“Well, Joe, how are all the dear little Rollos out at the University?” Inspector Kelley asked, filling his glass from the Professor’s decanter and sinking into a huge chair before the cheery fire.

Fordney chuckled. Three of the Inspector’s best men were graduates of his class in criminology.

“Here,” he replied, “is a copy of a report from an ex-Rollo, Jack Hurley, now a rookie with the Boston Bureau. See what you make of it.”

Kelley snorted as he read:

The four members of this dope gang are Elsie Byrd, Bat Harmon, Gil Tolden and Maxine Jarsoca. One of them was recently released from prison. Two are Americans; two foreigners.

1. Three days ago the gang leader heard Maxine Jarsoca and the ring’s front discussing split in profits.

2. The leader told Elsie Byrd he had fallen hard for Maxine’s sister.

3. Tolden and the gang front, and the member just out of prison were recently in an automobile accident.

4. We arrested Maxine and her ring sweetheart in the gang’s hideout. We got the other two as they boarded an eastbound train.

5. Another interesting fact is that the leader, the front, and Bat Harmon are all blond.

“This,” bellowed Kelley, “is the damnedest bucketful of belly wash I’ve ever seen! I’d break any man who wrote such farrago. Well—don’t sit there like a blinkin’ billiken. Who is the leader of this diluted dope ring that any good dick could have rounded up between roll calls?”

The Professor laughed heartily as he informed his friend.

Who is the leader; who is the front? Turn page for solution.