
Craft Outline For Nonfiction Idea


You know, our fathers always told us that if you don’t have a map or compass to point you in the direction of where you’re going, then you’ll never get there. In this case. as a writer. if you don’t have an appropriate outline covering what you will talk about, then you’re just aiming at a wall with the target behind it. How can you aim at what you can’t see?

This is a trait of the Wannabe Author, they start writing without any direction and just have words splattered all over the place. Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re true go-getters for the creative writing process because it’s good exercise. If you can write without getting off topic without an outline, then you do your thing. But for those who need direction please just take our advice: save yourself a lot trouble and craft your outline beforehand. You will not regret the decision as your book will flow like your kindle cash will be soon.

Now we don’t want you to take our words out of context because we know when we first used this method we were confused. We were making it a lot harder than it was and trying to make the best outline possible. The thing about this process is you can modify your outline at any point in time and get your content out there in a heartbeat.

Now, ‘outline’ is a fancy word for your table of contents, and should be constructed in the order of topics you want to cover. Do not confuse this process. I’ll say it again. Do not confuse this process! We remember trying to get all our topics just right and being perfect about the titles they would have. Look, just throw some general ideas on the piece of paper and start writing the darn book!

You are much better off having a bunch of words on the paper you can modify and change then not having anything but a title for your book if you made it that far.