“Well, boys,” the Professor smiled genially, “how do you feel this morning after last night’s banquet? I’m sure it was a real treat for you to hear those police chiefs.” Fordney was talking to his class at the University.
“It’s true that most of them were ‘old-timers,’ but in most cases, without the aid of science (which we know is a great help), Captain Gilbert was right. Intelligent and quick observation counts more in crime detection than anything else. I know I’ve often told you that,” catching Bill in the act of nudging Jack, “and some of you have profited, but others,” looking Bill in the eye, “have discounted its significance! Today I’m going to give you a simple test in observation acumen.
“Most of you probably have a United States dollar bill in your pockets. At any rate, you have seen plenty of them.” The Professor was smiling again. “How many numerals ONE, disregarding the face-plate, series and serial numbers are there on a one-dollar bill?
“The origination of currency in the United States is rather involved, so I won’t ask you chaps to tell me when, by an act of the United States Congress (not the Continental Congress) the present currency was established. However, since Congress did establish the present currency the numerals ONE have not been changed on any one-dollar bill!
“You carry or exchange them almost daily. Quickly now! How many numerals ONE are there? I’ll give five dollars to the first one with the correct answer. Keep your hands on your desks!”
Without looking, what is your answer? Turn page for solution.