RACHAEL BRYANT is the blogger behind the scenes of meatified.com, which she started as a way to keep her recipes in one place when she first began eating Paleo. The name was a little bit of a joke: as a former vegetarian, switching to Paleo was quite a dietary U-turn. It’s a little pun on how she had expected that she would be eating more meat than vegetables. In reality, she probably eats more vegetables now than she ever did as a vegetarian!

Rachael turned to the Paleo diet originally to help manage the symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease. After experiencing a huge improvement in her symptoms on the Paleo diet, she came across the AIP and realized that it was the missing piece of her personal healing puzzle!

Realizing how amazing she felt while eating nourishing food with simple ingredients, and how much she loved the challenge of coming up with new, tasty recipes, her mission now is to show others how to bring real food and healing into their own lives, without going crazy or breaking the bank in the process.