Harmony Table Runner

Finished block: 6˝ × 6˝ Finished table runner: 51˝ × 17˝

51˝ × 17˝, designed and made by Tricia Maloney

The hardest part of making this table runner is choosing which jelly roll to use! Start sewing in the morning and you can be done in time to make dinner. Seriously, this runner goes together so quickly that you can make one for every person on your gift list. With the envelope-style finish, there’s no need for binding, unless you really want to. Add a little free-motion machine quilting ... or not. It’s up to you.


Seam allowances are ¼˝ unless otherwise noted. Press after each step, following the pressing suggestions.

Making the Quarter Log Cabin Blocks

Sew the block together, adding pieces in alphabetical order, A–E. Make sure that B and C are the same medium fabric and that D and E are the same dark fabric. Press the seams toward each new strip. Make 16 blocks.

Quarter-Log Cabin block. Make 16.

Do you want an even scrappier-looking runner? Cut the B and C pieces from two different medium fabrics and cut the D and E pieces from two different dark fabrics.

Shopping List

Yardage is based on 42˝-wide fabric, unless otherwise noted.

JELLY ROLL: at least 33 strips 2½˝ × 42˝


One jelly roll will make several table runners! My directions are for a scrappy table runner, leaving a lot of fabric left over for more table runners or other projects. If you want to start with fewer strips, you could cut multiple units from the same fabric and have a more controlled look.

BACKING: 1¾ yards

BATTING: 55˝ × 21˝



Sort the jelly roll strips into 3 piles—light, medium, and dark. (I sorted my strips into white, gray/mint, and red.) Label the pieces as indicated.


From 1 light strip:

•  Cut 16 squares 2½˝ × 2½˝ (A).


From each of 16 medium strips:

•  Cut a matching B and C set:

   1 square 2½˝ × 2½˝ (B), 16 total.

   1 rectangle 2½˝ × 4½˝ (C), 16 total.


From each of 16 dark strips:

•  Cut a matching D and E set:

   1 rectangle 2½˝ × 4½˝ (D), 16 total.

   1 rectangle 2½˝ × 6½˝ (E), 16 total.


•  Cut 1 rectangle 55˝ × 21˝.

Assembling the Table Runner

1.  Referring to the table runner assembly diagram, arrange the blocks until you like the look.

2.  Sew the blocks together in diagonal rows. Press the seams in rows 1, 3, and 5 to the right and the seams in rows 2, 4, and 6 to the left so that the seams will lock together.

3.  Sew the diagonal rows together to complete the table runner top. Press the seams open to reduce the bulk.

Table runner assembly


1.  Place the batting on a flat surface and smooth it out. Layer the backing piece on top of the batting, right side up, making sure that it is smooth and without wrinkles. Then place the table runner right side down, centered on top of the backing and batting. Pin the layers together.

2.  Sew with a ¼˝ seam all the way around the runner, pivoting at the inside and outside corners, and leaving an 8˝ opening on one end.

3.  Clip the inside and outside corners. Turn the runner right side out. Smooth the runner and push out the corners with a bodkin or other blunt-tipped tool. Carefully press the table runner smooth.

4.  Slipstitch the opening closed.

5.  Quilt as desired.


Repeating neutrals make this version very elegant.

Glorious fall hues set the stage for autumn.