor comments, pedagogical news, reader replies, and professional and association news as well as a section of book reviews.
American Association of Teachers of German (AATG). For additional
information on the AATC journal, German Quarterly , write to German Quarterly, 339 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106. The primary empha sis is on literature and literary analysis, although there is an occasional pedagogical article. German pedagogical articles are included in Die Unter- richtspraxis, published twice each year by the AATG. This journal contains three sections: (1) Teaching Literature, (2) General Contributions, and (3) More on Culture.
American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI). The AATI publishes Italica, a journal emphasizing literary articles and reviews. The editorial office is located at 601 Casa Italiana, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027.
American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL). AATSEEL publishes The Slavic and East European Journal. Most of the articles deal with literature, language, and linguistics. A few discuss teaching procedures. Members also receive the AATSEEL Newsletter. Subscriptions should be sent to Joe Malik, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer, Department of Russian and Slavic Studies, Modern Languages 340, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721.
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). The AATSP publication is Hispania, a journal devoted to the interests of the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese. There are sections on literature, Shop Talk, FLES, Notes on Usage, Fact and Opinion, F-L Currents, Notes and News, Chapter News, Hispanic World, Books of the Hispanic World, Reviews, Instructional Media. The secretary-treasurer is Richard B. Klein, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts 01610.
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). TESOL publishes The TESOL Quarterly , a pedagogical journal containing articles dealing with professional needs, materials, methods, testing, psychology and sociology of language learning, curriculum, and research in language learning. TESOL also publishes TESOL Newsletter, a newsletter informing members of meetings, in-service training and other professional developments. The address is TESOL, 455 Nevils Building, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. 20057.