Image credits

Bloomsbury Publishing would like to thank the following for providing photographs and for permission to produce copyright material. While every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge all copyright holders, we would like to apologise for any errors or omissions and invite readers to inform us so that corrections can be made in any future editions of the book. As stated on the copyright page, all photos Nick Baker unless stated here below.


Key t=top; l=left; r=right; tl=top left; tcl=top centre left; tc=top centre; tcr=top centre right; tr=top right; cl=centre left; c=centre; cr=centre right; b=bottom; bl=bottom left; bcl=bottom centre left; bc=bottom centre; bcr=bottom centre right; br=bottom right

FLPA Frank Lane Photography Agency; NPL: Nature Picture Library; G: Getty; SH: Shutterstock; Tony Cobley: Tony Cobley Photography,

Page numbers refer to the print book.

All photos by Nick Baker unless specified as below.

Front cover: Tony Cobley, title lettering/spine SH; back cover: Tony Cobley, top row SH; half-title: Tony Cobley; 6 Jan Vermeer/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 8 Tony Cobley; 12 Tony Cobley; 13 Tony Cobley; 15 Tony Cobley; p21 Terry Whittaker/2020VISION/NPL; 22 SH; 25 Bloomsbury; 28 t Tony Cobley; 30 Terry Whittaker/2020VISION; 31 Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION/NPL; 32 tl SH, tr SH, c Albert Lleal/Minden Pictures/FLPA, b SH; 33 tr Tony Cobley; 34 Tony Cobley; 36 b Cynthia Monaghan/Contributor/G; 37 tr Tony Cobley; 38 Tony Cobley; 39 SH; 40 Robin Chittenden/FLPA; 41 SH; 42 SH; p44 t Chris Shields (WAC)/NPL, b Paul Sawer/FLPA; 45 t, bl, br SH; 47 t Jean-Lou Zimmerman/Biosphoto/FLPA, b Paul Hobson/FLPA; 48 t SH, b Andy Rouse/NPL; 50 SH; 51 t Do Van Dijck/Minden Pictures/FLPA, tc Duncan Usher/Minden Pictures/FLPA, br Duncan Usher/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 52 t, b SH; 53 Paul Sawer/FLPA; 54 Hugh Pearson; 55 Tony Cobley; 56 SH; 57 David Tipling/FLPA; 58 c, b SH; 60 t David Tipling/FLPA, b SH; 61 t, b SH; 62 t SH, b Gianpiero Ferrari/FLPA; 63 c SH; 64 t SH, b Erica Olsen/FLPA; 67 t Roger Wilmshurst/FLPA, b SH; 68 t, b SH; 69 b SH; 70 t Ingo Arndt/Minden Pictures/FLPA, b David Hosking/FLPA; 71 t Richard Du Toit/Minden Pictures/FLPA, b SH; 72 SH; 73 t, b SH; 74 SH; 75 t Duncan Usher/Minden Pictures/FLPA, b Andrew Parkinson/NPL; 76 SH; 77 Robert Canis/FLPA; 78 t SH; 79 t Michael Clark/FLPA, b SH; 81 t SH, b Niall Benvie; 82 Derek Middleton/FLPA; 83 t, b SH; 84 SH; 86 Pete Oxford/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 88 Tony Heald/NPL; 91 Andrew Mason/FLPA; 92 Martin B Withers/FLPA; 96 t David Hosking/FLPA, b Robert Canis/FLPA; 98 Martin Camm (WAC)/NPL; 103 t David Hosking/FLPA, b Nick Upton/2020VISION; 106 SH; 107 t, b SH, 108 Terry Whittaker/2020VISION; 109 SH; 110 SH; 111 SH; 114 all SH, br Photo Researchers/FLPA; 116 tr, br SH; 117 A© Biosphoto, David Massemin/FLPA; 119 tr SH, br Andrew Murray; 121 SH; 122 t Matt Cole/FLPA, br ImageBroker/Imagebroker/FLPA; 123 t Fabio Liverani, br Emanuele Biggi/FLPA; 124 SH; 125 tr Robert Henno/Biosphoto/FLPA, br Jack Perks/FLPA; 127 SH, Loic Poidevin/NPL; 128 Photo Researchers/FLPA; 130 t Imagebroker, Christian Hatter/Imagebroker/FLPA; 131 Paul Hobson/FLPA; 133 Guy Edwardes/NPL; 134 SH; 136 Michel Gunther/Biosphoto/FLPA; 137 Sandesh Kadur/NPL; 138 Alex Hyde/NPL; 139 SH; 140 MYN/Carsten Krieger/NPL; 144 Chris Brignell/FLPA; 147 br Ingo Arndt/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 148 OceanPhoto/FLPA; 149 D P Wilson/FLPA; 150 t Linda Pitkin/2020VISION/NPL, b SH; 151 Kim Taylor/NPL; 152 Alan James/NPL; 153 t Dan Burton/NPL, b David Tipling/NPL; 154 Graham Eaton/NPL; 155 tr Juan-Carlos Munoz/Biosphoto/FLPA, b Linda Pitkin/2020VISION/NPL; 157 Oriol Alamany/NPL; 158 SH; 160 Tim Laman/NPL; 161 tr Remi Masson/Biosphoto/FLPA, br SH; 162 SH; 163 SH; 165 tl, tr SH, bl Otto Plantema/Minden Pictures/FLPA, br Piotr Naskrecki/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 166 tl Steve Trewhella/FLPA, bl Piotr Naskrecki/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 167 SH; 168 b Nigel Cattlin/FLPA; 172 t Tony Cobley, b Heidi & Hans-Juergen Koch/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 173 SH; 174 Tony Cobley; 175 SH; 176 Albert Lleal/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 177 tr Lars Soerink/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 178 Chien Lee/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 179 SH; 181 SH; 182 tr SH, b Thomas Marent/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 183 t Kim Taylor/NPL, br Gary K Smith/FLPA; 184 tr Kim Taylor/NPL, c Hans Christoph Kappel/NPL, br SH; 185 tr SH, br Simon Colmer/NPL; 186 tl Wild Wonders of Europe/Zupanc/NPL, br John van den Heuvel/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 187 tr SH, bl Ingo Arndt/NPL; 188 tr SH, bl Malcolm Schuyl/FLPA; 189 tr Robert Thompson/NPL, c, br David M. Cotteridge; 190 t David M. Cotteridge; 191 David T. Grewcock/FLPA; 192 Stephen Dalton/NPL; 195 John Walters; 196 Peter Entwistle/FLPA; 197 cl, br SH; 198 tl Thomas Marent/Minden Pictures/FLPA, c SH; 199 tr Rene Krekels, NiS/Minden Pictures/FLPA, br Jan Hamrsky/NPL; 201 tr Derek Middleton/FLPA, br SH; 203 SH; 204 Nick Upton/NPL; 205 tl Cisca Castelijns, NiS/Minden Pictures/FLPA, br Premaphotos; 206 SH; 207 t SH; 208 SH; 209 t, b SH; 210 tl, tr, cl, cr, br SH, bl ©Biosphoto, Robert Henno/Biosphoto/FLPA; 211 tr, bl SH; 213 t Paul Hobson/NPL, br Michael Durham/NPL; 214 Stephen Dalton/NPL; 215 tr, bl SH; 216 SH; 217 tl Visuals Unlimited/NPL, c John B Free/NPL, br SH; 218 tr Adrian Davies/NPL br Imagebroker, Franz Christoph Robi/Imagebroker/FLPA; 219 tl John B Free/NPL, c Mark Moffett/Minden Pictures/FLPA, br Bernard Castelein/NPL; 220 Richard Becker/FLPA; 226 t SH; 227 tr Andy Sands/NPL, br SH; 228 tr Visuals Unlimited/NPL, b Ingo Arndt/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 230 bl Richard Becker/FLPA; 232 tr, b, SH; 233 t, b SH; 235 Premaphotos/NPL; 236 SH; 237 t Matt Cole/FLPA, b; 238 Jurgen Freund/NPL; 239 t SH, b Imagebroker, J.Walker/Imagebroker/FLPA; 240 Nigel Cattlin/FLPA; 241 t SH; 244 t Olivier Digoit/Imagebroker/FLPA, b Emanuele Biggi/FLPA; 245 Michael Durham/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 247 ImageBroker/Imagebroker/FLPA; 248 Steve Trewhella/FLPA; 249 t, br SH; 250 Jan Hamrsky/NPL; 252 Nicholas and Sherry Lu Aldridge/FLPA; 253 t, c SH; 254 b Wil Meinderts/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 255 t Steve Trewhella/FLPA, b Kim Taylor; 256 t Wikimedia/Hans Hillewaert, b Steve Trewhella/FLPA; 257 t Steve Trewhella/FLPA, b SH; 258 Jack Perks/FLPA; 259 t, bl, br SH; 260 t, b SH; 261 SH; 262 Tony Hamblin/FLPA; 263 tr SH, br Kim Taylor/NPL; 264 Jane Burton/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 265 tr SH, br Nick Upton/NPL; 266 tl Christoph Becker/NPL, c John Cancalosi/NPL; 267 tl Ingo Arndt/Minden Pictures/FLPA, c Simon Colmer/NPL, bl SH; 268 t Nick Upton/NPL, br Tony Hamblin/FLPA; 269 tr Alex Mustard/NPL, bl Colin Marshall/FLPA; 270 t Steve Trewhella/FLPA, c SH, br Bill Coster/FLPA; 272 tr Steve Trewhella/FLPA, br Willem Kolvoort/NPL; 273 tr Nick Upton/NPL, br Malcolm Schuyl/FLPA; 274 tr Steve Trewhella/FLPA, br Steve Trewhella/FLPA; 275 tl D P Wilson/FLPA, br Christophe Courteau/NPL; 276 tr Visuals Unlimited/NPL, bl SH; 277 tr Philippe Clement/NPL, br SH; 278 tl ImageBroker/Imagebroker/FLPA, br Steve Trewhella/FLPA; 279 br Chris Mattison/FLPA; 280 Nigel Cattlin/FLPA, Nick Upton/NPL; 281 tr, bl SH; 282 br SH; 283 Derek Middleton/FLPA, 284 SH; 286 ©Biosphoto, Sylvain Cordier/Biosphoto/FLPA; 287 tr D P Wilson/FLPA, br Pete Oxford/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 288 tl, bl Steve Trewhella/FLPA; 289 Jabruson/NPL; 290 SH; 291 SH; 293 tr Nigel Cattlin/FLPA, br Jurgen Freund/NPL; 294 bl, br SH; 295 Nigel Cattlin/FLPA; 296 cr, lr SH; 298 cr Visuals Unlimited/NPL, bl Bob Gibbons/FLPA; 301 cr, bl SH, 302 tr, br SH; 303 tr SH, br Chien Lee/Minden Pictures/FLPA; 306 Kurt Möbus/Imagebroker/FLPA; 308 SH; 309 t Duncan McEwan/NPL; 310 Kim Taylor/NPL; 312 SH; 313 tr, bl SH; 314 Erica Olsen/FLPA; 315 cr, br SH; 316 Stephen Dalton/NPL; 320 tr Jabruson/NPL, br SH; 321 tr Jurgen & Christine Sohns/FLPA, br SH; 325 Tony Cobley; 326 Premaphotos/NPL; 327 Visuals Unlimited/NPL; 328 SH; 329 tr SH, bl Jurgen Freund; 331 tr Nico van Kappel/Minden Pictures/FLPA, bl Nigel Bean/NPL; 332 tl Steve Gettle/Minden Pictures/FLPA, cr SH; 333 Stephen Dalton/NPL

Illustrations by Lizzie Harper, except for p44 Dave Nurney, p95 and 98 Wildlife Art Company/NPL