“Now, more than ever, press freedom is at stake. In opposition to the undemocratic censorship of information, I proudly stand with Project Censored.”—Sharyl Attkisson, Emmy Award–winning investigative journalist and host of Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson
“Project Censored provides an essential service to democracy. They expose the shortcomings of a free press and media that too often chooses not to use its freedoms because they are in thrall to powerful interests. Project Censored sets the standard for the Fourth Estate, shedding light on important stories that would otherwise remain obscure and allowing citizens to demand justice and solutions.”—Ted Rall, syndicated cartoonist and columnist
“Censorship has become the plutocratic cornerstone of the One Percent, putting our First Amendment on life support. The military–industrial complex, think tanks, and those who profit from exploiting ‘we the people’ have partnered up with the media establishment and social media giants to propagate war and control free thought. In an era when truth and transparency are under assault, Project Censored offers a vitally important guide on how to think critically and provides the proper media literacy tools for everyone to survive this ‘post-truth’ era.”—Mnar Muhawesh, editor-in-chief, MintPress News
“In a world where press freedoms are under increasing attack and the so-called ‘mainstream’ press has become a mouthpiece for big corporate interests and the US State Department, the work of Project Censored has become more important than ever. If you want a break from ‘fake news’ and wish instead to witness real journalism revealing important stories rarely, if ever, covered in the establishment press, read this book!”—Dan Kovalik, author of The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela and The Plot to Control the World
“Media titans and politicians are finding new ways to censor independent journalism on virtually every web platform under the banner of combating ‘fake news’ and ‘foreign propaganda.’ For truth-tellers and researchers facing this new assault, Project Censored and its annual book represent a vitally important tool for highlighting the crucial issues to know and struggles to follow, an essential guide for truth in a ‘post-truth’ society.” —Abby Martin, The Empire Files
“Today’s fake news becomes tomorrow’s fake history. If journalism is the rough draft of history, [Project Censored] goes a long way to getting the record right the first time, stopping fake news in its tracks and ensuring that we have fewer Untold Histories in the future.” —Peter Kuznick and Oliver Stone, coauthors of The Untold History of the United States book and documentary series
“For more than 40 years, Project Censored has been our watchdog on the establishment media, casting its eye on how the information that we receive–– and don’t receive––shapes our democracy. We need it more than ever today!” —Christopher Finan, executive director, National Coalition Against Censorship
“A crucial contribution to the hope for a more just and democratic society.” —Noam Chomsky
“[Project Censored] is a clarion call for truth telling.” —Daniel Ellsberg, The Pentagon Papers
“Project Censored brings to light some of the most important stories of the year that you never saw or heard about. This is your chance to find out what got buried.” —Diane Ravitch, author of The Death and Life of the Great American School System
“Project Censored is a national treasure in American life. . . . Censored gives new meaning to the notion that critical citizens are at the core of a strong democracy and that informed resistance is not an option but a necessity.” —Henry A. Giroux, author of American Nightmare: Facing the Challenge of Fascism
“Project Censored rescues the most important stories you should have read but probably never saw from oblivion.” —Chris Hedges, author of Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle
“The systematic exposure of censored stories by Project Censored has been an important contribution.” —Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States
“Project Censored . . . has evolved into a deep, wide, and utterly engrossing exercise to unmask censorship, self-censorship, and propaganda in the mass media.” —Ralph Nader, consumer advocate, lawyer, and author
“Project Censored is not just among the bravest, smartest, and most rigorous of [independent news] outlets, but the only one that’s wholly focused on those stories that the corporate press ignores, downplays, or distorts.” —Mark Crispin Miller, author and professor of media ecology, New York University
“Forever young, and ever more important, Project Censored makes us all better-informed and more empowered as citizens.” —Dan Simon, Seven Stories Press
“Project Censored is one of the organizations that we should listen to, to be assured that our newspapers and our broadcasting outlets are practicing thorough and ethical journalism.” —Walter Cronkite, anchor, CBS Evening News, 1962–1981
“One of the most significant media research projects in the country.” —I.F. Stone, American muckraker