About Looking (Berger), 166
Ackerman, Diane, 11
ACRES Land Trust, 212
Active Kids Club, 150
Adderall, 27
Adirondacks Park, 123-125, 182-183
adrenaline, 54
Adult Summer Camp, 182-183
Ady, Janet, 82
African Americans, 48, 138-139
Age, The, 210
Age of Anxiety, 62
aging, 78-88, 94-95, 189, 246-247
Airbus, 182
Albrecht, Glenn, 63, 64, 76, 84
Alexander, Christopher, vii
alienating work environments, 183-187
aliveness, 95
Almeras, Bethe, 150-151
Alzheimer’s disease, 61, 80, 82
amateurs, 131-135
American Academy of Pediatrics, 85, 175
American Cancer Society, 178
American Dreamscape (Martinson), 231
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 47
American Psychiatric Association, 62
American Psychological Association, 16, 65
AmeriCorps, 229-230
Amigos de los Rios, 214
amphetamines, 27
ancestors, 38, 54-55, 178, 255-256
animal assisted therapy (AAT), 49, 60-61
Animas River, 280
anterior cingulate cortex, 15-16
Anthropological Survey of India, 15
anthropomorphism, 166
antioxidants, 81
Appalachian Harvest, 276
Appalachian Sustainable Development (ASD), 276
Apte, Prakash M., 201
Aqua-Hab Aquatic Systems, 278-281
art, 231-235
artificial light, 177-181
artificial neural networks, 27
Asian tsunami of 2004, 15
aspect-blindness, 102
aspect-seeing, 102
Astrove, Robby, 49-51
attachment theory, 144-148
attention-deficit disorder, 29
Audubon magazine, 13 4
Audubon Society, 14, 21, 116, 117, 149-150
Avatar, 4
Aveda, 186
avoidance, 104
Axelson, Peter, 188-189
Backpacker magazine, 99
Backyard Poultry magazine, 204
backyard revolution, 164-173
Baja California, 102-103, 130-131, 243
Bank of America, 184
Barton, Jo, 59-60
Battery Park City, 209
Bauerlein, Mark, 38
Bau haus movement, 234
Bay Area Ant Survey, 133
BBC, 133
Bear Valley, California, 147
Beatley, Timothy, 200
behavioral ecology, 53-54
“being where you are,” 100-109
BeltLine, 207
Benyus, Janine, 189-190
Berg, Peter, 122
Berman, Marc, 29
Berry, Thomas, 244-247, 257, 268, 278
Beston, Henry, 23-24
biodiversity, 101, 103, 106, 111, 130, 132
in backyards, 164-173
in cities, 114-117
biomimicry, 189-190
Biomimicry (Benyus), 189
biophilia, 53-54, 71, 187, 267
biophilic design, 5, 100, 112, 161, 184, 244, 257
biophony, 175
bioregions, 122-125
economic value of, 125-130
Birding by Ear, 14
birds, 14-15, 21, 73, 132, 190, 287-288
Boise River Greenbelt, 164
“bonding, the,” 140-153
Booker Prize, 35
botanical gardens, 199
botanical sense of place, 105-109
Botanical Society of America, 105
Botany of Desire, The (Pollan), 108
Boulder, Colorado, 99
Boulet, Mark, 183
Bowling Alone (Putnam), 110-111
Bowman, Conway, 74-75
Bowman, Wendy, 63
Boyce, Walter, 216
BP oil spill, 62
brain development, 52
brain gap, 37-38
breast-cancer survivors, 73-74
Briggs Carriage Bookstore, 97
Bringing Nature Home (Tallamy), 169
Brinkley, Douglas, 252
Bristol University, 60
British Home Office, 236
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers, 72
Bronx River, 214
Brooklyn Bridge Park, 209
Brother Yusuf, 67
Brown, Joshua W., 16
Building Bridges to the Outdoors, 136
Building for Life (Kellert), 221-222
Burch, Wileta, 147
Burden, Dan, 228-231
Burden, Lys, 230
burial, 235-237
Burkman, Marnie, 66-67
Burnett, Sgt. Maj. Todd, 17
Bush, George H. W., 26
business-nature partnership, 192-196
business retreats, 182-183
Buzzell-Saltzman, Linda, 64-65
Cabrillo, Juan, 106
Caerphilly County Borough, UK, 127
Calabrese, Kelli, 71-72
California Academy of Sciences, 133, 185
California Native Plant Society, 103
Callenbach, Ernest, 122
Calonge, Ned, 94-95
Cameron, James, 4
Camp David, 182
Campbell, Billy, 235-237
camphor tree of La Jolla, 117-119
care farming, 86-87
career guide, 281-285
caring for the land, 113
Carnegie Mellon University, 184
Carolina Thread Trail, 211-212
Carson National Forest, 250
Cascade Land Conservancy, 214
Casey, Susan, 9
Casting for Recovery, 73-74
Catawba Lands Conservancy, 211, 212
catecholamines, 54
Catholicism, 245
CBS, 99
Celebrate Urban Birds, 193
cemeteries, 235-237
Cenozoic era, 257-258
Center for Education, Imagination, and the Natural World, 244-245
Center for Whole Communities, 253
Center on Everyday Lives of Families, 23
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 85-86, 215
Chadstone shopping center, 210
Chadwick, Alan, 173
chaparral, 107, 108-109, 207-209
Chattahoochee Hill Country, 220-221
Chautauqua Festival, 35-36, 68-69
Chicago Wilderness, 214
chickens, 204-205
Children and Nature Network, 137, 144
Children, Youth, and Family Consortium, 144
China, 114-115
chlorophyll, 108
Chrispeels, Arno, 282-285
citizen naturalists, 130, 131-135
civil rights, 267-269
civilization, 113-114
Clabburn, Anna, 183
Cleveland EcoVillage, 201
Cloud Appreciation Society, 180-181
Cloudspotter’s Guide, The (Pretor-Pinney), 180-181
coal mining, 270-273
Cobb, Edith, 34
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 95
Colorado Department of Veterans Affairs, 66
Colorado Health Foundation, 211
Commerzbank Tower, 185
community, 189
community-based conservation, 253-254
Community Food Security Coalition, 205
Comstock, Anna Botsford, 252
Comstock, John Henry, 252
Condor Recovery Team, 131
connecting people to nature, 258-264
conservation theories, 116, 251-253
Conservationists Formerly Known as Environmentalists, 253
continuous partial attention, 22-24
Cornell Plantations, 199
Cornell University, 133, 193, 199, 252
Cox, Mike, 93
Coyote’s Guide to Connecting with Nature (Young et al.), 31-32
creative genius, 33-36
culture, 54, 114, 234, 263, 274
cummings, e. e., 1
Cuyamaca Mountains, 140-144
Dana Meadows Organic Children’s Garden, 157-159, 204
Daniel, Terry, 179
Dark Sky Initiative, 178
darkness, 177-181
Darwin, Charles, 245-246
Dasmann, Raymond, 122
death, 274
Deakin University, 34-35, 48, 56, 113, 210
deep green exercise, 72-77
deep green high, 70-77
deer, 214-215
dehumanized life, 23-24
Delightful Places Survey, 96
Denver Trust for Public Land, 211
depression, 58-62
Desert Solitaire (Abbey), 235
despair, 283-284
Despommier, Dickson, 201-202
Detroit, 202-204
Detroit River, 214
“Devil’s Teeth, The,” 20
DeYoung, Raymond, 28
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 62
Dick, Steven, 4
Dickinson, Janis, 193-194
Dillane, James, 106-107
directed-attention fatigue, 27-29
Distracted (Jackson), 22-23
Donahue, Ashley, 148-150
Donahue, Chip, 148-150
Donally, Bob, 92
Donally, Irene, 92
Dorn, Jonathan, 99
Dorsey High School, 135-136
Dream of the Earth, The (Berry), 245
drugs, 75-77
Dumbest Generation, The (Bauerlein), 38
Dunlap, Scott, 75
Durango, Colorado, 99
Durley, Gerald L., 267
Early Show, The, 99
Earth in Mind (Orr), 89
East Bay Regional Park District, 214
Eaton, Michael, 145-146
echolocation, 13-14
EcoAmerica, 284
ecocities, 225-226
Ecocities (Register), 226
ecological unconscious, 62-64
economics, 125-130
ecotherapy, 64-69
“Ecotopia,” 122
ecovillages, 200-201, 229, 232
Ecozoic era, 257-258
ecstatic places, 34
edible city, 201-208
education, 252, 262, 277-278, 281-285
Ellyson Field, 230
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 7, 33, 62, 125, 256
energy, 80
English countryside, 224
English Gardener, 46
Enright Ridge Urban Ecovillage, 201, 218
entrepreneurship, 192-196
Environmental Performance Index, 128
Environmental Science and Technology, 60
environmentalism, 252-253
revitalization of, 256-264, 275
Episode Zero Robot (EPORO), 190
Erickson, Martha Farrell, 144-145, 147
Erskine, Hildred, 10
Eternal Reefs, 237
eternity with a view, 235-237
eutierria, 76
everyday eden, 155-237
little suburb on the prairie, 220-237
nature neurons, 182-196
Nature Principle, 157-173, 182-196
restorative cities, 197-219
stop, look up, and listen, 174-181
evolution, 37, 38, 54, 108, 112, 179, 242
exercise, 57-62, 67, 71-72, 74, 76, 81-83, 85, 87, 127, 228, 257-258
Exploring a Sense of Place (ESP), 104-105, 157, 261
Exploring a Sense of Place (Harwell), 104
extinction, 258
extinction of experience, 18
Extranet, 217-218
extrasensory perception, 15-18
extreme outdoor sports, 72-77
Family Adventures in Nature (FAN), 151
family farms and ranches, 273-278
family nature clubs, 148-151, 260-264
family relationships, 142-153
farm animals, 61 Farmer, Paul, 65
fascination, 28
Feminine, Firm & Fit (Calabrese), 71-72
feng shui, 160
fight-or-flight reflex, 54, 55, 76
Fish, Allen, 56
Fish, Howard, 123-125
fitness, 70-77
Flaccavento, Anthony, 276-277
fly-fishing, 73-75
food security, 205
food webs, 169-171
Forbes, Peter, 253
Fordham University, 245
forest medicine, 51
forest schools, 24
Forest Therapy Executive Committee, 86-87
“forever wild,” 124
Fort Wayne, Indiana, 197-198
fountains of life, 46-55
Frank, Billy, 123
free radicals, 80-81
Fremontia, 103
Freud, Sigmund, 68
Friends Hospital, 65
full connection, 32
Fuller, Buckminster, 130
Fuller, Richard, 111
fungi, 108-109
Furse, Elizabeth, 123
gadgets, 192-195
Gaia Hypothesis, 244
Galapagos Islands, 24-25
Garden Cities movement, 199
gardening, 29-30, 43-46, 80, 82, 127, 146
biodiversity and, 164-173
restorative buildings and, 186-187
school, 208
gas mileage, 226-227
generations of environmental arguments, 284
genetic predeterminism, 53-54
gentleman ranchers, 279
ghosts of nature past, 51-55
giftedness, 243-248
Glave, Dianne D., 138-139
global blaring, 174-177
global warming, 63, 64, 278, 283-284
God, 243-246
Gödel, Kurt, 33
Golden Acorn Casino, 179
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 86
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory, 56
“good stuff,” 269
Goodnight Moon (Brown), 198
Gottfried, Jay, 12
Grand Teton National Park, 136
Grange hamlet, 222
great blue herons, 287-288
Great Work, The (Berry), 246, 268, 278-281
Green Building Certification Institute, 261
green burials, 235-237
Green Collar Economy, The (Jones), 269
Green Corps, 203
Green Exercise and Green Care, 58-59, 87
Green for All, 269
Green Gyms, 72
Green Hour, 146
Green Nature/Human Nature (Lewis), 108
green roofs, 192, 200, 202, 209-210
Green Urbanism (Beatley), 200
greenfield development, 224-225
greenification, 217-219
Greening of Detroit, 203-204
greening school grounds, 29-30
Greer, Jack, 178
Guatemala, 76-77
Haas, Ellen, 31-32
habitat loss, 166-173
Hager, Mike, 130-131
Hammarby Sjöstad, 200
Handbook of Nature Study (Comstock), 252
“Happiest People, The,” 128
Happy Planet Index (HPI), 127-128
Harper’s Magazine, 202
Harrington, Richard C., 35
Hartig, John, 214
Harwell, Karen, 104-105, 157-159, 164, 172-174, 204
Hasbach, Patricia Hansen, 67-69
Haub, Mark, 80
hazards in war zones, 16-17
healing, 113
“Healthy Parks, Healthy People,” 34-35
Healy, Rita, 95
hearing, sense of, 14-15
Heerwagen, Judith, 54, 163, 184
Heid, Jim, 224-225
hemoglobin, 108
Herman Miller, 185
Heschel, Rabbi Abraham Joshua, 72
Hidden Villa, 39-40
High Country News, 277
high-def windows, 162-163
high-performance human, 5, 239-285
career guide to everyday Edens, 270-285
new nature movement, 249-264
right to a walk in the woods, 265-269
vitamin N for the soul, 241-248
high-performance workplace, 182-187
high-rise development, 201-202
high-tech/high-nature housing, 161-162, 222-223
hiker’s high, 75-77
Hispanics, 135-138
HIV, 49-50
Hockenberry, John, 33
Hollembeak, Lucy, 113
Hopkins, Rob, 129-130
Hort-Science, 80
Houck, Mike, 116-117, 138, 213, 216
Houston Wilderness, 214
Hughes, Nancy, 206
Human-Environment Research Laboratory, 29
human genome, 75-77
“human kindness in the natural community,” 111-114
human/nature report card, 125-130
human/nature social capital, 5, 110-119
human perception, 11-18
human rights, 265-269
humility, sense of, 18-20, 52, 280
Hundred-Acre Wood, 201
Hurricane Katrina, 10-11
Hutchinson, Cory Sue, 278-281
hybrid cars, 226-227
hybrid houses, 161-162
hybrid thinking, 36-40
natural creativity, 33-36
nature smart, 24-32
Hyman, Frank, 204-205
iBrain (Small), 37
immersion philosophy, 276-277
In Search of Kinship (Lambert), 273
independent play, 150-151
Indian Bend Wash, 207
Indian Institute of Architects, 201
Indiana University, 16
infilling, 224
info-blitzkrieg, 22-24
information transfer, 32
Ingham, Sage, 75
innate awareness, 32
insects, 167-172
inspiration, 50
Institute of Town Planners, 201
integrated medicine, 82
intelligence, 5, 25, 32, 36-40
intelligence enhancement, 26-27
International Agency for Research on Cancer, 178
International Association for Ecotherapy, 64
interruption science, 22-23
Intertwine Alliance, 214
intuition, 15-18
invasive species, 167-172
isolation of life, 110-119
Jackson, Maggie, 22-23
James, David, 275-276
James, Kay, 275-276
Jarawa tribespeople, 15
Jefferson, Thomas, 131-132, 133
Jenks, Susan, 30
Jensen, Deborah, 134-135
Jewishness, 244
Jones, Van, 269
Journal of Neuroscience, 60
Journal of the American Medical Association, 84
Julian, California, 233
Kahn, Peter, 162-163
Kamenetz, Anya, 277
Kansas State University, 80
Kaplan, Rachel, 27-29
Kaplan, Stephen, 27-29
Kaplan Thaler Group, 22
Kazdin, Alan, 65-66
Keating, Janet, 270-272, 278, 281
Keel, Lorin, 149-150
Kellert, Stephen, 71, 184, 209-210, 221-222
Kennedy, Eleanor, 85
Kenney, Andy, 207
Ker, Peter, 210
Khan, Peter H., Jr., 67
Khoury, Chris, 237
Kids Count, 126
Kids in the Valley, Adventuring! (KIVA), 148-149
Kilmer, Val, 36
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 6, 267
Kissel, Jason, 212-213
Kodiak brown bears, 9-10, 18-20
Kool, Rick, 113
Kotkin, Joel, 94
Krause, Bernie, 175
Kristof, Nicholas, 128
Kruger, Suzanna, 115-116
Kumeyaay Indians, 109, 131, 179
Kuo, Frances, 63-64
La Jolla, California, 117-119
La Plata River, 278-280
Lake Cuyamaca, 287-288
Lake Erie Allegheny Partnership for Biodiversity, 214
Lambert, Page, 273-274
Land Ethic, 250
land-trust movement, 210-213, 262
language of nature, 254-255
Las Vegas, 120-121
Last Child in the Woods (Louv), 3, 55, 62-63, 148, 163, 266
Lau, Alberto, 120-121 lawns, 170
learning ability, 29-32
LEED certification, 261
Leopold, Aldo, 249-251, 253, 256, 257
Leopold, Carl, 251
Leopold, Nina, 251
Leopold Center, 251
Levine, Elijah, 193
Levine, Jim, 192-193
Levine, Joan, 192-193
Lewis, Charles A., 108
Lewis, Meriwether, 132
Lewis and Clark College, 67
life expectancy, 94-95
light at night (LAN), 178
Limits to Growth (Meadows), 157
Lincoln, Abraham, 4
Lindblad National Geographic Expeditions, 25
Lindsey, Gail, 93, 164, 182-183
Liu, Gilbert C., 47
living fences, 100-101
Lockheed, 186
Loftness, Vivian, 184
loose parts theory, 34
Los Angeles Times, 17
Louisiana State University, 105
Louv, Jason, 1-2, 36-37, 102, 131, 141, 218, 288
Louv, Kathy, i-2, 77, 100-101, 102, 140-141, 226, 287-288
Louv, Kyle, 76
Louv, Matthew, 9-ii, 18-20, 21, 36-37, 141-142, 241-242, 247
Lowry, Chris, 60
Lyons, Oren, 239
Macleans, 37-38
Mancos River, 280
Mang, Marlis, 29
Manocchia, Adriano, 91-93
Mansell, Tom, 160
Mantel, Hilary, 35
Maricopa County Parks Department, 261-262
Martinez, Juan, 135-138
Martinez Rojas, Juan Antonio, 14
Martinson, Tom, 231-232
Mason/Walmart Line, 97-99
mass transit, 229-231
Mather, Thomas N., 217
Matthews, Dorothy, 30
McCommons, James, 134
McDonough, William, 227
McGown, Evan, 31-32
Meadows, Donella (Dana), 157-158
Medical Mile, 85
Memorial Ecosystems, 236
memories, 145-146
Menninger, Karl, 65
mental health tonic, 58-62
methylphenidate, 27
Miller, Daphne, 82-87
Mind, 65
mind, the, 11
mind/body/nature connection, 46-55
“mindsight,” 16, 17
modafinil, 27
Mola mola, 247-248
monarch butterflies, 143
Monash University, 183
Monitor, 16
Monsters of God (Quammen), 19-20
morals, 268
Moreton Bay fig tree of Spring Valley, 118
Morrison-Knudsen Nature Center, 164-165
mountaintop removal, 270-273
Murdoch University, 63
Mycobacterium vaccae, 30-31, 60
myopia, 17
Nader, Ralph, 226
Nakatsu, Eiji, 190
names, 272
National Center for Bicycling and Walking, 96
National Environmental Education Foundation, 85
National Environmental Health Association, 83
National Geographic, 75
National Health Service (England), 87
National Historic Landmark, 249
National Recreation and Park Association, 83
National Trust (England), 87
National Wildlife Federation, 83, 133, 146
Native Plant Salvage Program, 133-134
native plants, 166-173
natural balance, 5
natural capacity, 138-139, 219
Natural Capitalism (Hawken), 186
natural creativity, 33-36
natural disasters, 52
natural health care system, 81-88
Natural History, 191
Natural History of the Senses, A (Ackerman), 11
natural intelligence, 25
natural killer (NK) cells, 51
natural selection, 245-246
natural urban renewal movement, 197-219
naturalizing workplaces, 182-187
nature breaks, 147
nature-connection practice, 31-32
Nature Conservancy, 125, 235-236
nature-deficit disorder, 3, 11, 62-64, 187, 252
nature defined, 52-53
nature neurons, 7-40
operation of, 182-196
singing for bears, 9-20
Nature Neuroscience, 12
Nature of Cities, The, 200
nature paramedicals, 82-88
nature prescription, 78-88
nature preserve/memorial park, 236-237
Nature Principle, 3-6, 114, 233
applying, to mental health, 56-69
in business, 182-196
health care and, 81-88
at home, 157-173
nature restoration, 272-273
nature retreats, 182-183
nature smart, 24-32
Nature Strollers, 149-150
nature study movement, 251-252
nature therapy, 46-69
nature views, 47
nature walks, 33-35
“Nature’s Capital,” 87
Navajo rug weavers, 232-233
NBC, 149
near is the new far, 89-154
being where you are, 100-109
the bonding, 140-153
one true place, 91-99
purposeful place, 120-139
welcome to the neighborhood, 110-119
Nedlaw Living Walls, 161
negative impacts of wilderness, 52
neighborhood nearby-nature trusts, 211-212
Neighbourwoods, 207
networks, 260-264
neuroenhancers, 26-27
new agrarians, 273-278
New Economics Foundation, 127
new edge country, 220-237
New England, 97-98
new nature movement, 249-264
New Orleans, 10-11
New Ranch, 274-278
New Urbanism movement, 226
New York Times, The, 22, 134, 186, 190, 223, 242-243
NewSchool of Architecture and Design, 207
Newsweek magazine, 242
Next Hundred Million (Kotkin), 94
Nippon Medical School, 51
Nissan, 190
No Trespassing, 253-254
noise, 174-177
Noise Pollution Clearinghouse (NPC), 176, 177
nootropics, 26-27
Northwestern U.S., 122-123
Northwestern University, 12
Nova, 187
Nygren, Steve, 220-225
Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, 116
O’Brien, Catherine, 95-97
ocean sunfish, 247-248
Ochs, Elinor, 23
Ohio State University, 176
Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, 270
Oleas, Reyna, 24-25
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 54, 188, 256
“one brief Eden,” 45
Oregon State University, 279
Oregonian, 229-230
organic farming, 275-278
Orians, Gordon H., 53-54
Orion Magazine, 21-22
Orr, David, 89
Outdoor Channel, 194
outdoor exercise, 70-77, 228-229
Outdoor Fitness (Vindum), 71
outdoor immunity, 49-51
outer and inner world, 245-247
“Over-Soul, The,” 62
overnight shift work, 178
Oxford Junior Dictionary, 254
Pacific Crest Trail, 152-153
Pacific Ocean, 241-243, 247-248
Page, Margot, 73-74
Palleroni, Sergio, 128-129
Palo Alto High School, 39
Parabola, 246
parent-child attachment, 142-153
Park, Sin-Ae, 80
park prescriptions, 85-88
park rangers, 82-83
Parker, Classie, 208
PBS, 187
Peacock, Doug, 235
Pearce, Mick, 185-186
Pecos River Ranch, 36
peer-to-peer contagion, 260-264
Peninsular Range, 102
people-and-nature movement, 258-264
PepsiCo, 186
Pera, Gina, 174
permaculture, 129
Perry, Tony, 17
personal identity, 278-281
Petrini, Carlo, 205
phytoncides, 51
Picacho del Diablo, 102-103
place blindness, 100-105
Planet Drum Foundation, 122
planned communities, 220-237
plant blindness, 105-109
plant rescue, 133-134
Plant Science Bulletin, 105-106
play spaces, 209
pocket parks, 212
Pollan, Michael, 108
Pope, Carl, 254
Portland, Oregon, 86, 213-214, 216, 224-225, 229-230
Portland Parks and Recreation, 116
Portland State University, 115, 128
Poway High School, 282-285
Pretor-Pinney, Gavin, 180-181
Pretty, Jules, 59-60
Primary Care Trusts, 87
Prince Claus Award, 185
Project Concern, 76
Project FeederWatch, 133
Providence Missionary Baptist Church, 267
Provigil, 27
Pryde, Phil, 105
Przybylski, Andrew, 112
psychoactive substances, 26-27
Psychological Science, 29
Purdue University, 61
Putnam, Robert, 110-111
Pyle, Robert Michael, 18, 21-22
Qing, Li, 51
Quammen, David, 19-20
Quivira Coalition, 274-275
ragged edge sports, 72-77
rain forest, 101
Rao, V. R., 15
Raven, Isabel, 1-2
Raven, Nick, 1-2
Raytown, Missouri, 43-45, 266-267, 269
real field trips, 30
Reality Sandwich, 277
reconciliation ecology, 167
red gum eucalyptus trees of Ramona, 118-119
Regenerative Design Institute, 31
Register, Richard, 225-228
reinhabitation, 122
re-naturing the psyche, 56-69
Rensink, Ron, 16
respectful imitation, 189-190
restorative buildings, 184-187
restorative cities, 197-219
restorative environmental design, 221-222
restorative homes and gardens, 157-173
restorative power of nature, 45-69
restorative transportation, 226-231
Reynolds, Joanna, 104
risk, 215-217
Ritalin, 27
river restoration, 278-281
Riverdale Center of Religious Research, 245
Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program, 85
robotics, 23
Rocky Mountain News, 94-95
Romanowski Park, 203
Rooted in the Earth (Glave), 138-139
Rosen, Howard, 120-121
Rosenbloom, Sandra, 94
Rosenblum, Lawrence D., 14
Rosenzweig, Michael L., 167
Roszak, Theodore, 62
Royal Roads University, 113
rule of beauty, 231-235
runner’s high, 75-77
Rush, Benjamin, 65
Rutgers University, 205
Ryan, Richard M., 112
Sacramento Tree Foundation, 206
Sagan, Carl, 40
sage, 107
Sage Colleges, 30
Salazar, Ken, 137
Salton Sea, 103
San Diego, 102-110, 130-135, 207-209
San Diego County Bird Atlas, 132
San Diego Natural History Museum, 130
San Diego State University, 105
San Diego Union-Tribune, 104
San Francisco, 185, 217-218, 261
San Juan National Forest, 279
Sand County Almanac, A (Leopold), 249-251
Santa Ysabel, California, 235-237
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 85-86, 274
Scalesia Foundation, 24
Schill, Mark, 94
Schoeben, Spencer, 39-40
Schumacher, E. F., 188
Schussler, Elisabeth E., 105-106
science, 245-246, 257, 268 Science, 16
Scott, Debra, 150
Scripps Institute of Oceanography, 25-26, 242
Selborne hamlet, 222
self-healing, 56-57
senses, 11-20
Sequestering Carbon Accelerating Local Economies (SCALE), 276-277
Serenbe development, 221-226, 231, 232
serotonin, 60
Sespe Condor Sanctuary, 131
Severson, Kim, 186-187
Shack, the, 249-251
Shenandoah, 178-179
Shepard, Paul, 7
Shinkansen Bullet Train, 190
Shinsky, Brook, 72-74
Shoemaker, Candice, 80
sick building syndrome, 184
Siebert, Charles, 242-243
Sierra Club, 67, 136, 137, 254, 261
Sierra San Pedro Mártir, 102-103, 131
Silent Spring (Carson), 253
Silverberg, Michael, 19 0
singing for bears, 9-20
sixth sense, 15-18
Skinner, Katy, 204
sky blindness, 177-181
Sky Factory, 162
slurry, 271
Small, Gary, 37-38
Small Is Beautiful (Schumacher), 188
smart drugs, 26-27
Smart Growth movement, 226
smell, sense of, 12-13
Sobel, Noam, 12
solar power, 255
solastalgia, 63-64
Solnit, Rebecca, 202-204
Soule, Michael, 217
South Carolina National Guard, 17
South Central Los Angeles, 135-137
South Coast Air Quality Management District, 176
Southeastern Natural Sciences Academy, 105
Southern California/Northern Baja, 130-131
“special people and special places,” 144-148
spirit, sense of, 18
spiritual intelligence, 243-244
Spring Island community, 223
Springwatch, 133
Stahl, Dean, 165
State University of New York, 191
Stepner, Mike, 207
Stix, Gary, 26-27
Strassburg, Kim, 230
stress, 47, 50, 51, 54-55, 81, 112, 145, 185
suburbs, 220-237
subutopia, 231-235
suicide, 97
Suk, Michael, 86
Sundstrom, Bob, 14
Sunset magazine, 186
superbirders, 14-15
superior learning environment, 30
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, 271-273
sustainability, 127-129, 234, 254, 275-276, 280, 281
beyond, 256-259
Sustainability Institute, 158
“sustainable happiness,” 94-97
Swaisgood, Janice, 142-143, 151
Swaisgood, Owen Dyar, 143-144
Swaisgood, Ron, 142-144, 151, 195
swimming ponds, 162
Tallamy, Doug, 166-171
Tasmanian blue gum eucalyptus of Escondido, 118
Teal Farm, 277
Teardrop Park, 209
Technological Nature (Kahn), 162-163
technology, 5, 36-40, 188, 234
technonaturalists, 192-196
termite mounds, 185-186, 190-191
Texas A&M University, 54
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 57, 187, 195
Thaler, Linda Kaplan, 22
TheCityChicken.com, 204
therapy as if nature mattered, 64-69
Thomas, Dianne, 58
Thoreau, Henry David, 33, 41, 116, 252, 253, 256
3 Creek Ranch, 223
Three Ring Theory, 259-264
time awareness, 34-35
Time magazine, 95
“Timeless Way of Building, The,” vii
Toben, Caroline, 244-245
Today, 149
Tolkien, J. R. R., 141
Tomas de Berlanga School, 24
tornadoes, 179-180
Torrey Pines State Park, 26, 58
Total Habitat, 162
Totnes, England, 129
Toyota Prius, 226-227
Transformative powers of nature, 5
Transition Town movement, 129, 130
Treadwell, Timothy, 9
Treehugger, 226
Trees, 87, 100, 113, 117-119, 190-192, 203, 233
“Trees Mean Business,” 191-192
“trekker’s guide to life and romance,” 152-153
Troeger, Jack, 177-178
Trojan Horse Effect, 179, 224, 226
Trust for Public Land (TPL), 208, 211, 253
Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge, 229-230
Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society, 134
Turner, J. Scott, 191
Twain, Mark, 182
twenty-first century, 245-247, 265-269
Tyson, Amanda, 152-153
UBC Reports, 16
Ulrich, Roger S., 54
Environment Programme (UNEP), 189
U.S. Department of the Interior, 137
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 82
U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, 250
Unitt, Philip, 132
universal design, 188-192
University College London, 13
University of Alcalá de Henares, 13-14
University of Arizona, 94, 167, 179
University of British Columbia, 16
University of California
Berkeley, 12
Davis, 216
Irvine, 29
Riverside, 14
San Diego, 283
San Francisco, 82
University of Colorado, 34
University of Delaware, 166
University of Essex, 59-60
University of Guelph-Humber, 185
University of Illinois, 29, 63, 108, 112-113
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 152
University of Michigan, 29
University of Minnesota, 144
University of Rhode Island, 217
University of Rochester, 111
University of San Diego, 23
University of Sheffield, 111
University of Toronto, 207
University of Vermont, 152
University of Washington, 53, 67, 84, 162, 191, 253, 258
University of West Florida, 230
University of Wisconsin, 250
Uppsala University, 51
Urban Greenspaces Institute of Portland, 116
Urban Growth Boundary, 115
Urban Land Institute (ULI), 224
urban natural renewal, 197-219
urban wildlife, 114-117, 213-219
Values Institute, 23
Vastu Shastra, 160
virtual, 162-164
vertical farms, 201-202
vertical gardens, 160-161
Veterans Administration Hospital System, 65
veterans of wars, 66-67
Via Verde, 202
views of nature, 265-269
Vindas, Max, 101
Vindum, Tina, 71
violence, 112-113
vision, 16-17
deep green high, 70-77
fountains of life, 46-55
the garden, 43-45
nature prescription, 78-88
re-naturing the psyche, 56-69
for the soul, 241-248
Viva Terra, 160
Volcano of Water, 76-77
Walkable and Livable Communities Institute, 228
walking, 59, 60, 75-77, 81, 228-231
Wandersee, James, 105-106
Washington Post, 85
Washington State University, 206
Washington University, 15-16
“Watching Whales Watching Us,” 242-243
“we are not alone,” 114-117
Weinstein, Netta, 112
“welcome to the neighborhood,” 110-119
wen, 113-114
West Virginia, 270-273
Western Harbor community, 200-201
whales, 242-243
White, Courtney, 274-278
White Mountain National Forest, 253
Wild Center at Tupper Lake, 123-125
Wild in the City (Houck), 116
Wild Soundscapes (Krause), 175
wildlife corridor system, 217
Wilson, E. O., 53, 71, 168, 187, 267, 268
Win-Win Ecology (Rosenzweig), 167
wingsuit flying, 72-74
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 102
Wolf, Kathleen L., 191-192
Woodland Park Zoo, 134-135
Woodland Trust, 133
Wordsworth, William, 155
work-campers, 134
World Database of Happiness, 128
World Health Organization, 175, 178
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 233
Wurtmann, Jon, 195
Yahoo, 186
Yale University, 65-66, 71, 128, 184, 209
Yosemite National Park, 82-83
Young, Jon, 31-32