The savagely battered body of a beautiful brown-eyed girl was discovered on the shore of a small lake in northern Wisconsin by a fisherman.
Vacationing in the area, Professor Fordney interested himself in the affair. There was no clue to the identity of the dead girl except a piece of torn envelope fifty yards from the body with the words, “Calico Dale.”
The Professor’s investigation disclosed that Calico Dale was a farm twenty miles away, taken over six months earlier by four girls who raised herbs and squabs. The four were Sylvia Lane, Bernice Sloan, Myra Bubley, and Carmen Marzoni. One of them, known as Dixie, answered the description of the murdered girl.
Fordney found the farm deserted, but from various sources pieced together the following meager information:
1. The girl who leased the farm had blue eyes, the other three had brown eyes.
2. The blue-eyed girl, a Minnesotan, and Myra Bubley and Carmen Marzoni came to the farm by train. Sylvia Lane, who had never before been in the midwest, arrived in a rented plane.
3. One of the four is an amateur hypnotist.
4. The night before they deserted the farm Sylvia Lane and the dead girl induced the hypnotist to hypnotize the latter.
5. Carmen Marzoni previously had told a psychiatrist at a nearby State institution that the blue-eyed girl was certain the hypnotist was psychotic.
6. The murdered girl and the hypnotist both were orphans.
Though this is all he had to go on, Fordney quickly identified the slain girl. Can you?
Who is the murdered girl? Turn page for solution.