Professor Fordney completed his examination of the room. Finding everything as it should be except for the body, and blood on the floor and window sill, he turned to the man sitting dumbly in the chair.

When questioned, the man recounted the tragedy.

“Several times tonight my wife was alarmed by noises outside the house and asked me to investigate. I did, but finding nothing wrong, I put it down to some jokester trying to frighten us.

“We went to bed at 1 o’clock and some time later I was awakened by a scraping noise and a low voice. In a few seconds my eyes became accustomed to the darkness and I made out a figure standing at the window. Reaching for my gun which was under the pillow, I fired twice, jumped up, turned on the light, and was horrified to see my wife lying there—dead. I phoned Dr. Willard and then…”

“Just a moment,” broke in Fordney. “What did your examination show, doctor?”

“One bullet passed through the shoulder, the other entered the back, passed through the heart and emerged from the left breast. Death was practically instantaneous,” the physician replied.

“Touch anything but the body, doctor?”


“And you, Danlley?”

“Why…only the telephone. Then it was so cold…I…I…went to the cellar and built up the fire in the furnace.”

“And a hot one you made, indeed,” interrupted the Professor, raising the room’s single window to let in some air. “A very stupidly planned crime, Danlley. Arrest him, Sergeant!”

Why? Turn page for solution.