Professor Fordney’s attention was attracted by a suspicious-looking bulge in the right pocket of an obviously expensive camel’s hair overcoat which was thrown carelessly over Skamp’s green coat.

“That yours?” he asked John London.

“Yes, sir. You see…”

“Just a moment,” interrupted the Professor. A rather sheepish grin spread over his face when he found the bulge in the coat was made by a large peppermint candy cane. Examining the green coat, a sudden thought struck him. Perhaps that cane did have some significance!

He had already seen the body of Henry Skamp lying on the floor of the one-room apartment. Skamp had been stabbed.

“All right,” Fordney nodded to London, “continue.”

“Last night Henry came home a bit drunk, woke me up, and when I refused to listen to him tell about his love affair he flung his coat on that chair and lay down beside me fully dressed. I was tired and went right back to sleep. When I awoke this morning—around 9 o’clock—I found him lying there dead and called the police.”

“You heard no sound after you went to sleep the second time and you disturbed nothing?” the Professor inquired.

“No—I was dead tired.”

“How long have you two been roommates?”

“Oh, quite a while.”

“How long?”

“About two years. I forgot to tell you that three months ago Henry lost his job and he’s been brooding ever since.”

“H’mmmm…!” Fordney pondered a moment. “You’re lying, London. I’m holding you on suspicion!”

Why? Turn page for solution.