Brickell, Christopher, and David Joyce. The Royal Horticultural Society: Pruning and Training, rev. ed. London: DK, 2011.
Flint, Mary Louise. Pests of the Garden and Small Farm, 2nd ed. Oakland, CA: University of California, 1998.
Ingels, Chuck A., Pamela M. Geisel, and Maxwell V. Norton, eds. The Home Orchard: Growing Your Own Deciduous Fruit and Nut Trees. ANR Publication 3485. Oakland, CA: University of California, 2007.
Sadly, Out-of-Print:
Stebbins, Robert L., and Lance Walheim. Western Fruit, Berries & Nuts: How to Select, Grow and Enjoy. Tucson, AZ: H. P. Books, 1981.