Walnut and raisins Cake

(Prep time: 6 Minutes|Cook Time: 20 Minutes| Servings: 4-5)



  1. Grease a Dutch oven with oil; then preheat your Dutch oven in your oven to a temperature of about 350°F
  2. Beat the granulated erythritol on a high speed until it becomes fluffy
  3. Add the cinnamon, the nutmeg, and the cloves; then blend your ingredients until they become smooth
  4. Crack in the eggs and beat very well by adding one at a time the almond extracts and the vanilla
  5. Whisk in the almond flour until it forms a smooth batter then fold in the nuts and the fruit.
  6. Spread your mixture into your prepared Dutch oven and bake it for about 20 minutes
  7. Remove the cake from the oven and let cool for about 8 minutes
  8. Dust the cake with the powdered erythritol.
  9. Serve and enjoy your cake!

Nutrition Information

Calories: 250, Fat: 11g, Carbohydrates: 12g, Protein: 7.5 g, Dietary Fiber: 2 g