Usually the Professor gave little heed to anonymous letters. But this one, threatening his life, angered him. It was a particularly vicious and cold-blooded letter. He decided it was from the shadowy but ruthless Velvet Glove mob which had recently moved in with violence and bloodshed, and had taken over the rackets from the notorious McMann gang.

The mob was large, with many ramifications, but the criminologist learned that the four who controlled it were Alvin Fonda, Rex Stover, Joe Martineau and Ralph Coburn. One of them was a foreigner illegally in the country. Intensive investigation revealed the following:

1. In a gambling joint, flushed with liquor and large winnings, Joe Martineau shouted that he and the syndicate’s leader, nicknamed Deadly, had recently killed Sheriff Tom Murdock, whose murder remained unsolved.

2. When Fonda learned of this he was furious and told the gang member who acted as treasurer to let Deadly know that Martineau was getting out of line.

3. Informed of Fonda’s action, Martineau laughed and told Ralph Coburn that a little thing like that wouldn’t annoy Deadly. Besides Deadly was pretty proud of the job and not above boasting of it himself.

4. The foreigner, who was left-handed, was opposed to sending Fordney the threatening letter. Deadly, the treasurer and Fonda, however, insisted. They maintained that regardless of its effect upon the Professor, its publication would whip into line some others who were being troublesome.

From the above Fordney determined identities of the leader, the treasurer, and foreigner—and went to work.

Who is the foreigner? The treasurer? The leader? Turn page for solution.