* Damocles, sought out everywhere by Demetrius and at last about to be captured, killed himself by plunging into a caldron of boiling water.3 We must not misjudge the Athenians from one such instance of virtue.
* Not the Brennus who had invaded Italy in 390 B.C.
† We have no Gallic version of these matters, nor any “barbarian” account of Greek invasions into Asia, Italy, or Sicily.
‡ In the following pages, to allow for the rise of prices in the Hellenistic age, the talent will be reckoned as equivalent to $3000 in the United States of 1939.
* Perhaps it reflected and aided the Hellenistic deification of kings.
* Perhaps because the latter had led to family limitation, as in modern France.
* A Greek talent weighed fifty-eight pounds avoirdupois.