I give you your proper worship, Holy One,
and pour this libation for you.
I ask that you in return bless this day,
removing obstructions and the bad,
bringing freedom of action and the good.
My gift for yours is what I offer:
may we be friends doing each other a favor.
With this libation,
with its pouring,
with its offering to the gods of peace,
we establish our friendship,
we confirm agreement between our groups,
we form a bond between us.
We swear this oath with this offering.
May I find just the book I need that will convey the knowledge and insight
I most need at this moment.
This is my prayer as I enter the bookstore,
these are my words, all you gods of knowledge,
to whom all words are precious.
Lord of strength, give me strength;
to your faithful friend, strength.
God of transformation, reach into me for a piece of treasure
I am best without.
Accept this beloved fault as an appropriate offering,
presenting me in return with the perfect gift of your gift's removal:
precious gain from precious loss,
Transforming God.
A deer knows the ways of the forest's edge,
and you who wear a crown of antlers,
know the way between our world and the wild.
May I cross the border between all worlds
safely, with you beside me, Lord.
Your antlers are branches as you fade into the forest,
or as you come out of the trees into my sight.
Horned God, come and leave as you will;
I ask only that you continue to leave your blessings behind,
the life and death that you grant.
I was the one who erred,
and I must be the one to fix the problem.
I am the one who did what should not have been done,
and I am the one who must make things right.
The responsibility is mine, All-Gods,
and I will live up to it.
All I ask of you is the wisdom to know the right way to fix things
and the strength of mind, body, and character to do it.
If I don't find these on my own,
I ask that those of you proper to the way aid me.
We will all then share in the honor of the rightly done,
and I will offer to you in thanks.
Aengus Óg, young lad, young son,
Though I am no longer young,
may love grow in my old heart.
Prepare my soul with sweet smelling unguents,
anointing it for the tomb, preparing it, Jackal-headed Lord,
to come to judgment in the hall of Osiris,
that I might be found worthy,
that I might stand before the scales,
saying, “I did not do this, I did not do that,
I did not do anything that would disturb the feather's weight,
that rests in the other pan of the scales,
opposite my heart, my soul.”
Through you, Anubis, I will be made ready,
by living a worthy life through your help.
Anubis who prepares the dead,
who guides them into the presence of Osiris,
guide me, while living,
into the presence of the gods.
May I not be found wanting to stand before them.
Guide me in the right way
in this world and the next.
Born of foam, where water and air meet,
you bring together man and woman in loving embrace.
Lovely Aphrodite of golden sandals,
bring someone to love to me.
My happiness will be as great as that which is right to mortals
if you answer my prayer,
that of me, who burns this incense in your honor:
sweet smell for the sweetest one.
Foam-born Cypriot goddess,
bring me love
as I have brought you this gift.
Pour it out for me as I pour this wine for you.
The love you bring, Aphrodite, is a blessing to all who receive it.
And yet it can be a curse, bringing pain to those bereft.
May it come to me in all its goodness,
a balm to my aching soul.
Artio, who brings the wild bear,
tame, into the city,
fill me with wild and tame, both at the same time,
bringing power into my day,
rebuilding what has become dry and lifeless.
that fit well
that look good on me,
on today's shopping trip,
Lady of Weavers.
Athena, who guides weavers,
guide me as well as I knit this
[sweater/pair of mittens/garment/etc.],
my needles clicking happily,
the yarn under the right tension,
to end up with something that you might wear with pride.
Not as good as something you might make,
but made with the arete appropriate to a human being.
Be a goddess, Austéja,
through whose actions flowers are brought to fruit.
Bring mine to successful ends.
May I be productive and fertile,
reliably bringing forth new creations.
Bless the bees, Austéja.
Bless their goings out that they may find flowers
in abundance
Bless their returns that they might be accomplished safely,
burdened with pollen and nectar.
Bless their lives together in their hives.
May their children and their honey be plentiful.
The hammer on the anvil
creates delicate beauty.
The fire in the forge
creates delicate beauty.
May the force and fire within which I live
create delicate beauty,
beautiful Brigid.
Čista, I pray to you,
with words I hope you will find welcome,
to guide me on the straight path.
Sons of the God, I see your glory in the light
of the Morning Star.
Horsemen, I see you ride through the sky.
Sailors, I see you travel on the sea of its light.
Saviors, I ask you to come into my life,
bringing health and prosperity and freedom from troubles,
as it is within your power to do,
as it has been your practice in the past,
as I look for it in the future.
Spread your hips
and let Him enter.
Wide extending,
let the rain come
Be fertile, be fruitful,
under his giving,
Mother Earth,
Great Mother.
Dear One, Freyja,
whose love is boundless,
strong to give:
send love my way,
to me, who loves you.
bring love to your dear one
who prays to you in the night.
On your lotus-petal way,
strewn by your gentle hands,
Guan Yin, may I travel throughout my life.
With arrows you killed the snake of the Hesperides,
With a torch the Hydra,
With your own hands the Nemean lion.
I don't care what weapon you use, as long as my difficulties
fall before you.
Trickster whose cleverness defeated Apollo, the wisest of gods,
except for Zeus,
and amused Zeus himself, father of men:
show me the way out of this predicament,
bring me a clever solution.
Strength in my limbs, Heroic Herakles,
give me for the task ahead,
for successful labors.
Horae, may I be aware of each enjoyable hour,
of each moment as it comes to be,
and then passes by.
May my lifetime be filled with joy,
and may I not fail to notice it.
Most beautiful of the goddesses,
who conveys the messages of the king of the gods,
through you may I learn the speaking of Fate,
that I might live rightly by divine will.
whose pillar holds firm the world,
continue to uphold the Natural Law,
of which you are protector and king.
Queen who in love traveled far,
across and again,
to recover the body of Osiris,
your slain and dismembered husband,
victim of the traitor Set:
Isis, knit together with divine magic
my fragmented marriage
and bring it to life again.
Juno, goddess of marital peace,
Sweet and strong, gentle wife,
Queen and Savior and Pure,
who reigns beside your husband Jove there,
high above the celestial vault,
reach down, I pray, your soothing hand,
and smooth away the discord in my blesséd marriage.
Juno, wife, marriage goddess,
to you this prayer;
to you I will utter grateful words.
Juno Seispes Mater Regina,
bring purity, prosperity, and power to me
as I burn these [grains/sticks/cones] of incense for you,
sweet smells to ask for your loving concern.
turning the clay with shaping fingers,
conform me to Ma'at,
Potter god,
Creator god,
Crafter of worlds,
Khnum whose name is glorified,
who is worshiped throughout the lands,
who, if beheld, is regarded with awe:
[Name], your worshiper, from out of his confusion,
prays to you.
It is from your guidance that I am made right
to follow the True,
and through which my soul is made equal to Ma'at's feather.
Lady of Beasts,
I speak of one of your charges that I want to stay far away.
They're small, these ticks, but they can do great harm.
They can bring sickness,
which would require me to turn to your brother,
with his healing arrows.
Better just to keep them away from me,
in the wild, their natural home,
that is in your special care.
Leshy, don't lead me astray today when I go into your forest.
I want to be friends with you.
See this pretty necklace I'm hanging on this tree. It's for you, happily given.
Take it, and don't lead me lost.
May the electricity flow, your long spear of Gorias,
through this recalcitrant computer,
Lug, who fixes the broken.
At the second battle of Mag Tuired, Samildánach,
you gathered together the skills of the Túatha Dé Danann,
each contributing their ability to the victory.
You coordinated their talents, forging a successful team,
which won the battle.
You who know the way to knit disparate skills into one plan,
help me to do the same in my work,
to bring this project to a successful conclusion.
The justice that you rule, Ma'at,
O Queen of the Feather,
is not just that of the courtroom,
is not, in fact, primarily that of the courtroom.
It is, rather, the justice of the life well lived.
The slightest ill-wrought deed disturbs the balance.
May my life be such that it matches your justice perfectly;
may none of my actions be such that I would be ashamed for my heart to be placed in the pan of your scale,
opposite your feather of the truly acted life,
Ma'at whose judgment is true.
Against all that is, balances the feather of truth;
I sit in the other pan.
What I will do will be what is right,
What I will do will equal the truth.
Ma'at, purest of all,
in words, in thoughts, in deeds:
I have not fulfilled your commands.
But it is hard to do so in an imperfect world,
with an imperfect soul,
and I have done the best I could.
I ask you to stand with me before Osiris
when I come into his world.
May I not fall into the maw of Ammut,
but come to be enthroned,
an Osiris myself.
A life that is balanced is as light as a feather,
one that I can place with confidence into one pan of the scale
opposite that feather of yours upright on the other.
My own life is not that way, not yet, Ma'at,
but can be if you will help.
Show me each time the right action to take,
and push, and pull, and prod me to take it.
Most of all, mold me into someone who can see
the right way myself.
May I be myself a righteous person,
someone whose life is as light as a feather,
as your feather,
Ma'at, whose name is reverenced by those who wish to live an ethical life.
Your cloak, Manannán, mist of the sea,
which separated Fand from Cú Chulainn,
removing from the pains of a doomed love;
place it between my lately loved one and me,
from whom I am now parted forever.
This is a story of what happened before anything happened,
when Tiamat rose against the gods,
the great emptiness threatening to swallow them all.
The gods, defeated, huddled fearfully in their shining halls.
Desperate, they turned to the great champion,
the caster of the thunderbolt,
supreme in war:
They prayed to him for help.
Can you imagine it, the gods praying?
In fear the great ones came to him,
asking him to save them from the Great Deep.
The Roaring One, with lightning playing around his head,
the Arrogant One,
agreed with their prayer.
He promised to save them,
but asked something in return.
(He deserved it, he who was to set his face against all-encompassing darkness.)
This is what he asked:
the kingship of all, gods and men.
He did not, actually, ask this:
he demanded it, as would only be fair for one who could stand up to the Abyss.
And how could the gods refuse him?
They of great might were cowering in fear,
dreading the smothering sea,
greatly fearing Tiamat;
how could they say no?
the kingship,
the lordship over gods and men.
With relief they put it into his hands,
singing in joy for the strength of Marduk.
He took up his mace and set forth.
Terrible was he to see.
Humans could not have borne the sight,
so strongly did the light of heaven shine from him.
His mace was lightning, his feet shook heaven.
With his quick-striking mace he lashed out.
He killed Apsu, who foolishly sought to stand in his way,
seeking to protect Tiamat.
Cruelly she had sent him out to face the world-ruling hero,
and Marduk slew him, quickly and easily.
It was no great work for the Great One;
a little thing, like brushing aside an insect that sought to bite him.
Then, with her hero gone (Could he really be called a hero? Marduk showed what a hero really was),
Tiamat herself came against Marduk,
putting herself at risk.
Stretching wide her mouth, he killed her, too.
The one who had cast dark fear on the hearts of the gods
died under the flashing power of Marduk.
He made short work of her, the Great Champion.
He split her wide open and formed from her earth and sky, and all between it.
He formed land and water, and men to serve the gods.
From emptiness he formed presence,
from Chaos, there rose Cosmos under his extended hand.
The gods, seeing his complete victory over she whom they had feared,
gladly put into his keeping the lordship over all,
over gods and men.
They made him willingly, with gratitude for the great deed he had done,
the great king, to rule forever.
Those who know this,
those people, those lands,
that recognize his power,
are given his protection and blessings.
His mace is withheld from them,
and turned instead against their enemies.
That is why we turn with confidence to Marduk.
We have poured out beer to the Great Champion,
dutifully worshiped him,
and he will place his hand over us.
Marduk! King! Champion! Warrior! Hero!
If our words today have pleased you
If the offered beer has enflamed your heart
Remember us.
May our names not pass from your mind.
When you distribute blessings, hold us in your thoughts.
When you seek to punish, though,
when your mace urges you to cast it,
then forget us.
May we be hidden from your sight and from your memory.
we have been loyal servants to you:
Be a good king over us.
I praise Marduk, mighty in battle,
who slew menacing Chaos,
yes, even Tiamat of the gaping jaws,
and her lover Apsu, when they rose against the gods.
Surely no disorder can withstand him,
surely not the small ones of my day.
A faithful servant to a well-disposed and powerful king,
I ask for this deserved reward.
Marduk, with your mace you rule all:
rule my actions
and rule the actions of those who oppose me
so that I may accomplish my goals.
I haven't been able to find [item] for sale,
so I ask you, Mercury, for your help,
you who watch over and aid commerce and the
exchange of goods
as well as guiding those who search.
Mercury, I would be grateful for your help.
Mercury, who holds the purse,
who travels with the merchant,
may I find what I want as I shop today,
and at a good price, too,
a steal, even, god of thieves:
to you these prayers
and for you coins upon my success.
God of speech
and speaking teacher,
master of ways,
guide of souls on their last journey,
god of ever-flowing purse,
enabler of trade:
Lord who guides between one thing and another,
help me to transform myself,
to awaken who I can be.
With the shaking of hands,
with promises spoken aloud,
I establish this covenant,
this contract, this agreement,
under your view, Miϑra.
Upholder of the Aša,
I swear it, I enter it into our law,
I will uphold it, and you as well.
So I say, so I pray, so I will do.
Mithras Soter,
Mithras Pater,
Mithras of the Ever-Descending Knife:
Through your obedience to Sol Invictus
you rose to be with him,
to grasp hands with him,
to feast with him.
May I be as obedient to you.
May you alone be my crown.
May I come to sit beside you in the
never-ending feast,
there among the stars.
Through Mercury may I rise.
Through Venus may I rise.
Through Mars may I rise.
Through Jupiter may I rise.
Through the Moon may I rise.
Through the Sun may I rise.
Through Saturn may I rise.
Through the agency of the salvific bull-slaying,
May I rise,
May I be made immortal.
Good friend, Mitra,
look with fondness on your worshiper
who turns to you in fondness.
Protect all those who keep the way
from the snares of Varua.
Grant me a peaceful life
surrounded by friends.
Each act of mine is a knot in the web of wyrd,
each one a pass of the shuttle.
Keep me aware of this, Norns,
as you work your threads,
so that my contribution to the weaving of the world's tale
might be worthy.
Directly, accurately,
may my rounds fly,
like your lightning seeking the short route
and hitting the intended target,
Perkūnas who strikes hard.
Earthquake-bringer, destroyer of cities,
whose horse's hooves shatter the shores on which they land,
bring down the walls that surround me,
powder to dust their supporting stones,
view with the derision fit for a god their
flaunted strengths:
free me from even my most beloved prisons;
release me to the widely extending world that
awaits liberated souls.
Golden god of a golden age,
bringer of great harvests,
provider of peace:
Saturn, may my time be glorious and productive
and full of beauty.
You who bring such things, I pray to you.
Silenus, god of laughter and pleasure,
may my visit to [this amusement park/theme park] today be a good one.
May the lines be short, may all the rides be working,
may the people with and around me be filled with happiness,
and may I be filled with happiness, too,
giving myself over to the joy this place can bring.
May I be especially happy in this happy place, happy Silenus,
and return home delightfully tired.
Tiwaz, though you may have lost your place in the pantheon
to that upstart Woðanaz,
you have not lost it in my heart, which values truth above all.
And so I pray to you, god of clarity,
and dedicate to you and to truth my actions and words.
Lord of Order, Varua, of the
Enforcer of the Sacred Law,
whose snares await those who violate your Ordinances:
inspire in me devotion to the rules of the game
I am about to play.
If my acts are not fair, they can never be excellent,
and instead of glory will bring down on me
your deserved punishment.
From the noose that ensnares those who violate the ta,
protect me, Varua.
From the noose that ensnares those who live by untruth,
protect me, Varua.
From the noose that ensnares those to whom their Dharma is nothing,
protect me, O Varua.
Difficult as it may be for me to make friends,
teach me, Vāc, the words to say in this social situation.
Connect me, Aśvins, to others closely,
you who are connected closely to each other,
whose horses' gaits brings people together.
Mitra, whose name is “friend,”
may I be seen as a friend to those I will meet.
Veles, from your underground cave
bless and enliven all that has been committed to the earth,
seed and dead alike.
Enliven them through your power.
Winds, fill the sails of my life's small boat,
propelling it safely across shoal-filled seas,
to safely rest in welcome port.
No gales, no calm, only a canvas-filling breeze,
I ask of you.
Carry in blessings,
giving wind.
Carry away ills,
cleansing wind.
Bring all that is good.
Remove all that is bad.
Leave me behind, happy and healthy.
With the help of the Land Spirits,
whom I will continue to honor,
may this construction project run smoothly.
May it be finished on time and within budget.