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This method works best if you have two or more books within the same niche. The reason for this? We can focus our attention on promoting one book heavily while it promotes the rest of the books outside of the free promo. The goal here is to generate a lot of exposure from our marketing efforts on free books and drive it back to the paid books outside of the free promo so your books are not only ranking but making money in the process.
Multiple Book Promotion Formula - Let’s say that you have 4 books within the same niche and let’s just say you’re in weight loss. First, you’re going to want to make sure that all of the links are inside of each of your books. This is what we call cross-promoting. When your readers open up Book 1 it needs to be selling Book 2, 3 and 4.
Now that you’ve got your links in the back of your books it’s time to schedule your promotions. Some people say that you should schedule your book promotion about 2-3 weeks ahead of time so you can schedule some external promotions and we will touch on that but I want to focus solely on leveraging Amazons platform and a fiverr gig that we use that has brought has amazing results: BKNights Promotions
We’re in no way promising that you’re going to get rich from this book promotion. The goal is to get you get you started and some traffic driven to your books so you can start bringing in sales and subscribers to your email list.
This strategy works best if you are targeting a niche that is already filled with hungry buyers because all you must do is put your bait in the water and wait for the fish to bite. So instead of scheduling your free days 2-3 weeks ahead of time were going to assume you’re in a hot market and schedule it 72 hours ahead of time.
72 hours ahead of time allows your book time to index within Amazons system.
So let’s assume that Book 1 is going up for free promotion and you will make your book free through Draft2Digital. You can click here to watch our Draft2Digital tutorial on youtube to learn how to make your book Perma-Free by clicking here - note - upload youtube video. You would schedule the BKNights promotion for that one book (It is recommended you test it for a maximum of 3 days to start and, depending on the promotional results, you should either keep going to maximize exposure or come to a complete halt because you don’t want to waste your promotional dollars.). In other words, you can buy more promotions for your other books in the series or books you have published.
Alright, so you have your books live and you’re ready to rock. We only leverage a couple social media platforms, like Facebook. We aren’t going to use paid methods right now, we just want to build exposure throughout current friends and even a fan page for the book.
First of all, if you’re interested in learning How To Create A Facebook Fan Page then you can click here to watch our YouTube video tutorial so you can capture more subscribers and reach more people with your books.
You will price your books like this: Free > 0.99 > 0.99 > 0.99 and the reason we’re pricing like this because when we’re initially publishing we shouldn’t be going after cash initially we should be going after subscribers, traffic, and getting eyes on your books and brand.
So, you will run promotions to book 1 (free book) and if your series is good it should funnel to your other books as well and that will start the fire your business needs to really sky rocket.
Therefore, this promotional strategy works so well because it’s basically a jump start on your business. Like we said before you’re not going to get super rich off this one promotional strategy and in future books and trainings we will cover more strategies because you should always be testing.
This is a cool method to use and will save a lot of money in the long run as well as keep your book ranked inside of Amazon. This will make it kind of hard for people to knock your books out of their position and even if they don’t rank that well you’re still going to get some massive exposure and sales not just to your books, but your websites, blog, YouTube channel and whatever else you’re including inside of your book as bonus content for your readers to subscribe to your brand.