
At the top of the list of those I need to thank is my wife, Diane. She has supported me in this venture and has given me much cause for thought and reappraisal of my views on ADHD, this book, and life generally. Her love and kindness are always appreciated.

Next up are my lovely boys, Max and Guy, who have been such a joy and inspiration. Of all the people in my life it is these two who have had the biggest influence. And without Max I would not have attempted this book. Thanks, Max.

I would also like to thank Jo Lusher, Carl Bate, and Sean O’Brien for maintaining my sanity and keeping me firmly based in reality. Thanks to Lou for keeping the beer flowing. Cheers!

Staff at Wiley-Blackwell have supported me and given me help, advice, and encouragement – even when the deadline was long overdue. Special thanks to Karen Shield, Andrew McAleer, and Annie Rose.

I would like to thank numerous colleagues for the conversations we have had that have made a difference to my thinking during the writing of this book (although they may not know it!). Thanks are also due to those I have spoken to at conferences and meetings who have helped with my thoughts – too many to mention. Finally, I am grateful to all the authors who sent me copies of their work (again too many to mention). Without their help this would have been a far more difficult enterprise. It is their work that is inspiring and thought provoking.