Dear Mum, Digby and I were in the middle of washing up when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it out of my pocket so fast I nearly dropped it in the water.
Except the message came from that anonymous phone, not Digby’s, so I didn’t open it. I thought it was just Jubilee being nasty again.
But Digby kept asking who it was from, so in the end I told him about all the horrible messages, and he wanted to see them. And when I gave in and opened up the new one to show him, it was from Clara!
At least, I thought it was. Digby wasn’t so sure. ‘Why didn’t she use my phone?’ he said. ‘And who’s Derek?’
‘Isn’t that Mr Talbot’s name? Out near the tip?’
‘No, said Digby, ‘he’s Darren.’ He grabbed my phone and called his mum. ‘Hi Mum … yes, we’re fine. Listen, is there a farmer anywhere near here called Derek? … no, I didn’t think so … no reason, see ya.’
We looked at each other, the washing up forgotten. ‘What if it’s Jubilee playing some sort of trick?’ said Digby.
‘Why would she message me about her and her dad escaping? It has to be Clara,’ I said. ‘It sounds like Clara. I’m going to message her back.’
‘where r u?’ I wrote.
No answer.
‘wheres the farm?’
No answer.
‘whos derek?’
No answer.
Now we don’t know what to do. Dad’s gone to bed early cos he’s so tired, and I don’t want to wake him up until we’ve got something definite.
Come on, Clara. If that was you, we need more. Come on!
Love, Olive