
Highly Ineffective Habits of The Wannabe Author


1Laziness - These authors want overnight success from a few stories or non-fiction writings. They believe they deserve every penny for their writing even though it’s utterly terrible. They fidget in their sits and make excuses for not writing. For example, they will get a drink even when they’re not thirsty or grab a meal just to commit gluttony. These are excuses that issue a massive amount of underperformance and self-confidence.

2.  Talkers -They speak freely about their ideas with others to impress them with knowledge and false ambition. This results in someone else acting on their ideas as their dreams plummet to the bottom of the ocean never to breathe again.

3.  Lack of Vision - They cannot see past the idea stage. They can’t see the creation of their books and how it’s going to affect the world. They can’t see how what they’re doing is going to change the world forever. They can’t see their message having any significant impact on any human being. This then in return depresses the writer and gives them a false sense of reality that they cannot achieve anything significant in life.

4.  Lack of Self-Discipline - These authors write when they want and when they write they only make it to about 200 words before realizing that this is “boring” and they don’t want to do this anymore. They live the life of the failure and watch television till their eyes are heavy and fall into deep sleep to only wake another day repeating the same cycle.

5.  Lack of Motivation - These authors must be spoken to 1000 times before they act on anything. They question every command rather than just putting the dang words on paper and defining and refining it later. They think it must be perfect the first time or it isn’t good at all. They never take the time to forge their words to see the result. They just beat around bush and hope for something good to come to them.

6.  Low Self-Esteem - These authors are extremely insecure about their writing and would never want anyone to see their confessions on paper. This could be a game changer to many struggling and could change their lives forever. But we’ll never know unless it’s published, now will we?

7.  Poor in Spirit - These authors think very little of themselves and have little to no knowledge of “self.” They do not know their true potential so they settle for what the world had projected them to be. They take the opinions of others very heavily and lock them away in their hearts to torture them for some time.

It would be advised to take time to study these habits and even more find books on getting rid of these habits if you believe you have any of these traits.