“Remember that gang of female boosters—shoplifters—I’ve been after for some time?” asked young, alert, attractive policewoman Molly O’Brien. In a deep chair at the other side of his blazing fireplace, Professor Fordney nodded. Molly continued:
“Well, I’ve got the mob on ice but I can’t seem to sort them out. Will you give me a lift, Prof?”
“Certainly, my dear.”
“The four girls comprising this gang,” Molly went on, “are Myrna Sarni, Dixie Call, Peggy Lomax and Kate Nash. Here are facts concerning them:
1. The mob leader personally trained the actual booster and the lookout. The fourth girl acts as standby for both.
2. About ten days ago the booster persuaded the leader to take Peggy Lomax into the gang. Peggy used to be a creep joint dancer.
3. The girl who heads the mob is extremely cagey. After she cases a place she always phones the plan of operation to Myrna Sarni and Myrna passes the details along to the lookout. The lookout then must report back the plan letter-perfect to the leader.
4. Kate Nash and the leader are left-handed.
5. Last week Peggy Lomax saw the booster and the lookout roll a lush of $800. This Peggy reported to the leader who insisted the money be divided four ways.
“And that,” concluded Molly O’Brien, “is what I know. What I don’t know, Professor, is—who is the mob leader, the actual booster and the lookout. Any ideas?”
Fordney chuckled and handed her a note pad on which he’d detailed the role each girl held in the gang.
Who is the leader? The booster? The lookout? Turn page for solution.