Chapter 23


To the east, to the south,

to the west, to the north,

to above and below,

I send my words flying.

From the east, from the south,

from the west, from the north,

from above and below,

may blessings come flying.

Surrounded by all the numinous beings of earth and sky and water,

I pray with confidence, for I know their help is certain.

I place myself at your service,

gods of my people.

Open me to your wishes,

make me a conduit for your will,

bringing forth your desires in the human world.

With this gift I establish hospitality with you.

I am your host this day;

be my host another.

I bring greetings to the gods of this place

from my people, from my family, from me,

and not only greetings but gifts of friendship.

I give them to you to establish between us the sacred bond.

We have been hosts today, and know you will be ours in the future.

It's been this way at least as long as there have been people,

and will continue to be,

even those who have forgotten you treating each other in the sacred way you and we do.

When I speak, may it be divine words.

When I think, may it be divine thoughts.

When I act, may it be divine deeds.

May what I do be divine.

May what I am be divine.

May I be divine, be divine.

My divine self asks my divine self to remember itself.

The first offering I make is the life of this wood.

I offer to that offering with this offering,

[oil/butter] to feed you.

Giver[s] of Gifts,

I give in return,

with reverent heart,

this [offering].

With this gift I maintain my relationship with the Gods.

With this gift I maintain my relationship with the Ancestors.

With this gift I maintain my relationship with the Land Spirits.

With gift and with gift, relationships are established and maintained.

Each of you has your gift,

and each your preferred offerings.

Since I can't give everything,

I give you this,

asking for gifts from those who are pleased by it.

Refreshed by this drink, find power and reason to help [me, us, etc.] to [petition].

I'm not trying to buy your affection with this, but to show you mine.

I pour out words of praise to you with this drink.

I remember you;

remember me when I need you.

With [these words/this offering/etc.] I pray to you today, [god's name].

I have prayed to you in the past, and will praise you in the future.

All the Kindreds, be honored in our midst.

We pour out our offering to you,

like living water,

like grain from a bag.

Drink deeply of the gifts we give.

Around me, all the gods of the land are watching—

May I do what is right.

I give from my own store to you,

the gods of this place.

Remember my generosity and be my friends.

Accept this gift, Holy Ones,

and keep me in your minds,

as I will keep you in my heart.

Holy Ones, Mighty Ones, I ask for your blessings today,

that I might be blessed with holiness and with fortune,

that my family might be blessed with holiness and with fortune,

that my community might be blessed with holiness and with fortune,

that my country might be blessed with holiness and with fortune,

that my planet might be blessed with holiness and with fortune.

Send them forth, you who are holy.

Send them forth, you who are filled with fortune.

Send them forth, upon all for whom I pray.

Send them forth, send them forth.

Blessed one, come near to me and hear my prayer.

You who have, since ancient times, listened to my people's words,

hear my prayer now.

Great is your power, and perfectly is it applied,

with artful skill, with respect for beauty.

My own might is little indeed;

yours is beyond imagining.

Use your power in my interests:

grant me my wishes, accomplish my objectives.

I place myself today in the hands of the gods,

knowing that their protection comes with a price.

For those who wish the help of the old ones

must walk their path with all their hearts.

This I promise I will do.

Even the stones make it clear to me that everything

partakes of the nature of the gods.

The buildings that surround me speak of the skills

that have been given to us by the gods in ancient times,

that are being given to us in these days,

that will always be given to us

by the Mighty Ones.

Remind me of this daily, you who give so much.14

Only a few words for you today,

Gods and goddesses, Ancestors and Spirits,

but all these are praise and thanks.

May I live a life of piety,

of regular prayers,

of regular offerings,

of regular turning to the Holy Ones for their friendship;

to give, to receive, to thank,

in continuous relationship with the holy.

With this gift I establish hospitality with you.

I am your host this day;

be my host another.

Spirits of the elements, I stand in your center,

a being that shares in all your ways;

hear me, help me.

Spirits of the land, I praise the land's beauty,

and I do not separate myself from it;

hear me, help me.

Spirits of the Ancestors, I continue to walk the path you laid down;

hear me, help me.

Deities of my people, I worship you with words and actions,

as from ancient times;

hear me, help me.

All of the numinous beings that crowd about me,

I am a fellow traveler on the ancient path;

Hear me, help me.

Hear me and help me, Shining Ones,

you who do not cease from watching:

send me aid when it is most needed.

Here on a stone, in the midst of trees,

I place an offering to the gods of this place.

Though I don't know your names,

I know you are here

and I wish for your friendship,

for me and my people.

Accept what I give you

and do not forget me.

All of you Holy Ones

All of you Sacred

Ones All of you Numinous Ones:

We give this libation to you,

All of you Kindreds.

We worship you today.

Spirits of this place,

whether you are gods or goddesses,

spirits or the dead,

accept these offerings from one who wishes only to

be at peace with you.

Today I am your host

and I give you a host's gifts.

Tomorrow the turn may fall to you

and you will be the hosts.

Remember that I have acted as hospitality requires,

and reciprocate when the time is right.

May the gods help us always to do

only that which is right.

Walk beside me, Lord of Strength,

as I undergo trial.

Listen to me, you who grant wisdom:

The stories that have been told about you from the

times when our race was young have taught me

that you are the clearest of thinkers and the best at deciding the proper path.

I find myself now with a choice to make and I do not know how to make it.

Without a clear road before me, then, I turn to you for help.

Path-Marker, Way-Shower, what should I do?

I ask that you give me a sign to help me decide.

Come to me with your clear counsel; come to me with advice.

Come to me, whether in a dream, or in the chance remark of a stranger, or in my own deliberations.

May my decision reflect your calm wisdom, and my life become thereby a pleasure for you to see.

[The exact deity to whom this is directed will depend on your tradition.]

A pure smell of incense I send to the pure gods

to delight their noses, to please their senses,

to prepare them to receive a request not so sweet.


If I should hesitate to approach your altar,

there in the hiding shadow of threatening pines,

the pillars of your cathedral:

Know that I am more afraid of what might be lost

than desiring of what might be gained.

Lord of Light, here Lord of Shadow,

show me the light in the shadow,

teasing me from my ignorance,

and from my fear.

A mighty bull in the field,

a penetrating mind at work:

choosing the appropriate mode, you find no opposition.

Lord of talents, be with me in my efforts.

Bring my plans to fruition.

Controller of the riches beneath the Earth,

fertilizer of all life upon it,

distributor of the wealth that arises from it:

Lord of the Earth, Lord of Wealth,

when sharing out your bounty,

do not forget me, who is faithful in your service.


Mother, help me,

I am calling to you!

My need is great, but your power is greater.

I know you will prevail over the troubles that beset me.

You who gave birth to all things,

give birth to what I desire;

bring it to pass.


It's not really so hard to see the gods, is it?

You open your eyes and there they are.

But I'm fooling myself if I think that seeing you is enough.

My deepest of gazes won't go deep enough to see all of you.

You are truly amazing, all of you.

The least among you is incomprehensible.

You are a different kind from me.

But are we so different?

We can meet as friends over the offering.

Perhaps you will be the greater,

but we will be friends, nonetheless.

Look what I have brought for you:

here is food.

Let's sit down and eat together like friends do.

Someday I will sit at your table.

Today, sit at mine.

You set before us a banquet, All-Gods,

and we ask for table scraps.

Today my prayer is, “Open my eyes.”

All-Gods, may one of you hear my prayer

and help me in return for my gratitude.


[with an offering of ghee]

May this be to you as food, Agni;

Agni, may this be to you as drink.

Priest of the gods, go,

strengthened by my offering, to them,

carrying my prayers in your hands,

speaking them with your mouth.

May Agni, priest of the gods,

carry this offering to them.

If your tongues will speak my words

I will feed you with butter;

you will grow strong and carry my prayers to the gods.

Lord of undying fire that burns within us all,

my prayer is sent to you, from my heart to yours.

As you are enflamed, so may I be also;

filled with the fire that rolls out from your hidden home,

that golden-walled palace enclosed by living water.

Burn away my weaknesses.

Light within me a raging fire of strength.

Cause me to burn with zeal to perform the acts of the gods.

Agni, I offer my words to you,

as if golden butter poured on your flames,

feeding you, strengthening you, giving you life.

I ask you to convey my prayers to the gods,

Priest of the gods, who speaks honeyed words.


Apąm Napāt, you seized the Xvarimagenah,

the glory of kingship,

to hide it under the waters of the sea Vourukaša

to protect it from the depredations of the unrighteous

who sought to claim it for their own,


I come before you today, declaring myself worthy

to receive some of what you grant to those whom you favor,

whom you determine properly appointed.

I declare myself purified of wrongdoing

that you might show me favor,

that you might give me a portion of the power to rule

that which is in your keeping.

May I rule over my passions,

May I rule over all my life,

May I rule over all tendencies toward the lie,

May I gain, as well, the power to influence others,

in small groups or large,

to bring them to follow the truth as you teach it to me.

And may you give me the power to discern the difference between that

and simply what I want myself,

so that I can do what is right,

rather than what is convenient,

what's proper,

rather than what is self-serving.

May your power in me, the glory, the Xvarimagenah, the power to rule,

enable me to serve the aša.

[The aša is the cosmic order, the Truth.]

Aimage NAPĀT

Apāimage Napāt, shining in the sea,

the Waters attend you,

watching over you as mothers do their child.

You burn without fuel, self-sustaining.

It is you we propitiate

when we want pure water that enlivens us.

To you this ghee,

a ladle-full on the flames,

small before you, Napāt of the Waters.


Foam-born Cypriot goddess,

bring me love

as I have brought you this gift.

Pour it out for me as I pour this wine for you.


Bestower of widespread names,

Giver of means of defense,

Provider of loved ones:

you can withhold or grant, Arianrhod—

be gracious to me.


I anoint you,

your devoted follower performs this act of worship.

Protect the one who does this

and make [his/her] actions prosper,

bringing to fruition all their affairs

under your caring hand.

I stand in your presence

and ask this;

I pray to you,

and it is done.


Buried by adversity, I call upon the Aśvins

to come here quickly on their swiftest of horses

and free me from the pit into which I have fallen.

I have learned how they do this from the hymns and the tales,

and ask that they do it for me.


This well-wrought cloth, Athena,

goddess of weaving,

to bring you the beauty you most desire,

not that of outward appearance,

but of the deed well done,

the craft well accomplished.

These olives for you, Athena;

I hope you approve of my offering,

given with loving heart.


Bee-queen, honey-sweet, Austėja,

I pour you mead:

bring grooms to brides

bring children to parents

bring people together in happy communities

under your protective wings.


Bes, you look a bit ridiculous,

but you are dead serious.

Bes, you look weak,

but that is the last thing you are.

Bes, you look like an Outsider,

but you are deep inside.

You protect children

and women in childbirth

and pregnant mothers.

You protect the future of our people

and even of our species itself.

We paint you on cribs and doors

and wear your image around our necks

because we know what only you can do.

And so we offer to you as well:

Bes, I give you this beer and bread.


Brigid, Brigid, fire.

Brigid, Brigid, poet.

Brigid, Brigid, healer.

Brigid, Brigid, smith.

Inspiring one, Brigid, Brigid.

Loving one, Brigid, Brigid.

Welcoming one, Brigid, Brigid.

Protecting one, Brigid, Brigid.

Brigid, who guards children, Brigid.

Brigid, who warms the homeless, Brigid.

Brigid, who watches over the helpless, Brigid.

Brigid, who wraps her arms around the bereft, Brigid.

Brigid, Brigid, hear our prayers;

our prayers hear, Brigid, Brigid.

Your children call upon their mother,

upon their mother, Brigid,

upon you, Brigid, Brigid,

upon you, upon you, Brigid.


Zeus's boys, ride quickly to me:

I am in need of your help.

Save me from danger,

you who listen to desperate prayers.


As beautiful as a crow's eye,

bright among black feathers,

come, Cathubodua, to those in danger,

those who stand among their foes,

who search for victory:

Come with fierce comfort to all in distress.


Lord Cernunnos, opener of the door,

guide to the ways between,

gatekeeper of the gods,

open for me the pathway,

that all I wish for might be accomplished.

Open the doorway to truth for me, Cernunnos,

You who look this way,

You who look that.

May I see all sides of this matter

so that I might choose wisely.


I offer to Čista, who guards the pathways, who guards the traveler, those who offer to her.

May I travel smoothly through all that separates me from the pure, the divine;

with prayers, with offerings, with thoughts and deeds, I will worship the numina,

as she herself, as Čista indeed, is indeed honored by those whom we worship.

So let her, worthy of being heard, hear our prayers;

so let her, worthily hearing, pass them on,

so let her, hearer of the worthy, pass the numina's blessings on to us.


Turn away, Ollathair, from me the blasting end of your thunder club,

extending instead the one that blesses.

See: I have made porridge for you,

something I know you like.

Receive it and give in return.

Famous glutton that you are,

this offering can't come close to satisfying you.

Still, Good God, may it be pleasing in quality if not in quantity.


By the star on your brows guide me through portending darkness, Zeus's boys.

On your strong horses' backs carry me through hard times to come,

White Foals.

From death, from poverty, from lack of means, save me,

Saviors of Men.

Zeus's boys, Saviors at Sea,

Helpers of all in all distress:

through the waves of danger

that surround my days,

the little boat of my little life,

guide me, sure stars, in all I do.


Dark and warm and strongly scented,

shaping the seeds and roots of all living things,

be firm beneath my body that lies on you

and honor my faith by filling me with exactly what I need:

I won't ask you for more than that.

Small blue dot in the solar system,

vast beneath our feet:

Mother Earth, in your place and from mine I pray to you.


We return a portion of the earth's blessings.

May she continue to grant them,

and may we continue to deserve them.


The grass grows from the rotted death in the earth.

The cow eats the grass and makes milk for her calves.

The milk contains the cream, and the cream the butter,

and the butter contains this fuel that shines with the Sun's gold

and with which we feed you,

fire of transformation.


Pom, pom, your footfalls shake the trees,

your weighty head forcing trunks and tendrils aside,

your tusks cutting through foliage, making a way.

Gaimageeśa, Gaimageeśa, open the way for me.

Gaimageeśa, Gaimageeśa, remove my obstacles.

Gaimageeśa, Gaimageeśa, carry me on your back,

bringing me through difficulties to success.


From the tree leaves eyes are peering, smiling.

But when I turn my back, it seems like they're looking with distrust.

So I leave this for the Green Man to prove my good intentions.


Heavenly Cow,

rain your blessings down on your people,

like milk pouring from above.15


High One, Heimdall, winder of the horn,

Ward and watcher of the way to Asgard,

standing at the border of the Bifrost Bridge:

may our prayers go through to the sacred,

may the rainbow join us to the sacred.

Do not wind your horn, Heimdall:

no enemy approaches you.

Let your warning call be still:

I am your friend.

And I am friend as well of those you guard,

standing ward on the Bifrost Bridge,

the gods and goddesses who dwell

in their high-walled home.

I come not to offer danger but instead a gift:

golden mead, poured out liberally.

May my generosity gain me a hearing

before the Mighty Ones.

May my words go over the rainbow and be heard.

You hear them first, god of the great ear,

and to you I give this first prayer

and pour this first offering.


Indra, soma-fueled, laid low oppression,

snapped restriction,

with his vajra laid low the legless one.

Today, through prayer and offerings,

through poured-out libation,

may I please him,

that he might free me from all obstructions

that might hold me back from success, from prosperity,

from happiness.


This cup of unmixed tea I set out for Indravayu,

that which awakens and enlivens

to these two of great power.

This cup of tea mixed with milk I set out for Mitravaruimagea,

The cow's gift given to me I now give

to those of the true laws.

This cup of tea mixed with honey I set out for the Aśvins,

sweetness for those of the honey-soaked goads,

to the two who rescue and heal.

To you three, you six, I set out these cups,

to refresh and empower you,

mighty gods.


If it doesn't give unlimited life like your apples, Iðunn;

still this cider is sweet.

So I offer half to you;

we share in its blessing.


I'm beginning something

so I'm looking to Janus with hope,

and pouring him this wine.

Janus is the blesser of the opening door.

Janus is the blesser of the setting forth.

Janus is the blesser of the arriving safely.

Janus is the blesser of the closing door.

As the god of beginnings has, from the beginning,

blessed our beginnings,

As the god of endings has, to the ending, blessed our endings,

I can confidently pray to you, Janus Pater,

to him my praise and petition.


Iupiter Optimus Maximus

Jupiter, Best and Greatest

From your seat above the sky

Look down to me.

Smell the sweet scent rising to you.

Hear the holy words reaching to you.

Answer my prayer, Most Holy One.


Fill, Liber, my life's cup,

with the wine of free conviviality,

as I fill this cup with sweet drink

and set it before you.


My heart the fire of offering.

My flesh and bones the offering.

My blood the libation.

But whom to offer to?

To life this continual offering,

on this day,

on all days,

in thanks and love.


A spear with flames streaming like waves of a brazen sea in ripples along its length

appears before the eyes of my mind, my heart, my soul,

held by a man whose face shines with the brilliance of a flowering Sun,

from whose fingertips and from each hair on whose head leap bold lightning strikes,

jagged scythes through the Cosmos that strike down all who oppose him,

each flash like the spear he holds, of stiff and flowing molten bronze,

that he will direct with his sure arm to its true target.

Lug, you know the target I have in mind,

the walls, and those who man them, who stand in my way,

who press on me with many threats to my own true actions:

as you are true, and your aim, so am I in my purpose.

And that is why I dare ask you to loose your spear against my adversaries.

Help one who will be properly grateful,

speaking of the power you wield in gatherings of men.


Lord of the mists,

clear away the fog,

and show me all things laid out before me.

Son of the Sea, smooth waves of confusion.

Manannán, Chariot Driver, carry me to truth.

Open the way, Sailor:

be my compass, my sextant, my charts,

my rudder that shapes my journey,

my keel that keeps my sailing true.


Mars, if I say, “Take that hill,”

may those in my chain of command do so eagerly,

not because of fear of punishment, but because they

know I will be there, too,

ahead of them, leading them, as it is right for me to do.

Mars, an officer goes first and eats last:

give me courage and strength to do so.

Remind me ever of my duty.


Into this hole I made in the dirt,

I whisper my needs to Moist Mother Earth.

Against it I press my ear

to learn her answer.


Matronae three, seated in state,

to receive and to give:

receive these words,

give in return blessings,

Mothers worthy of honor.


Great friend,

Lord of contracts,

Miϑra of wide pastures:

my offering today is like a hand stretched out to you in friendship.


My friend is in need, Good Friend,

Mitra who draws people together and binds

them with friendship's bonds.

And so I pray to you on my friend's behalf,

who, ill and struck down by disease,

cannot pray for himself.

Bring healing, release the bonds of suffering

for my friend, God Friend,

Mitra who draws people together.


Throughout the day, you will be observing my actions:

help me to make them worthy of your notice.

You who measure the sky, dividing it into sections,

do not be too strict in your judgment.

Friend of the honest, be my friend.


This honeyed milk to you, Nāsatyas.

This sweet drink to you, Indra.

This pleasing draught to you, Sarasvati.

To all of the gods, this draught of sweet honeyed milk

I set out in offering to please them

for their pleasant consumption.


Nechtan, if you find me worthy,

let me have a drink from your wisdom-well.


Out of opposition,

rescue me, Nike.

From greatest desperation,

free me, Nike.

Over enemies' contention,

make me victorious, Nike.

Whenever I compete,

may I emerge as winner,

Winged Nike, fleet for success.


I pray to the bringer of fertility to the land,

Ninurta, whose father is the wind.

I pray to the promoter of life in the land,

Ninurta, whose mother is the wind.

I pray to the defeater of the slain heroes,

Ninurta, whose power is the wind.

Bring protection and prosperity to us

on the wind that blows from the south.


Nymph[s] of this [grove/field/stream/etc.],

whose dancing, lightly brushing the earth,

contributes to its beauty,

to you this wine poured out,

to you this bread put out,

to you this cheese gladly given.

Beautiful one, bless me as I bless you.


Pan of the fields, these words.

Pan of the fields, this wine.

Pan of the pasture, this milk.

Pan of the pasture, this bread.

To you between the wild and the tame,

I offer these that culture can give nature,

and my devotion, which I know you will welcome.

PERK wimage

Perkwimagenos, whose serpent-slaying

is world-creating,

is world-redeeming,

be with me in this day's rituals.

Perkwimagenos, you held back your storm,

so we were able to have our [barbecue, party, wedding, ritual, etc.] outside,

as we had wanted.

So here is some mead, which I know you like,

as I had promised, to thank you.


Between high and low tide, I build a small cairn

of water-smoothed stone

and place on its top my offering

to be taken by the waves of the returning sea,

your steeds, Poseidon Hippios,

carrying them to you.


When I hear the clacking of your beak,

the rough laughter from your throat,

I hope, Black-shrouded Flyer, that the joke isn't on me.

Okay, Raven, it was you, wasn't it, who

[kept my car from starting, tripped me, rained on my parade, etc.]?

Me, I don't get the joke.

Laugh if you want to, but take this salmon and don't do it again.


It's quite obvious, really,

but at the same time a marvel:

a woman on a pale horse,

a woman who cannot be reached by great exertion.

Impossible to reach, she is easy to attain.

We need only call and ask for her love.

So I call to you, Rhiannon;

out of my need I call to you.

I call to her—look, she stops.

Listen to my needs, Rhiannon,

fulfill them:

Please listen to someone who loves you.

Show me the way to the Otherworld,

riding before me on your pale horse.

I will not tax mine, Rhiannon,

by seeking of my own to catch you.

I ask you nicely for this gift,

and offer oats and barley for her,

and mead for you, Sweet One.


Bull-horned god,

as I cross you

I give you these words and this coin.


As spears, as swords, as arrows,

the Sun sends out his rays,

as weapons from the hands of a mighty warrior,

to strike down falsehood and untrue ways.

As spears, as swords, as arrows,

Send out your rays,

as weapons from the hands of a mighty warrior,

to strike down falsehood and untrue ways.


Anything there is you can see, Svantevit,

from one of your eyes,

or two on each side.

Look my way, then;

see this cup of wine I place before you,

and see what I need

and grant it in return.


Against all opposition to new birth,


cast your conquering lightning.

Over all obstructions to growth,


roll your thundering wheel.

Into all conditions of choking drought,


bring your fructifying rain.

God of destruction, bring to us creation.


Týr, I thank you for your sacrifice,

a hand given to sustain the world,

even though you knew it would only be for a while.

Help me to make sure I don't waste a single precious day

for which you gave such a precious gift:

not just your hand,

but the oath that you swore with it,

your honor, your truth.


Whatever deity or Spirit or Ancestor

whose presence I feel in this place:

take this offering as a gift in return for your blessing.

These trees are the pillars,

the roof the intertwining branches,

with the scent of leaves and needles underfoot rising as incense.

To which god or gods is this temple built?

I don't know.

I place this offering, then,

and pour this libation,

to the unknown divine present here

and to the Spirits of this place.


Vāc, it is through you that I can pray at all;

it is through you that I find the words;

it is through you that I string them together

into jewelry that I place around your neck.

It is through you that I bring beauty to you:

listen to this prayer,

be pleased with it.


Velnias, co-creator,

shape the world into a benevolent place,

with all that is good for man.

Maybe this cat is you, Velnias,

come from the world below.

Maybe this crow is you, many-named one,

come with a message for me.

Maybe you have come from your realm

with an Ancestor's words.

Speak: I am here to listen.

I ask only that you speak the truth.


Hail to the Measurer, who laid things out,

putting this one here and that one there,

putting each in the place it belonged.

Hail to the determining one, who established laws,

that all things might run smoothly,

that all things might perform well.

God of establishing, I pray to you:

may you fashion the world in such a way

as to bring me happiness,

as to bring me prosperity,

as to bring me peace,

as to bring blessings on all of your worshipers.


All who wander without direction:

to these, Woden, be a guide.

All who puzzle without solution:

to these, Woden, be a guide.

All who search without finding:

to these, Woden, be a guide.

All who inquire without answer:

to these, Woden, be a guide.

All who seek without out obtaining:

to these, Woden, be a guide.

God who understands:

to those to whom the journey is worth the cost,

even not arriving,

to these, Woden, be a guide.

Grey-hooded wanderer,

guide the movements of my life.

Grey-haired ponderer,

guide my thoughts as my wandering goes on.

With your one eye, see the right way for me to go,

and with but a tipping of your mead,

give to me the wisdom to know what that is.


Beer for you, Žemyna. [pour]

Beer for me, Žemyna. [drink]

Beer for all of us, Žemyna [pass to next person]

that we might all be joined together to worship you

and all the gods.


If ever I have poured out libations to you,

or crumbled honey cakes in your honey,

accept this offering to you now

and look kindly on me.


Ancestors, listen to me—Remember how you prayed to your ancestors?

Well, now I'm praying to you.

Your prayers were respectful and so are mine.

Your prayers were for favors and so are mine.

I only expect what you expected

and what others will expect of me when I join you.

Family helps family.

Ancestors, whose death has brought you close to the gods,

bring these prayers of mine, these offerings of mine, to them without losing any along the path there,

and in the same way, bring their gifts to me.

Take some part of these offerings in payment for your services, and some part of the divine gifts as well.

The ground on which we stand,

the starter block of our race;

the slate on which we write,

the pattern behind our lives.

You who lived in the times before us,

who laid down the way on which we travel,

who established traditions that guide our people,

whose blood flows red within us,

whose genes have engendered us:

a gift for you, a small one in return

for the great ones you have given us.

Even the greatest, life itself, is your gift to us.

A gift, then, from life to the dead.


Do you hear me, Earth Spirits,

as I go walking?

Do you hear my footfalls,

drumming on the dirt?

Do you hear my breathing,

mixing with the air?

Do you hear my heart beating,

weaving in the rhythms?

Do you hear my words of prayer,

asking your attention?

Do you hear me, Earth Spirits?

Hear me, hear me, hear my voice.

Hear the one who walks among you.

Hear my words of peace and friendship.

Hear my plea, grant my wish.


You there, in the shadows of the edge of the forest.

You there, in the shadows behind the grey stones.

You there, in the shadows beneath the spread branches.

You there, in the shadows, I give you my words.

I don't bring incense:

you have incense already—leaves and needles underfoot.

I don't bring libations:

you have libations already—streams and springs in the depths.

I don't bring sacrifices:

you have sacrifices already—the deaths of plants and animals in your hidden places.

I've brought instead something you don't already have:

prayers spoken in a human voice,

prayers are my gift.

Within the tangle of bushes and vines,

among the stones and under fallen trees,

the Spirits of the forest are waiting for me.

I go to them with gifts as tokens of friendship.


You who live in the depths of this lake,

I sit and think of you

and honor you as you deserve to be honored.


Spirits of this place,

of nature and culture,

who dwelt here before us,

before all people;

those amongst whom

we make our way,

we make our homes,

we make our lives:

we come here in friendship

with open hands.

Watching ones, welcome us!

Welcome us as we come here among you.

The people of Earth bless you,

people of spirit,

coming to you with our strength

to use if you wish.

Spirits of this place,

I honor you with these gifts.

I cast grain on the dirt.

I feed the Spirits that live there.

I scatter these offerings around me.

I give to those who live in all directions.

Here, wild ones,

bread from my home, cooked on my hearth,

my gift to you.

For the time that I am in your realm,

Spirits of the [Forest, Plain, Desert, Sea, etc.],

I ask to be family.

See, I feed you as family would;

See, I pour out welcome drink to you.


[with an offering of jewelry]

I'm told you like pretty things, Meadow Spirits.


Spirits who dwell in the land about us,

all those with whom we dwell in peace,

those in whose presence we perform our rites,

bless them, and us, as we offer to you.

Nature Spirits, accept our offering.


The Spirit of this river is a snake winding through the land,

its breath rising.

I feed you with this; feed the land.


What being, what Spirit, has come to me in the shape of this stone?

Or is it the rock itself to which I pour this out?

I pour to the numinous before me.


Let this line of meal that I trace here on the forest's edge

be a dividing line between your world and mine,

Spirits of the Wild.

May our border be a place of giving.


Your skin hard and rough against mine,

I trace with my fingers the patterns of your bark's folds.

Is it your words to me?

Do you hear my words to you?

At least know the meaning of this offering.

14 The world of the Pagan includes more than the products of nature. The gods not only produce the natural world; they give culture. Athena, Ogma, Thoth, Coyote—in every Pagan society, there is at least one deity revered as the originator of skills and learning. To make too strong a distinction between natural and artificial would not, therefore, be the Pagan thing to do. We are, after all, ourselves part of nature, and so are our products and skills. One way to prevent these products and skills from causing excessive damage to the others with whom we share this planet is to revere the deities who gave them to us. In this way, we are made constantly aware of their sanctity and, thus, of the responsibility they demand from us.

15 This prayer to Hathor may be addressed to other goddesses envisioned as a cow, such as the Irish Boand (“giver of cattle”) or cow-eyed Hera. While being compared to a cow may not seem exactly flattering to us, it was thought to be so by the ancients. This was, of course, especially true of those people whose economy was based on cattle.