Chapter Nine

Victoria was exhausted, in spite of the long nap she’d had on the plane. She knew she should be sleeping. She’d need her wits about her to deal with whatever would come her way tomorrow. Or rather today. Dawn wasn’t that far off.

But she couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was the change in time zones or the nap she’d had on the plane. Most likely, it was the pervading sense of fear she couldn’t seem to shake. This trip could end in her death. She knew that and had accepted it. But it might also finally give her some insight, some clue into where to find Sergei and Katherine.

Or maybe that was wishful thinking on her part. Maybe she’d die never knowing what had happened to her friend and his wife.

She sighed and rolled over in bed, tugging the covers more securely around her.

She didn’t know how she’d managed to put her professional mask back on after the revelations on the drive here. But she had, and she’d gotten everyone checked into the hotel. She’d also had to deal with her boss, who was never quite satisfied with any accommodations. It was more difficult because the available hotels, while quite lovely, weren’t up to his exacting standards. Of course, he found something to complain about at the best hotels in the country.

She closed her eyes and swallowed back the fear that threatened to choke her. She had to think logically. Her boss was dangling her in front of Caine…like what? Some toy he could choose to play with or not? Did he expect her to whore herself? Mr. Temple likely didn’t care what she thought. As always, he was only concerned with what he wanted.

The urge to run was strong, but she knew she wouldn’t leave, couldn’t sacrifice the life of her friend to save her own. Then there was Luther. As stupid as it was, she didn’t want to leave him.

Unable to lie still any longer, she threw back the bed covers and padded barefoot to the window, ignoring the cool air that sent a chill through her. The world outside was dark and silent, the lights from the streetlamps and nearby buildings illuminating the surrounding area. A lone person hurried down the street, their head ducked against the wind. She was safe enough here in the hotel. Tomorrow, they were heading to Caine’s compound. Once they arrived there, anything could happen.

She didn’t hear a noise, but there was a slight breeze in the air. She sensed something had changed in the room. Victoria whirled around, ready to scream, when a large hand covered her mouth. Oh God! Has someone come to kill me? She tensed, ready to fight.

“Shh. You don’t want to wake up the entire hotel.”

Luther. Heart pounding, she closed her eyes and tried to calm herself. She didn’t know if she wanted to smack him or hug him. He’d given her such a fright. And how had he gotten into her room? She hadn’t heard a sound. It drove home just how vulnerable she was.

He was still waiting for her to give him a signal she understood, his hand still covering her mouth. She was tempted to stick her tongue out and lick it just to see how he would react. But she resisted the temptation and simply nodded. Her heart still hammering, she grabbed his hand and pulled it away. He released her and took a step back.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you.” He practically disappeared into the shadows.

“Could have fooled me.” With one hand on her chest, she tried to catch her breath. “What did you think would happen sneaking up on me like that?” There was no sense of restlessness or impatience from Luther. He just continued to watch her.

Victoria became very aware she was wearing nothing but a long, flowing nightgown. The only saving grace was that it covered her decently, and it was also too dark for him to see much of anything.

She shivered as the chill from the room and the adrenaline rush from her recent scare sent her body temperature plummeting. Luther glanced to the robe she’d tossed over the foot of the bed earlier, swept it up, and walked over to her.

“Put this on. You’re trembling.”

How could he tell? The light from the window, of course. She was standing right in front of it.

She reached out to take the robe, but he held it open instead. Rather than argue with him, she turned her back and allowed him to help her put it on. She belted it quickly and turned to face him. “Why are you here?”

“I told you, I’m not leaving you alone until this trip is over.” He was so big and solid she wanted to snuggle against him. She was more afraid than she’d ever been in her life, but she still wasn’t sure if she could trust Luther, or if at some point he’d actually betray her.

She didn’t think so, but if she made a mistake, she wouldn’t live to make another. She was walking a tightrope with no net to catch her.

“I was alone before you got here,” she pointed out.

“No, you weren’t. Oscar was watching your room.”

That he’d thought to do it warmed her. That he felt it necessary to do so tied her stomach in knots. But one problem remained. “You can’t sleep here. What if someone discovers you in my room?”

He prowled toward the window and stood just to the left of it as he scanned the landscape. “Might be better if they do.”

“What?” Surely she’d misheard him.

He glanced back at her, lowering his gaze to the opening of her robe. She tugged it tighter and kept her hands there, clenching the material.

“If they believe you belong to me, they’ll be more likely to leave you alone. Maybe.”

“Maybe?” she echoed. And what exactly did he mean by her belonging to him? Did he mean it, or was it just for show? And why did the thought of belonging to him make her so warm inside? She’d always been alone and independent, never relying on anyone but herself. And she’d never thought she’d needed anyone else. Luther was changing everything.

Knees weak, Victoria stumbled to the end of the bed and sat down hard on the mattress. Luther swore and hurried to her side. He hesitated and then knelt at her feet.

Something deep inside her seemed to open up. She desperately tried to ignore it.

“You’re really cold.” He said it almost accusingly. He grabbed her hands and rubbed them with his. Lifting them to his mouth, he blew out and warmth enveloped her fingers.

“I’m scared,” she corrected. She was cold, too, but the worst of her chill was pure terror. “I don’t know what to expect.”

“None of us do. Not even Temple.”

“Why is he here?” She prayed Luther would open up and share with her.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.” She held her breath and prayed he’d be honest.

He swore. “Let’s get you back in bed first. Last thing you need is to get sick.” He stood and held out his hand.

She knew this was a turning point in her life. Dreams and flirtation aside, if she took Luther’s hand, their relationship would change forever. She knew if she climbed into bed, he’d crawl in beside her.

Victoria took a deep breath and stood. She prayed she was making the right decision. Deep in her heart, she knew it was the only one she could make. She couldn’t do this alone. She needed someone on her side to be there for her if something happened.

Maybe she was deluding herself, but she was connected to Luther in some way she didn’t truly understand. The way they interacted in her visions proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. The way her body responded to his mere presence drove the point home.

She was going to keep the robe on but decided it didn’t really matter. She might as well be comfortable. When she started to slide it off, Luther was right there to help her. His fingers grazed her shoulder, and heat flowed through her, making her nipples tighten.

She quickly climbed into bed and tugged the covers up.

From her vantage point, she watched Luther pace. Sensing this might take some time, she tucked two pillows behind her and leaned against the headboard. “Whatever it is, you might as well tell me.” Delaying wasn’t helping either of them.

Luther dragged his fingers through his hair. She wished it was a bit longer. He was handsome, but longer hair would make him look extra hot.

He paused at the end of the bed. “You know Temple is more than a businessman.”

It wasn’t a question, but she nodded. “Yes.” She’d have to be stupid not to suspect that. She suddenly wondered if Mr. Temple had sent Luther to discover just how much she knew. Her stomach dropped, and she began to tremble.

“What is it?” He stalked to the side of the bed and sat, crowding close. Was it her imagination, or did he sniff the air? “You’re suddenly afraid of me again. Why?”

It was probably the stupidest thing she’d ever done, but if Luther was going to betray her, she’d rather know now than later. “Did Temple send you here?”

Luther’s face hardened, and his scowl would have made most men flee. “No.”

That was it. He didn’t try to convince her of his innocence, didn’t elaborate at all. Perversely enough, that made her believe him.

“I’m sorry, but I had to ask.”

He released a huge breath and hung his head. “I know.”

She had a sense this situation was as difficult for him as it was for her. Impulsively, she pressed her hand against his cheek. It was surprisingly smooth, like he’d shaved just before he got here. His skin was warm. Luther always seemed to be radiating heat. Maybe it just seemed that way because she was always so cold.

She licked her lips and took the plunge. “This is about the Knights of the Dragon, isn’t it?”

Luther stilled, hardly able to believe what he’d just heard. It was hard enough for him to concentrate with Victoria wearing a silky nightgown that clung to her every curve. Having her covered by the blankets wasn’t helping much, either.

He wanted to touch her, not just in his fantasies, but in reality.

He wanted to know what made her sigh with pleasure and what made her gasp with passion. He wanted to explore every curve and hollow of her body, run his fingers through her hair, and drown in the lush scent of her skin.

But there were more pressing matters to deal with. He forced himself to concentrate on the task at hand. Remembering her fear of him killed his arousal and helped center him.

“What do you know about the Knights?” Was she playing him? Was she in this deeper than he’d anticipated? If so, she had enough on him to hang him out to dry with Temple.

“Victoria?” he prompted when she remained silent.

“I’m afraid.” Those two simple words, so softly whispered they just about broke his heart. No matter if she was involved with Temple or not, he knew he’d protect her.

“I know.” He turned his head and kissed the palm of her hand. Then he pulled away and began to unlace his shoes.

“What are you doing?” she asked, sounding more perplexed than frightened. That was good. He hated the stench of her fear in his nostrils.

“Getting comfortable.” He slipped off his shoes and socks and then stood. He pulled off his jacket and shirt before removing his belt from his pants. He thought about removing his pants, too, but he decided that might be pushing his luck.

He stretched out on the bed beside her and propped his head on his hand. Her eyes were wide, but there was more speculation in them than fear.

“What do you know about the Knights?” He had to know what she suspected and what she knew for fact.

She shrugged. “Not much. Only that they’re an organization that believes in dragons.” She studied him intently.

Luther wanted to smile. They were playing a deadly game of cat and mouse, neither of them wanting to reveal too much. “You’re right.” Her hair wasn’t down, not exactly, but it was in a braid. He ran his fingers along the long hank of hair that lay across her shoulder. He really wished it was loose. “What else?”

“What do you know?” she countered. She pressed her hand against his chest. He was seared by her touch. Except for a stolen kiss in a stairwell, this was the first time they’d touched outside of his dreams and fantasies. Need pumped through him, threatening his control.

“They’re dangerous and will stop at nothing to get what they want?” His voice was hoarse with need, but there was nothing he could do about that. His blood was hot, his cock hard, his entire body vibrating with desire.

“And what is it they want?”

He had no idea how she’d react, but he decided it was time to be honest. At least about this. “Dragon blood.”

She went very still and withdrew her hand. He wanted to grab it and put it back where it had been, but that would only frighten her. She was luckier than he was. While he was in shadows to her, he could see her perfectly. Her skin was soft and pale as fresh cream. He wanted to lick it to find out if it was as tasty.

“Dragon blood?” Her voice got louder on each word, but she still remembered not to talk too loudly, was cognizant of the danger that lurked nearby. She was something else, and he wanted her to be his.

“They believe the blood of a dragon cures all diseases. That it also slows the aging process and repairs the ravages of time. No one knows how long a person might live if they had a regular supply of dragon blood.”

Victoria shoved back the covers and bolted for the bathroom. Luther was right behind her. He caught her as she started to stumble to her knees. “Going to be sick,” she told him. He helped her steady herself in front of the toilet. She heaved, but nothing came up.

He sank down behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “I’m so sorry.” He shouldn’t have been so blunt. She always acted so brave, it was easy to forget she wasn’t a part of his violent world.

“Do they ever kill the dragons for their blood?” She peered up at him, her face white as snow and just as cold.

At a loss for what to do, Luther hugged her. He sat back and dragged her onto his lap. “No, baby.” He kissed her temple. “They don’t kill them. That’s the thing. They need the beasts alive. The blood loses potency almost as soon as it is taken. They need it fresh from the source.”

Thinking she’d be relieved, he was shocked when she hit him. “Don’t call them that. They’re not beasts.”

Luther stilled and automatically tightened his hold. “Just how much do you know about dragons?” He hoped he was wrong, that she, like many, had a romanticized idea of what a dragon was.

“They’re beautiful,” she whispered. “Strong and kind.”

Jealousy rose up inside him like a firestorm. Her emotions were too real, too immediate not to come from experience. “And how would you know?”

He doubted a member of the Knights would see a dragon in such a way, but maybe he was mistaken. Had she played him for a fool? Was she really a member of the Knights? He’d thought he’d kept his fury in check, but she stilled and then pushed away.

“Let me up.”

He held her for another moment, not wanting to let her go, but as soon as he sensed her rising fear, he released her. She scrambled to her feet and hurried back into the bedroom. He slowly got to his feet and followed, a million questions running through his brain. How had she met a dragon? When?

She was curled up in bed with the covers pulled around her, and she was shaking like a leaf. No one was this good an actor. No matter what was going on with her, she was truly upset. This was a lot for anyone to handle. Victoria had been living with a great deal of stress for a very long time.

He approached her cautiously and held up his hands in front of him to assure her he was no threat, not to her. No matter what had happened in her past, he knew he could never hurt her.

“Whatever you know, it’s okay.” He wanted her to trust him, not fear him. He wanted her to turn to him when she was scared, not run. He just plain wanted her. Maybe it was crazy. No, scratch that. Considering the situation, it was pure insanity. But that didn’t change what he was feeling.

“You wouldn’t believe me.”

“Try me,” he told her. He slowly eased back on the bed again. He leaned against the headboard and lifted her onto his lap, covers and all, needing to comfort her. He took the fact that she didn’t scream and try to get away as a good sign.

She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “You’ll leave once you know. Everyone does.”

That sounds ominous. “Who left you, baby?” He ran his hand over her hair and snuggled her closer.

“My parents died when I was young, and I ended up in an orphanage.”

He couldn’t imagine that. His parents had loved him. He’d had a wonderful childhood filled with laughter and adventure. “I’m so sorry.”

She shrugged. “I don’t really remember them.”

“Did you live in foster homes?” She hadn’t been adopted. That would have been in her employment file, but there was no family listed at all. That was one of the main reasons Temple would have hired her. She was essentially alone in the world.

“No.” She lightly ran her fingers over his chest. He didn’t think she realized what she was doing, but he sure as hell did. “But I did have dreams.”

He stilled and thought back to the dreams he’d seemed to share with her. “Dreams?”

She nodded. “Visions, really. I can’t control them. Have no idea when they’re going to happen or where they’ll take me. All I know is that I end up as an observer, seeing a scene out of someone’s life, either from the present or near past. People don’t like to have you around when they find out you know things about them that you shouldn’t.”

Luther was both horrified and fascinated by her claim. “So you get glimpses into other people’s lives?” It was farfetched, but he believed her. He had to considering what he’d experienced. “You’ve had visions of me, of my life.”

“Yes.” She leaned back and stared up at him, her expression earnest. “But it’s different with you. I’m usually a ghost. For me, it’s like watching a recording of something that’s already happened or viewing a scene from the present. It’s like going to the movies. I’m never a part of it. Never.”

He caught her chin in his hand. “But you were part of mine.”

She frowned. “I know. And I don’t understand why.”

“Has it only been the two times?” He had to know.

Victoria’s face became the familiar blank slate he was used to seeing at work. Even though she was still sitting in his lap, he felt her withdrawing from him.

“Baby, I don’t mind that you’ve had visions of me.” How could he explain this to her and not scare her to death? “It’s just that I’ve done things in my life, things you don’t need to see.”

She blinked several times. “Oh.” She took a deep breath that seemed to steady her. “Only those two times. And I honestly can’t control it. Believe me, I’ve tried. I’ve seen a lot of things I wish I hadn’t. Best I can figure is it’s a combination of clairvoyance and spirit walking, or astral projection.”

Luther couldn’t imagine coping with such a talent, never knowing who or what you’d see when you closed your eyes to sleep. And knowing it was all real and true. And she’d been dealing with it since she was a child.

“I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what else to say. “I rather enjoyed the ones we shared.”

That startled a laugh out of her. Luther felt his chest puff out with pleasure.

“Me, too,” she told him.

He tipped her head back and kissed her. He had to. Their lips barely met, their breath lingered. This time, it wasn’t a fantasy or a dream or whatever the proper term was. It wasn’t a stolen kiss where there was fear of discovery or no time to explore. They were alone in her hotel room and had at least two more hours until they had to get up.

He needed to find out what she knew about dragons. He may not care now, but he would later. For now, all he wanted was to taste her, to have the heat of her body against his bare skin.

He should leave and let her sleep. It was going to be a hell of a long day, and they’d both need their wits about them if they hoped to come out of this situation alive. He’d let her rest, just as soon as he’d kissed her again.

She’d told him about her talent, and he hadn’t bolted for the door. Not yet, at least. He didn’t seem to mind overly much that she’d seen into his life, shared some of his memories.

He pressed his lips more firmly against hers, and she sighed. Visions were one thing, but reality was so much better.

If anyone had told her a week ago she’d be curled up in a hotel bed with Luther Henderson and he’d be kissing her, she would have laughed in their face. That would have been as likely as her getting definitive proof that the Loch Ness monster and Big Foot were real. Totally out of the realm of possibility.

Yet, here she was.

She pressed her hand against his chest. It was firm beneath her palm. The reality of a half-naked Luther was almost overwhelming. She’d known he was fit, had seen it in her visions. But they were nothing compared to what she was experiencing. His shoulders were so incredibly wide. His arms were roped with muscle. And his abs were the kind most men could only wish for.

She wasn’t able to see all of him clearly because of the shadows, but that was okay. She could feel him, and he was very real.

He slid his tongue into her mouth in a bold stroke. She met him and returned the caress. The kiss made her warm from head to toe. She was hot and throbbing between her legs, the silky material of her nightgown almost too much against her engorged nipples. The hard length of his erection pressed against her hip.

They really needed to talk more, or at least rest. But she didn’t want him to leave, didn’t want him to stop. She’d been alone for so long. Even something as casual as a hug—an everyday occurrence most people took for granted—was foreign in her world. She was starved for affection, and Luther seemed more than willing to give it.

When he finally eased back, they were both breathing heavily. He picked up the end of her braid and trailed the hair over her collarbone. Her core clenched hard. He inhaled sharply and closed his eyes.

“Someday, I want to see your hair down. I want it flowing over my bare skin. I want to bury my fingers in it as I drive my cock into you over and over, until you scream my name with pleasure.”

Oh God. She wanted that, too.

She shuddered and gripped his biceps to keep from shoving him down and demanding he follow through on his promise. Now was not the time or the place. They might seem safe, but she knew someone could come to the door at any moment.

That was enough of a deterrent for her to gain control.

“So what do we do?” she asked.

He studied her for what seemed like a long time. “Now you tell me how you know about dragons.”