
This review was prepared by Shingo Kimura and Guillaume Gruère from the OECD Trade and Agricultural Directorate, with contributions from Julien Hardelin, Laura Munro, Juliane Jansen, Jane Korinek, Christina Arriola, Rohini Patel. Lihan Wei, Urszula Ziebinska, Karine Souvanheuane, Fabiana Cerasa, Zeynep Oral, Hiroshi Akai and Erina Sei provided statistical support. Martina Abderrahmane and Maurice O’Brien provided editorial assistance and publication support. OECD country reviews on Innovation, productivity and sustainability in agriculture are led by Catherine Moreddu. Frank van Tongeren, Head of Policies in Trade and Agriculture division, provided overall management. Guoqiang Cheng led the collaboration with the Development Research Center of the State Council of People’s Republic of China.

The inputs to this review also included several background reports by consultants: on agricultural policy by Mande Zhu from Guizhou University, on agricultural innovation system by Bingchuan Hu from the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Science, on structural change of agriculture, land and labour by Xiaobing Wang from Peking University; on agricultural and agri-environmental policy and sustainable agricultural development by Wusheng Yu from the University of Copenhagen; and on water policy by Jinxia Wang from Peking University. The review also draws on OECD analyses in other economic and social policy fields, and uses cross-country comparable indicators developed by the OECD and other international institutions, such as the World Bank and the World Economic Forum.

This report has benefitted from comments from Guoqiang Cheng (DRC), Hongxing Ni, Liang biao Chen and Yinghua Zhou (Ministry of Agriculture), Xuhua Sun and Shantao Zhu (Ministry of Finance), Hanquan Huang, Min Kang, Tianchao Qiu and Changyun Jiang (NDRC), Zhouyi Zheng (Ministry of Science and Technology), Zhixiong Du (CASS), Jikun Huang and Yu Sheng (Peking University) and discussion with them. It has also received valuable comments from Andrzej Kwiecinski, Carmel Cahill and Emily Gray of the OECD Trade and Agricultural Directorate. Feng Wei and Yingyue Wang of DRC provided valuable support in implementing the project.

This review was declassified by the Working Party on Agricultural Policies and Markets in November 2017, in which Australia and France played the role of lead discussants.