
Anna (coin)    100th of a rupee

Arakan    an area in Burma

Basha    bamboo-built building

Bearer    servant or general worker

Bengal    now in Pakistan

Bhisti    an Indian water-carrier

BOR    British Other Ranks

Bully Beef    slang for corned beef

Burma    now Myanmar

Calcutta    now Kolkata

CCS    Casualty Clearing Station

CO    Commanding Officer

DC-3    Douglas Dakota-3

Dhobi or Dhobi-wallah    servant who washes clothing etc.

Dhoti    a long white loincloth worn in place of trousers

DI    dangerously ill

EMS    Emergency Medical Services

GSW    Gun Shot Wound

Havildar    Sergeant in Indian Army

HMS    His Majesty’s Ship

HQ    Headquarters

ID    Identification Disc

IGH    Indian General Hospital

IGH(C)    Indian General Hospital (combined)

Jai Hind    Victory to India

L.O.    Hello, as spoken in London’s East End by a Cockney

Memsahib    respectful word for European married woman

Mepacrine    substitute for quinine, used by British troops

Miliaria    Rubra prickly heat

MP    Military Police

NCO    Non-Commissioned Officer

NGL    Nurses Gossip Line

Pegu    now Bago

PSP    pierced-steel planking, used to make ground firm

Punka-wallah    servant who pulls large carpet-shaped fan to air room

QA    Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps

Rangoon    now Yangon

RASC    Royal Army Service Corps

RMP    Royal Military Police

RMS    Royal Mail Ship, used as a troop carrier

Sahib    friendly greeting to European male

Sapper    Royal Corps of Engineers (similar to an Army Private)

SEAC    South East Asia Command

Sepoy    Indian soldier (similar to Private)

SIB    Special Investigation Branch (of RMP)

Simla    now known as Shimla

SS    steam ship

Tender    small utility vessel

Thunder Box    toilet pan

VAD    Voluntary Aid Detachment

VD    Venereal Disease

WVS    Women’s Voluntary Service