My family — Diana, Daniel, Ian and our canine friend Buddy — are an inspiration to me. Many of the scenes in this book could not have been written without the experiences of living in a loving family. I am grateful for their patience and insight.

Editor Diane Tucker made many valuable suggestions that strengthened the story. As well as being an unwavering eradicator of inflated vocabulary, uncertain grammar and malformed metaphor, Diane’s advice on matters of plot and structure have improved the novel.

This is my second novel with Thistledown Press, and I am thankful for the continued support they have given a new writer in every stage of the publishing process. I am indebted to Thistledown’s staff for maintaining the highest artistic values at the same time as they deal with the hard realities of producing and marketing books.

To those who read the Einstein manuscript in draft form and offered advice, thank you. Novels come to life in the minds of readers. That’s the particular strength of literature.

Your interpretations of Einstein Dog were much appreciated.